The planning, implementation and evaluation of the Pike Place philosophy at Carrie’s Place
Local Area Police Command attends up to 350 domestic violence incidences per month and ranks: No 1 in D.V. assaults No 1 in breaches of ADVOs No 1 in sexual assaults No 1 in D.V. related malicious damage No 2 in D.V. related suicide / self harm No 4 in domestic homicide Lower Hunter Police Statistics 2007 NSW Police = 80 Local Area Commands (LAC)
Carrie’s Place Vision Carrie’s Place Vision Women and children – violence free – independently
To increase the number of families in the Maitland and surrounding areas who live independently, safe and free from abuse, addiction and reliance on government and non-government services. This will be achieved by developing and facilitating a holistic program which empowers women with / without dependent children from domestic/family violence backgrounds.
What does Carrie’s Place do? Child support program Crisis accommodation and support program for women with and without dependent children Medium term accommodation program for women with and without dependent children Community action/ education program Women’s resource centre
Service Delivery Model 2008 Refuge Women’s Centre
Organizational Chart 2008 Management Committee Manager Accountant Property Manager Outreach Centre Coordinator Indigenous Outreach Worker Comm. Dev. worker DVCAS Coordinator Court advocacy Worker Admin/court advocacy trainee Students VET Worker Trainees Students Volunteers Work Placements Counsellors Refuge Team Leader Women support workers Child Support workers Trainee Students Volunteers Work Placements
Internal Factors Stressful living / work environment Problem focus / sense of hopelessness Difficulties of communal living Lack of resources / space Worker burnout / vicarious trauma Low wages, high OH& S risks Complex needs clients
Internal Factors continued Committed and dynamic team Committed and dynamic team Supportive management committee Supportive management committee Culture of innovation and creativity Culture of innovation and creativity
Rationale for Independent of external forces Participation of internal stakeholders only Potential for quick improvement
Purpose of Purpose of Create an environment of joy and light heartedness for service users and staff Create a sense of belonging for Carrie’s Place service users and staff Solidify positive team dynamics and staff morale Improve the sense of wellbeing to Carrie’s Place service users
Play Be There Make Their Day Choose Your Attitude The Philosophy The Philosophy
FISH Principle 1 Play
FISH Principle 2 Be there
FISH Principle 3 Make their day
FISH Principle 4 Choose your attitude
Planning to Planning to Team FISH training workshop Introduction Exploration Commitment Fishing for ideas
Weekly staff meeting FISH facilitator roster Fun committee Client evaluation Worker evaluation Endorsement by management committee FISH philosophy included in recruitment Bright FISH posters in house and office Clients’ induction into FISH upon arrival Monitoring Strategies Monitoring Strategies
Samples of how to Welcome To Carrie’s Place
And more
Evaluation of at Carrie’s Residents reported that: Their experience at Carrie’s Place was different to other refuges The workers happy / funny mood impacted positively on their experience The FISH activities were important to them and broke up the monotony They felt welcome and like they belonged
Sample Comments Vibrant and energetic It makes everybody feel special Nutty
And….And…. Positive and happy-go-lucky
Workers Evaluation Overall Clients Team / self
Different strategies for different places Different activities for different places Be your own FISH idea champion ModificationModification Fish Fart
Continuous Improvement / Examples Regular evaluations Fish philosophy included in Carrie’s Place business plan Fish philosophy included in individual work plans Fish philosophy included in staff appraisals Standing item on Management meeting agenda
Katrina’s Experience My perception of how FISH affects clients What FISH means to my future practice Strength Theory Capabilities Resilience Resources Possibilities Hope Empowerment Internal Interpersonal Environmental Choice How client defines life and problems Level of desire to deal with problems How client wants to implement change
Self-esteem Positive outlook Productivity Emotional Health Stress levels Positive Outcomes Mental Health Self-respect Job satisfaction Motivation Tolerance Commitment Energy Morale Confidence
Strengths and FISH! philosophy Everybody has strengths irrespective of their situation Workers roles are to empower individuals FISH! allows a broader and more creative understanding of how strengths theory can be applied to human services
Strengths and FISH! philosophy FISH! works so well because it uses the strengths people already have. FISH! helps them to see the strengths they didn’t know they had Creates opportunities to learn new strengths It reinforces the good - every day, not just once a day, but all day long