Network Blooming Lake Constance
Economic & ecological impact of bees and other pollinating insects Pollination of economic plants 84% of European economic plants depend on pollination Surplus of 2 Billion Euros / year in Germany Surplus of 153 Billion Euros / year worldwide Pollination of wild plants ~ 80 % of European wild plants depend on pollination decrease of bees and pollinating insects is one of the main threats for biodiversity
Problems at Lake Constance Food gap in summer due to intensification of land-use lapse of set-aside land more frequent mowed meadows intensive corn production = Cultural landscape with less or even no flowers
Where have all the flowers gone …
Project: Network Blooming Lake Constance Goals 2009 / 20010: Establish the network: ~ 30 network partners (e.g. farmers associations, municipalities, public authorities, beekeepers, environmental NGOs, companies) Training: more know-how on bee- and insect-friendly land use by workshops, excursions and broschures Land use: bee- and insect-friendly land use on at least 50 hectares
Measures and outcomes 2009 Establishment of the network 2 network meetings 13 members 2 newsletters 8 presentations Training 3 workshops (municipalities, regional traffic departments, fruit farmers) 8 consultings (municipalities, farmers associations, environmental NGOs, farmers) 24,68 hectares (compensating areas, new drillings, extensive cultivation, dry grassland, bee- and insectfriendly cultivation) Public relation and know-how-transfer Project booklet and website In preparation: touring exhibition, Best-Practise-brochüre Several press releases