Look at the following sentences: 1. The men paint the house. 2. The men painted the house. 3. The men have painted the house. (Present Tense) (Past Tense) (Present Perfect Tense)
Present Perfect Tense Made up of “ have /has” + past participle form of verb Present eat write Past ate wrote Present participle eating writing Past Participle eaten written “has/have” +eaten “has/have” + ate /eat/eating ×
When do we use the Present Perfect Tense? “Ali has gone to school. ” - used to describe an action that has been completed. Isn’t the Past Tense also used to describe completed action? “Ali went to school.”
He went for tuition yesterday. He has gone for tuition yesterday. × In using the Present Perfect tense: -we cannot include the time of action. “ He has eaten the bread.”
ACTIVITY Pretend that you are a detective investigating a crime that just took place. You are to come up with a crime scene report using 8 Present Perfect Tenses in your report. e.g. 1. When we arrived at the scene of the crime, it seemed that the suspect has just left the building.
Worksheet Footprints Goldfish from the fish bowl. Piggy Bank Can of blue paint Half eaten chocolate candy
To solve the case of the barefoot burglar, log on to:
Recap: 1.The present perfect tense is made up of ________ a.has/have + present participle b. had + past participle c. has/have + past participle form of verb 2. In using the Present Perfect Tense, we should not include ____________ a.the completed action b.the time in which the action was completed c.the action √ √