Welcome! Please fill out the Online Parent Survey on the Chromebooks, or find it on the classroom website on
Agenda Introduction School Wide Policies 6 th Grade Curriculum Classroom Expectations Parent Volunteer Parent Survey
About Me Grew up in Ventura County Hobbies include listening to progressive rock, playing piano, writing songs, watching movies, going to the beach, hanging out with my companion animals, rooting for the Lakers and Angels, and learning new things Bachelor of Arts in History (UC Irvine, 2008) Biological Sciences Minor Psychology & Social Behavior Minor Multiple Subject Teaching Credential (2012) Masters of Arts in Teaching (2014)
School Wide Policies
Homework 90 minutes each night additional minutes of reading using the reading log Graded on completion and effort Reinforces skills taught that day in class Long-term projects are spread out over multiple days Students record homework in their agendas Due at 8:05am on student desks
Homework Grade Homework Deficiency Notices Require Student and Parent Signatures 1 st offense: Warning… Note sent home - Grade A 2 nd offense: Note sent home - Grade B 3 rd offense: Parent and teacher conference for homework strategies - Grade C 4 th offense: Mandatory conference for “Success Plan” - Grade D
Grading % = A % = B % = C % = D <59% = F Core Subject Grades - comprised of tests, quizzes, classwork and projects. Take-Home Tuesday Folder – Tests/work from previous week sent home. Parent signature required and folder returned. JupiterGrades.com – online gradebook Password will be ed to you soon.
Drop Off/Pick Up Be respectful of neighbors Places: Carpool “Blue Tag” allows you to pick up in parking lot, street, hill, etc. Champion Village At 3:30, all students not picked up will go to Champion Village 12:00 on minimum days $15 an hour charged (rounded to the nearest quarter hour)
School Wide Policies cont. BOTH parents must be present during parent conferences 4 annual parties Literature Day, Winter Holiday, Valentine’s Day, End of the Year No treats for birthday Antecedents of Excellence expected from students Academy Fund – New system Check out all the great additions your money has gone to!!
6 th Grade Curriculum
Social Studies Ancient Civilizations Mesopotamia/Kush/Ancient Egypt Ancient Hebrews Ancient India Ancient China Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Walkthrough – January Olympiad - 3 rd Trimester
Science Earth Science Plate tectonics Rocks Volcanoes Weather Heat Ecosystems
Language Arts Online Benchmark Assessments NWEA Writing Narrative, argumentative, expository writing Typed essays 2 – 4 pages Language (Spelling/Vocabulary) and Grammar Reading Informational Text Through Social Studies and Science
Math Online Benchmark Assessments NWEA 6 th Grade Math Standards - The Number System (negative numbers, division of fractions) - Expressions and Equations (pre-algebra) - Geometry (volume, area, and right triangles) - Ratios and Proportions (multiplication and division of ratios and rates) - Statistics and Probability (mean, median)
World Language Program Students will begin meeting with their World Language Instructors soon! -They will attend class on multiple days each week. -Students will also have World Language homework
Kindergarten Buddies We will be paired up with a Kindergarten class this year! OPA 6 th graders develop their leadership and teamwork skills when they guide their “Little Buddies!” Plus, it’s so much fun! Join School OPA Extracurricular Activities Flag Football, Volleyball Mileage Club Champions for Christ Garden Club AND MORE!
Classroom Expectations
Classroom Rules 1)Raise your hand to speak. 2)Treat others with respect. 3)Clean up after yourself. 4)Sit in your assigned seat.
Classroom Rewards 1.Students earn “Duke Dollars,” which can be exchanged for various rewards. 2.Table groups earn table points. (Students at the winning table group earn Duke Dollars.) 3.Individual Rewards 4.Verbal recognition
Classroom Consequences Each student starts each Trimester with a Behavior Grade of 100% (A+) Verbal/non-verbal warning (-2%) Behavior Essay (-3%) Behavior Contract Office Referral (trimester grade: D) Grades entered on Jupiter Grades
Parent Volunteers
Involvement Be a Super Helper! University Parent Art Master Parent(s) Photographer Class Website Field Trips Classroom/At-Home Prep MAJORS Collect Box Tops Mileage Club(lunch time)
Questions? Thank you for coming! I look forward to working with you and your children. Please help me acquire your contact info and get to know your child’s needs better by filling out my Online Parent Survey on the Chromebooks or find it on our classroom website