As you read “A Long Way Gone”, answer the following in complete sentences on a separate, blank sheet of paper to be turned in: Chapter 7 1. Why didn’t anyone warn the imam? 2. Quote and explain one example of culture from page 45. Ex: “Quote” (Beah, 45). 3. Where are Ishmael and Kaloko staying after Kamator is attacked? Is there anyone left in Kamator? 4. Why does Ishmael go off on his own? What do you think about his decision? 5. Give three things that Ishmael does to survive while on his own. Use direct quotes as evidence and cite properly. Ex: “Quote” (Beah, page number). 6. What makes Ishmael laugh uncontrollably? 7. What is an effect of the war that Ishmael encounters once he sees the man on the sixth day of being alone?
As you read “A Long Way Gone”, answer the following in complete sentences on a separate, blank sheet of paper to be turned in: Chapter 8 1. How long does Ishmael walk before sleeping? Why do you think he does this? Discuss the longest you have been able to go without any sleep and how it impacted you. Do you think you would have been able to do what Ishmael did? 2. Quote an example of the use of a literary device. Ex: “Quote” (Beah, page number). 3. Quote and explain one example of survival between pages Ex: “Quote” (Beah, 50). 4. What memories of his grandparents does Ishmael think about? Include BOTH. 5. What does Ishmael say is the most difficult part about being in the forest? Think about everything else that comes with being in the forest. Do you agree with Ishmael? 6. Think about what Ishmael says his father used to say about hope. Do you agree? How does Ishmael use this to survive? 7. How does Ishmael respond to the group of boys he encounters? He says he recognizes them from school. Do you think you would have easily trusted in this situation? 8. “The seven boys” can be seen as a symbol for what? Think about how they become labeled, how they act, and how the villagers respond to them.
As you read “A Long Way Gone”, answer the following in complete sentences on a separate, blank sheet of paper to be turned in: Chapter 9 1. Based on the context in which they are used, tell what you think “deviated’ and “contorted” mean. 2. What are Ishmael and the other 6 boys located near? 3. What can the Atlantic Ocean be seen as a symbol for? 4. How do the villagers punish the boys? How is this punishment? 5. Why do you think the boys choose not talk about their pasts amongst each other? 6. Provide an example of culture from pages Quote and explain your evidence. 7. Why do you think this book was titled “A Long Way Gone”? 8. What does music seem to do for Ishmael?