0 PUT TITLE HERE The New Reporting Model and Sample Forms Information Session for School Board Finance Staff and External Auditors Transfer Payments & Financial Reporting Branch Fall 2008
1 Financial Reporting Model - Why?? 2 models of accounting in PSAB Handbook –Senior government reporting –Local government reporting Background –Statement of Principles - September 2005 –Exposure Draft - March 2006 (for comment) –Exposure Draft - November 2006 (approved) Accounting Standards –PS 1000, PS1100, PS Senior –PS1700, PS Local (deleted effective Jan 1, 2009)
2 Financial Reporting Model - What is it?? Sets out the rules, parameters and content requirement that prescribe what must be presented in the financial statements –the NUMBER, TYPE and FORMAT of the FS; –WHAT is to be reported; –WHEN it should be reported and –the NOTES that are required with the financial statements PS 1000, PS1100, PS1200
3 Implementation Time Frame DSB Financial Statements (Nov 09) - Restatement of 2007/08 balances DSB Estimates (Jun 09)
4 Key Features of New Model 5 “Messages” about DSB finances: Indicators of Financial Position 1. Net Debt 2. Accumulated surplus/deficit Indicators of Changes in Financial Position 3. Annual surplus/ (deficit) 4. Change in net debt 5. Cash Flows Moves away from a one-dimensional focus on surplus/deficit
5 What’s New? PSAB Changes Statement of Financial Position (page 2) –Tangible capital assets –Reserve Funds and Amounts to be Recovered (ATBR) are gone –Indicator # 1: Net Debt –Indicator # 2: Accumulated Surplus / (deficit) Statement of Operations (page 3) –Replaces Statement of Financial Activities –Gone are changes in prepaid expenses and changes in ATBR –Includes amortization expense –Requires budgeted numbers –Indicator # 3: Annual surplus/ (deficit)
6 What’s New? PSAB Changes Statement of Changes in Net Debt - New (page 4) –Capital expenditures –Requires budgeted numbers –Indicator # 4: Change in Net Debt Statement of Cash Flow (page 5) –replaces Statement of Changes in Financial Position –New capital section –Indicator # 5: Cash Flows
7 What’s New ? Ministry of Education Changes Schedule Detail of Acc. Surplus (page 6) –New schedule – not a required form per GAAP –Somewhat replaces our old “FUNDS” reporting » Old Schedule 5 (page 13) –Explains what the Accumulated Surplus/Deficit is composed of –Explains pieces of the Annual Surplus/Deficit Schedules 2.1 & Operating Fund & Capital Fund (pages 7 & 8) –Grants for students needs separated (page 31) –Annual surplus / (deficit) on 2.1 = compliance position
8 What’s New ? Ministry of Education Changes Schedules 2.3 & Reserve Funds & School Activity Funds (pages 9 & 10) –Schedules are gone Schedule 3 - Capital Expenditures (pages 11 & 12) –Page 1 is gone capital expenditures –Page 2 needs to be revamped Schedule 8 - TCA Continuity (pages ) –By major asset class –Cost table –Accumulated amortization table –Inter-entity TCA transactions
9 What’s New ? Ministry of Education Changes Schedule 9 - Revenues (pages ) –Reorganization of schedule to align with statement of operations groupings –Includes all sources of revenue –Segregation of capital & operating type revenues Schedule 10 - Expenses (pages 23 & 24) –Expenses and not expenditures –Schedule 3 disappears –Includes amortization expense –Same changes brought to Schedules 10.1, 10.2, 10A & 10B
10 What’s New ? Ministry of Education Changes Schedule 10ADJ - Compliance Schedules (pages 25 & 26) –Schedule gone / part of Schedule 2.1 Section 1 - Summary of Allocations (page 31) –Segregation of capital type grants from operating type grants
11 Useful Reference Document 20 Questions about Government Financial Reporting Published in 2003 Refers to Senior Levels of Government but still applicable
12 Other Hoping to finalize forms by December Hands-on training sessions Feb / March 2009 –Video-conference + live in 1 central location Constructive Comments & Feedback Doreen Lamarche Senior Business & Policy Analyst (613) x.113