DRESS CODE REVIEW By Assistant Principal Jacquese Gilbert
1. Bring awareness to inappropriate attire 2. Consistently enforce the dress policy 3. Create a culture at PHS where appropriate dress is the norm for everyone
Students’ dress must: 1. Not Disrupt the educational process 2. Interfere with the maintenance of a positive teaching & learning climate 3. Compromise reasonable standards of health, safety and decency
Clothing which depicts tobacco, alcohol, or illegal substances
Clothing which depicts graphics or wording with sexual, vulgar, lewd or indecent meanings
Inadequate Female Clothing - Outer layer of clothing must cover chest, hips, stomach, and mid-thigh at all times. X
Inadequate Male Clothing No DO Rags X
Clothing which identifies with a gang
Clothing that may damage school property, cause injury or be readily used as a weapon
Clothing with wording or graphics which depicts violence in any form
SCENARIO – Dress Code Violation En route to the faculty lounge for your lunch break, a young lady walked past you in the hallway wearing a low-cleavage blouse and “daisy duke shorts”. You are a male teacher.
SCENARIO – Dress Code Violation 1. Ask a female staff member to intervene or 2. Remind student that there is a dress code for school 3. Inform student that you will have to take them to the office and they may be required to change 4. Complete CTTP referral to administrator
1. Two minor infractions 1. 1 st Offense: Required Change of Attire 2. 2 nd Offense: Required Change of Attire, Parent Contact 2. Major Infraction – send student to office w/referral form 1. 3 rd + Offense: Required Change of Attire, Parent Contact, Detentions, Saturday School 2. Suspension Pending Parent Conference