5 th Grade GATE Cluster The students were given the assignment to research the theories behind the disappearance of the Roanoke Island colony and draw their own conclusions about the cause. The PowerPoint was a visual aid in an oral presentation.
Roanoke Island Outline I. History II. Theories III. Conclusion
Roanoke Island 1585 The Roanoke colony on Roanoke Island in Dare Country in present day North Carolina was an enterprise financed and organized by Sir Walter Raleigh in 1585 It was carried out by Ralph Lane and Richard Grenville (Raleigh's cousin) in the late 16 th century.
Roanoke Island 1587 In 1587, English again attempted to settle in Roanoke Island. John White left the colony to return to England for supplies he believed would help the colonists survive. He expected to return to the Island within three months, but the war going on with Spain. England confiscated the ships and he wasn’t allowed to get back until two-three years. By the time he got back, all the settlers were gone! The only thing he found were the letters “CRO” carved into a nearby tree, and the word “CROATOAN” carved into a fencepost.
Theory #1 One of the theories that people believe is that the people of Roanoke simply left Roanoke Island and started settling in the Chesapeake Bay, or went to live on the Croatoan Island. And that they built rafts or a boat of some sort using materials torn from their houses.
Theory # 2 Another theory is that the whole population of Roanoke Island was killed by a disease. However this is an absurd theory. It is true that Englishmen brought diseases from England to Roanoke. Although, note, there were no bodies found and all the houses were gone.
Theory # 3 The other theory is that the village could have been ruined by a devastating downpour, such as a hurricane. The hurricane could have washed away the colony and the colonists, but there seemed to be no destruction in the fence that went around the village. There is no way a hurricane could wash away the colonists and the houses but not even touch the fence.
Theory # 4 Some people say the colonists supposedly attempted to leave the colony for England and they were lost at sea, but this is unlikely. The only boats they could use to get to England were very small to face the ocean currents. If they went to England majority of the colonists would have to stay back.
Theory # 5 Another theory is that the colonists were killed by the Spanish. It is true that England and Spain were enemies when the lost colony was built, so Spain could have destroyed the lost colony since England owned it. Though this cannot be proven, because there is no evidence that Spain attacked it.
Conclusion For more than a century, scientists have tried to solve the mystery of the lost colony, but the mystery has stayed a mystery. I personally believe the theory that the people of Roanoke went to live with the kind Indians of the Croatoan Island. I believe this because before leaving the colony, three years earlier, John White had left instructions that, if the colonists left the settlement, they were to carve their destination, and they carved the word “CROATOAN” into a fence post. For me, this was the most reasonable theory.