1 Areas of need set out in the SEN code of practice Speech, language and communication
2 Learning outcomes You will understand the: elements of language importance of monitoring speech, language and communication development, and foundations of effective communication in the classroom.
3 Learning outcomes (continued…) You will be able to: differentiate lesson preparation for pupils with SLCN differentiate your questioning in class model good communication, and support the development of storytelling in the classroom.
4 Activity 1 Learning outcome You will understand the key terms used in the discussion of communication.
5 Expressive and receptive communication Where pupils with SEN use alternative forms of communication, such as sign rather than oral language, use the terms ‘expressive and receptive communication’ rather than ‘speaking and listening’.
6 Role of language and communication The development of language and communication is fundamental to written literacy and behavioural, emotional and social development.
7 Why do we need to know about language development? To understand the stage pupils have reached in their learning To plan the next steps To identify barriers to learning that pupils with atypical language development may face.
8 Activity 2 Learning outcomes You will: know the three elements of language, and understand their importance in removing barriers for pupils with SLCN.
9 Elements of communication Form grammar Content vocabulary Usepragmatics – knowing how to use language, for example, the rules of conversation, such as taking turns.
10 Stages of development Research has established patterns of development for each of the three elements They are generally hierarchical, ie. you need to have reached one point in development to be able to move on to another The three elements work together to allow a pupil to be a successful communicator Pupils move through developmental stages in many different ways.
11 About P scales P scales are best-fit performance descriptions used to assess pupils who have not yet reached national curriculum levels There are eight P levels before national curriculum level 1 P scales are not a curriculum P scales support target-setting in schools They are not developmental patterns as such, but use the knowledge we have to set out leveled performance criteria.
12 P7 listening (receptive communication) Pupils listen, attend to and follow stories for short stretches of time They follow requests and instructions with four key words, signs or symbols. For example, “Get the big book about dinosaurs from the library” They attend and respond to questions from adults and their peers about experiences, events and stories. For example, “Where has the boy gone?”
13 Possible answers Form/grammar Content/vocabulary –follow requests… with four key words –understand the question form in “Where has the boy gone?” –‘Get’ ‘big’ ‘book’ ‘from’ or ‘library’ –“Where has the boy gone?”
14 Possible answers (continued…) Use/pragmatics –listen and attend to and follow stories for short stretches of time –attend and respond to questions from adults and their peers about experiences, events and stories.
15 Learning outcomes Activity 3 You will: understand the basics of developing a communicative environment in the classroom, and acquire some core skills of teacher communication.
16 Language in context Language does not occur in a vacuum, but: develops in a socio-cultural context is influenced by the cognitive skills pupils bring with them develops gradually, and develops at varying rates.
17 Language in context (continued…) Language development is an interaction between the environment and the pupil’s cognitive skills.
18 Three areas Responding to speech errors Choosing the right question Praising appropriately.
19 Scenario A year 1 class went to the park yesterday The trip was a great success Pupils appreciated the wildlife on the lake, including the ducks and moorhens Pupils liked the many dogs being walked and the squirrels that seemed to be everywhere. They drew some of the flowers and animals Imagine the teacher is taking the pupils through the experience using discussion and by looking at their artwork.
20 Activity 4 Learning outcomes You will understand: the principles of differentiation for pupils with SLCN, and possible strategies to support these pupils.
21 Activity 5 Learning outcomes You will understand: the essential components of story and its importance for the education of pupils with SLCN the relationship between narrative and story, and how narrative and story develop in childhood.
22 Activity 5 Learning outcomes (continued…) You will be able to: distinguish between types of narrative identify key features of narrative in children’s talk, and use strategies to encourage narrative and story skills in pupils with SLCN.
23 Thinking about the concepts Ability to narrate is strongly associated with achievement in reading, writing and socialisation Narratives are the broad category of talk within which stories nestle All stories are narratives but not all narratives are stories.
24 Narrative definitions Narrative has been defined as: a chronological recapitulation of successive events mental schemes that represent a logical sequence of purposeful episodes that are temporally and causally connected an organiser of human experience — our thoughts about the world take the form of stories that are told and retold, and discourse that enables us to make sense of our experience, making the past present.
25 Summary of the points on narrative and story In this session we have: identified different types of narrative identified all the skills involved in narrative, and identified strategies for intervention which will support pupils with SLCN.
26 Activity 6 Learning outcomes You will: reflect on the key learning points from the session, and select areas you wish to develop after the session.