The English Language -Future Time in English Novi Sad
FUTURE PERFECT/građenje Affirmative Sentences/Potvrdne rečenice: SUBJECT + WILL + HAVE + PAST PART. + other NB! PAST PART. - Regular verbs –ed; Irregular Verbs 3rd Col.) Sg.Pl. 1.I will have gone1. We will have gone 2.You will have gone2. You will have gone 3.He/She/It will have gone3. They will have gone
FUTURE PERFECT/građenje Interrogative Sentences, Inversion/Upitne rečenice: WILL + SUBJECT + HAVE + PAST PART. + other NB! PAST PART. - Regular verbs –ed; Irregular Verbs 3rd Col.) Sg.Pl. 1.Will I have gone?1. Will we have gone? 2.Will you have gone?2. Will you have gone? 3.Will he/she/it have gone?3. Will they have gone?
FUTURE PERFECT/građenje Negative Sentences/Odrične rečenice: SUBJECT + WILL + NOT + HAVE + PAST PART. + other NB! PAST PART. - Regular verbs –ed; Irregular Verbs 3rd Col.) Sg.Pl. 1.I will not have gone 1. We will not have gone 2.You will not have gone 2. You will not have gone 3.He/she/it will not have gone 3. They will not have gone
FUTURE PERFECT/upotreba For an action that will be completed before a For an action that will be completed before a particular time in the future; Often recognized by the expressions: Often recognized by the expressions: by/by the time+Present Simple (za radnju koja će se završiti pre određenog trenutka/ druge radnje u budućnosti; tu drugu radnju/taj trenutak, obično prepoznajemo po obrascu: by/by that time+PST) By the time you come, I will have finished the report. Dok ti dođeš, ja ću završiti izveštaj.