MEASURABLE OUTCOMES The official will… –State how a player obtains and maintains a legal guarding position. –Define the qualities of a block and a charge. –List steps necessary to officiate b/c more effectively.
#4-23GUARDING The act of legally placing the body in the path of an offensive opponent. –No minimum distance –6 foot max for closely guarded. –Everyone is entitled to a spot if they get there first. –No extending of arms, hips, shoulders If so, contact could be a foul
Obtain a legal guarding position. –Both feet on the court. –Torso must face the opponent. After initial position is gained: –May have 1 or 2 feet on the floor or be airborne inbounds. –Not required to face opponent. –May move laterally or obliquely – not move into the opponent. –May raise hands or jump laterally. –Turn or duck to absorb contact.
Legal Guarding Position
Guarding an opponent w/ the ball or a stationary opp. w/o the ball –No time or distance required. –If opp w/ ball is airborne, position must be gained before opp left the ground. Guarding a moving opponent w/o the ball –Time or distance are factors-must give opp time to stop –Up to 2 strides. –Airborne opponent – same as above.
Pair Share How is a legal guarding position obtained? And legally maintained?
#4-7BLOCKING, CHARGING Blocking is illegal personal contact which impedes the progress of an opponent with or without the ball. Charging is illegal personal contact caused by pushing or moving into an opponent’s torso.
CHARGING –A player who is moving with the ball is required to stop or change direction to avoid contact if a defensive player has obtained a legal guarding position in his/her path.
CHARGING –If a guard has obtained a legal guarding position, the player with the ball must get his head and shoulders past the torso of the defensive player. –If contact occurs in the torso of the defensive player, the dribbler is responsible for the contact.
CHARGING –There must be reasonable space between two defensive players or a defensive player and a boundary line to allow a dribbler to continue in his/her path. If there is less than 3 feet of space, the dribbler has the greater responsibility for the contact. –The player with the ball may not push the torso of the guard to gain an advantage to pass, dribble, or shoot.
How to get it right. Take care of your primary. Anticipate the play. Referee the “D” – obtain and maintain? –No-No’s Moving into the player Moving sideways once “O” is airborne Stay deep enough to see the whole play.
Penalty Personal foul ~ counts toward player and team totals Defense Offense –Without ball = team control –With ball = player control –Airborne shooter = player control (no score)
Pair Share What factors would lead you to call a block or charge?
What do we do with a (a.k.a. BLARGE) Call a double foul Situation C –One foul on each player. –Point of interruption. –Player holding ball –offense nearest spot. –Missed shot in air – poi = alternating possession. –Shot goes in – count basket. B throw-in anywhere on the endline.
Summary Turn to a partner and discuss what it would take for you to call a charge. List several ways that a player might get called for a block.