CharactersWhy…? Order of Events Who said that? True or False
Smart, but doesn’t use his head
The boys go to this man for advice after Bob dies.
Chooses not to participate in the rumble because he felt it was pointless
Is good at poker
Why does Darry act as a father- figure to Ponyboy?
Their parents are dead and Darry assumes responsibilty.
Why do Johnny and Ponyboy change their haristyles?
So they won’t be caught-they need to change their identity.
Why did Dally want Two-Bit’s switchblade when he was in the hospital?
So he could threaten the nurses and escape to be part of the rumble
Why does Johnny leave the copy of Gone with the Wind for Ponyboy?
Johnny wrote him a letter which he placed inside the book Gone with the Wind – Johnny wanted to be sure Ponyboy would find the letter.
Why did S.E. Hinton write The Outsiders? (What message did she most likely intend to send to readers? )
To give people living like outsiders hope (and something realistic to read)
-Church fire -Trip to Dairy Queen -Johnny’s decision to go back and turn himself in
1. Trip to Dairy Queen 2. Johnny decides to go back & turn himself in 3. Church fire
-Came home after curfew -Told Cherry story of Johnny being jumped -Was almost drowned to death
1. Told Cherry the story of Johnny being jumped 2. Came home after curfew 3. Was almost drowned to death
-Dally shows up at the rumble -Ponyboy is kicked in the head -Paul Holden hits Darry
1. Dally shows up at the rumble 2. Paul Holden hits Darry 3. Ponyboy is kicked in the head -
- -Dally displays himself under the street lamp after robbing the grocery store -Dally calls the Curtis house -Dally holds up an unloaded heater
1. Dally calls the Curtis house 2. Dally displays himself under the street lamp after robbing the grocery store 3. Dally holds up an unloaded heater
-Ponyboy receives the copy of Gone with the Wind that Johnny left him. -Ponyboy writes his English theme -Ponyboy asks for his parents and Sodapop
1. Ponyboy asks for his parents and Sodapop 2. Ponyboy receives the copy of Gone with the Wind that Johnny left him. 3. Ponyboy writes his English theme
“You could use a bath greaser and a good working over. And we’ve got all night to do it.”
“I can’t take much more...I’ll kill myself or something.”
“You greasers have a different set of values…you’re more emotional. We’re more sophisticated – cool to the point of not feeling anything!”
Cherry Valance
“Running away won’t help.”
“You have to believe me Ponyboy… not all of us are like that.”
Cherry Valance
This novel became Ponyboy’s English theme
Johnny and Ponyboy intentionally started the church fire.
Dally wanted to die.
The climax of the story is when Johnny kills Bob.
The major conflict in the novel is the social class differences that exist between the Greasers and the Socs.