Wireless policies & network lockdowns Deb Ranard Scott Matheson
Where is Capital Using WAPs? Wireless Access Points (WAPs) in the classroom WAPs in student gathering/study areas WAPs in administrative & faculty areas
What does Capital Use to Secure WAPs? WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy ) Used for encrypting authentication due to downtown location Provides IP address Radius Server Authenticates Provides certificate to users
What do our WAPs Support? Laptops or devices with network card address (faculty/staff) Register MAC address for Wireless card with IT Only Windows XP (students) Need a laptop with Wireless card Authenticate username/password Obtain a certificate
How It Works: Step 1
How It Works: Step 2
How It Works: Step 3
How It Works: Step 4
How It Works: Step 5
Current Student Access Classrooms use WAPs to specifically deny network access to students Encrypts & Authenticates student Classroom WAPs then deny an IP address after authentication WAP Signal from Library WAP Signal from Classrooms
What are those Students doing? What are the students doing (no, really…)? Check Browse websites Purchase products on Ebay Download songs Use TWEN Follow classroom cites SoftLINK ( linksystems.com/product_comp.htm) linksystems.com/product_comp.htm
What’s the Big Deal? Faculty can’t detect a student is on the internet with Wireless Students could circumvent the Socratic element of surprise Students could cheat on exams
So, Why use WAPs Anyway? Expense of Wiring makes wireless attractive to budget managers Students want it ExamSoft has improved support for wireless laptop exams
Wireless Networking: We Can Do It What can internet access be used for in the classroom? Where are WAPs an appropriate solution? …But Should We?