CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS Be Respectful Be Prepared Be Productive Be a Good Citizen Treat everyone with respect and kindness. NO PUTDOWNS! Be ready to learn with all required materials and completed work. Use your time wisely and get work done in class. Follow all school-wide policies and regulations.
RULES AND CONSEQUENCES First Offense ~ Warning Second Offense ~ Check mark/ minute after class Third Offense ~ Time out/alternate seating/Detention (parent notification) Fourth Offense ~ After school detention/Alt. class (parent notification) Severe Violations – 5 th Offense ~ Sent to Administration (parent notification) i.e. - Fighting, vandalism, defiance
REWARDS Student of the Month Tickets for Classroom passes Positive note/ home Free time and/or classroom game
CURRICULUM CALIFORNIA CONTENT STANDARDS IN FRONT OF TEXTBOOKS Language Arts: Text: Prentice Hall Writing – narrative essay, persuasive essay, research, descriptive, and informal Reading – Core novels (Wrinkle in Time, The Cay, The Boy of the Painted Cave), short stories, poetry, informational, reading strategies, comprehension, vocabulary Grammar – parts of speech, sentence structure, punctuation, usage, spelling Social Studies – Text: McDougall Littell Semester 1 – Ancient Civilizations (geography, early man, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Kush, and Israel) Semester 2 – Civilizations (China, India, Greece, and Rome) Objective: Patterns in civilizations: geography, politics, economy, religion, culture
VISUAL/PERFORMING ARTS Based on an extension of the curriculum To develop student’s cultural awareness To have fun while learning! Address students multiple intelligences May include:drawing, painting, skits, reader’s theatre, drama, technology, public speaking, debates Students given choice in how they show their knowledge of CA State Standards
HOMEWORK POLICY Importance of Homework Reinforces what has been learned Prepares student for upcoming lessons Teaches responsibility Helps student develop strong study habits Late homework will lose points for each day it’s late Projects/Essays will lose points for each day it’s late NO NAME = NO CREDIT = ZERO POINTS Absences Students are responsible for obtaining and completing missed assignments if absent Allowed 1 day for each day of absenceto turn in missed work
INTERACTIVE STUDENT BINDER ENCOURAGES MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES ISB MUST INCLUDE: Table of Contents / Assignment Sheet Name Due Date Unit Title Assignment Date Page Numbers Parent Signature Assignments in order Written in Pencil (only) Neat, organized and complete is the key to success!
SUPPLIES Essential Supplies One inch view binder Pencil pouch (to go inside binder or backpack) 5 dividers (3 - hole punched) 1 composition notebook (journaling and warm-ups) Notebook Paper A chapter book for silent reading (brought to school each day) Pencils with erasers, plastic pencil sharpener, or mechanical pencils with extra lead Pens for correcting (preferably red, purple, or green) Glue Sticks or Double sided tape dispenser such as Tombow Mono Adhesive with refills Colored pencils, markers, a highlighter, and crayons (to be kept in their backpack)
DONATIONS I greatly appreciate any donations! Your donation will be for all students to share in the classroom. White printer paper Lined paper (college rule) White construction paper (12 x 18) Tissues (lots of it) Hand wipes/ Air fresheners Disinfectant wipes (for cleaning desks) Colored markers, colored pencils Watercolor paints and paint brushes
CONTACT Website – announcements, homework, ISN list, class files (Best way) Phone: x3512 ABI