Keep what you’ve earned training presentation: Navy Policy & Advocacy Developed by the Navy Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention (NADAP) Office, the “Keep What You’ve Earned” (KWYE) campaign seeks to encourage responsible drinking among Sailors by celebrating the achievements in their Navy careers. Through recognition of their hard work and dedication, Sailors are reminded of their accomplishments—and how much they have to lose if they make poor choices regarding alcohol. The campaign actively engages Sailors as advocates for responsible drinking. SESSION 4 │2013
What’s the Navy’s policy on alcohol use? OPNAVINST 5350.4 series is the governing instruction. The minimum legal age to consume alcohol is 21 for all personnel. In foreign countries where the installation is located, the minimum age to consume alcohol shall conform to the legal age set by the host country. In the absence of any local law, the minimum age to consume alcohol shall be 21 for all personnel. Navy does not condone consumption of alcoholic beverages during normal working hours. Talking Points: Behavior that violates OPNAVINST 5350.4 series subjects you to the full range of administrative and disciplinary actions. These actions include counseling, comments in fitness reports and evaluations, punitive measures, and ADSEP. Commanders, commanding officers, and OICs may authorize consumption of alcoholic beverages during normal working hours for official functions, ceremonies, and other infrequent command-sponsored events. Even during these times, you must exercise personal responsibility. You will not be able to use an official function as an excuse for misconduct or poor judgment. Remember, if you choose to drink, you must drink in an appropriate place, at an appropriate time, and in an appropriate quantity. Do not consume alcohol to the extent that it: Impairs rational and full exercise of your mental and physical faculties. Reduces your dependability and reliability. Reflects discredit upon yourself or the Navy. Results in behavior that violates Navy rules, regulations, and policies.
What’s the Navy’s policy on alcohol use? DUI/DWI Any substantiated Driving Under the Influence/Driving While Intoxicated (DUI/DWI) offense is considered misconduct and a substantial failure in judgment and leadership. Commanding Officers and reporting seniors are required to document any substantiated DUI/DWI offense, whether convicted by Non-Judicial Punishment (NJP), court-martial, or civilian authority. Two or more DUIs in a career will result in processing for Administrative Separation. All DUI/DWI incidents are also required to be documented in your performance evaluations. Talking Points: DUI/DWI demonstrates a lack of personal responsibility and general disregard for your safety and public safety. This type of misconduct is contrary to the high standards of conduct and behavior expected of every Sailor in the Navy. If you are convicted of a DUI/DWI, your on-base driving privileges will be revoked for at least one year. If you refuse to take a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) test, your on-base driving privileges will be immediately suspended, pending resolution of the incident. All DUI/DWI incidents are also required to be documented in your performance evaluations. Remember: It is possible for a person who has had a lot to drink to stop drinking late at night, sleep for several hours and still have a BAC level high enough to impair their driving the next morning.
What is an ADD? The ADD program is just one of the Navy’s efforts to promote responsible alcohol use. According to the Navy’s Instruction on the Use of Hand-Held Alcohol Detection Devices ADDs (OPNAVINST 5350.8), the decision to inspect and how to organize random ADD testing is at the discretion of the commanding officer. Random ADD tests are only authorized to be performed on Sailors who are on duty during normal working hours. The ADD testing policy applies to all Sailors, including Selected Reservists and non-Navy personnel permanently assigned to a unit. Talking Points: ADD stands for Alcohol Detection Device ADDs will help to educate service members on the effects of their alcohol consumption decisions, identify self-impairment, and promote unit safety. Additionally, the ADD program will enhance command leadership’s understanding of their unit’s alcohol-use “culture.” In any case where the ADD reading is 0.02 percent BAC or greater, the service member should be retested after a 20-minute waiting period to allow for the effects of any mouthwash, breath spray, gum or mint that may produce detectable results to clear.
What can a positive ADD Reading result in? Possible Results 0.04 BAC+ indicates a Sailor is not able to perform their duties. The Sailor will be relieved of their duties and remain onboard until the reading is not detectable. 0.02 BAC+ by members who are under the legal drinking age, or who have previously completed a rehabilitation program, will be referred to the command DAPA. Less than 0.02 BAC is considered non-detectable. Possible Results 0.04 BAC+ indicates a Sailor is not able to perform their duties. The Sailor will be relieved of their duties and remain onboard until the reading is not detectable. 0.02 BAC+ by members who are under the legal drinking age, or who have previously completed a rehabilitation program, will be referred to the command DAPA. Less than 0.02 BAC is considered non-detectable.
DID YOU KNOW? 40% of heavy drinkers in the Navy reported alcohol-related productivity loss.
How do I Become an Advocate for Responsible Drinking? You can find more information about the Keep What You’ve Earned campaign and the Navy’s alcohol use policy by following the NADAP Facebook Page We also recommend the following social media channels: U.S. Navy Local MWR Chapter Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center Insert Name of Command Facebook Page To get involved with encouraging your fellow shipmates to drink responsibly, speak with your: Command DAPA CSADD chapter You can find more information about the Keep What You’ve Earned campaign and the Navy’s alcohol use policy by following the NADAP Facebook Page We also recommend the following social media channels: U.S. Navy Local MWR Chapter Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center Insert Name of Command Facebook Page To get involved with encouraging your fellow shipmates to drink responsibly, speak with your: Command DAPA CSADD chapter