Services You Need. People You Trust. Services for the 21st Century Ken Ostberg Nov.28, 2001
NATIONAL STUDENT CLEARINGHOUSE Clearinghouse: Y2K and Beyond Enhanced Services EnrollmentSearch LoanLocator EnrollmentVerify DegreeVerify
NATIONAL STUDENT CLEARINGHOUSE Status Confirmations FY million confirmations made
NATIONAL STUDENT CLEARINGHOUSE Percentage of National Enrollment in the Clearinghouse Database
NATIONAL STUDENT CLEARINGHOUSE Clearinghouse Database Overview 87% of nation’s enrollment (12 million students) 2,600 institutions Data constantly refreshed 8-10 times a year 50 million historical records
NATIONAL STUDENT CLEARINGHOUSE EnrollmentSearch Financial Aid and Loan Collection Institutional Research Admissions Enrollment Management Benefits College officials from different departments.
NATIONAL STUDENT CLEARINGHOUSE EnrollmentSearch - Financial Aid Verify current enrollments of graduated/transferred Perkins borrowers Verify cohort default rates Verify sibling enrollments
NATIONAL STUDENT CLEARINGHOUSE EnrollmentSearch - Admissions Verify prior enrollments for transfer applicants Verify subsequent enrollments for admitted students who decline offers Verify subsequent enrollments for applicants denied admission
NATIONAL STUDENT CLEARINGHOUSE Track transfers out for GRS/SRTK Track Graduates to their subsequent institutions Track enrollment patterns of students in outreach programs Analyze results of admissions recruiting strategies EnrollmentSearch - Institutional Research
NATIONAL STUDENT CLEARINGHOUSE FERPA Consideration EnrollmentSearch is compliant per U.S. Dept. of Ed, August 2, 1999 Student FERPA blocks honored, as required. Only directory information is disclosed, where required.
NATIONAL STUDENT CLEARINGHOUSE Eligibility All Clearinghouse schools in “good standing” Sign participation agreement Submit annual subscription payment Begin use
NATIONAL STUDENT CLEARINGHOUSE Why Use EnrollmentVerify? Reduce workload and daily interruptions Expand service to students Proven track record No additional programming No charge to institutions
NATIONAL STUDENT CLEARINGHOUSE Getting Started With EnrollmentVerify Sign amendment Refer inquiries to Clearinghouse Send us Perkins Loan Forms at no cost to institutions
Periodic Reports of All Degrees Granted Employers Clearinghouse All Degrees Granted Degree Verification Requests/Responses Clearinghouse Schools DEGREE VERIFICATION PROCESS Employers Employment Agencies Search Firms Degree Verification Requests/Responses
NATIONAL STUDENT CLEARINGHOUSE Why use the NSC for DegreeVerify? Expanded service for alumni Combat credentials fraud Reduce staff interruptions Ease burden/cost for employers No charge to institutions
NATIONAL STUDENT CLEARINGHOUSE Getting Started with DegreeVerify Make decision Arrange start up conference call Commit IT resources Sign Agreement
Report of All Enrolled Students 3 times per term CLEARINGHOUSE Services Performed on Behalf of Schools Clearinghouse Schools Student Loan Providers (Lenders, Guarantors, US Dept of Ed.) Student Service Providers (Credit Card Co., Health Insurers, etc.) Employers Search Firms Degrees Awarded (optional) Taxpayer Relief Act Service Providers EnrollmentSearch Service REQUIREDOPTIONAL Students IRS Inquiries Enrollment Confirmations Inquiries Enrollment Status Updates Inquiries Degree Verifications Enrollment Files OPTIONAL Inquiries Enrollment Confirmations OPTIONAL
REGIONAL DIRECTORS Jim BundySouth Ph: (919) Fax:(919) Pam GilliganNortheast Ph: (508) Fax: (508) Melanie BellWest Ph: (509) Fax: (509) Don Gwinn North Central Ph: (847) Fax: (847) CLEARINGHOUSE Contacts 2191 Fox Mill Road, Suite 300 Herndon, VA Main phone: (703) Fax: (703)