Reading log Notes: “Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy?” Literary Terms: (review) Tone Attitude of the writer or speaker Allusion Reference to something well-known Characterization How a character is revealed to the reader.
Reading log Notes: “Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy?” Literary Terms: (review) Idiom Words and phrases that cannot be defined literally Irony (3 types) Situational---situation occurs differently than expected Verbal---saying one thing but meaning something else Dramatic---when the audience knows things that characters in the story do not know
Reading log Notes: “Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy?” Discussion: Pg 134---How has Paul Berlin’s tone shifted? What seems different in this passage? It is optimistic and controlled. Bottom of pg. 133 and top of pg. 134 what is being referenced (allusion)? What is this allusion being compared to? Reference to a cement mixer; comparing a mixer to Paul’s attempt to avoid the fear he has after seeing Billy Boy Watkins die.
Reading log Notes: “Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy?” Discussion: Page 135---How does this passage contribute to the characterization of Berlin? Isolated; note the reference to the caboose Examples of Idioms—”croaking”; scared stiff; “got the time” What are some of the ironies in this story? Billy Boy’s death; the way the body is treated
Reading log Notes: “Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy?” Discussion: Possible themes to this story? Cliché—”War is Hell” Fear can be just as destructive as the cause of fear.