The Outsiders Background Information Photo from: Outsiders/S-E- Hinton/e/ /?itm=5&USRI=the+outside rs
About the novel Story takes place in The setting is Tulsa, Oklahoma. The story is told from a first-person perspective.
Paul Newman Famous actor Died in 2008 Some of his most well-known movie roles include The Hustler, Hud, Cool Hand Luke, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and The Sting. The Hustler and Hud released by the time the book takes place, the others came out afterwards. me/nm /
Corvair Made by Chevrolet during the 1960s. Stopped being produced in Corvair hardtop Photo from: rg/wiki/Chevrolet_C orvair
Madras shirt Type of pattern used on a shirt, typically a plaid pattern. Photo courtesy of: ?pid= &tid=gofr1r
Switchblade A type of knife that has a blade that is contained in the handle. The blade comes out of the side or the top of the handle, usually by the user pushing a button. Became popular during 1950s, though laws were put in place in 1958 which made them illegal. Photo courtesy of: Switchblade-Knife-Black-GF200BK.htmhttp://
Will Rogers World-famous, wildly popular actor who was known for vaudville, silent films and one of the first stars of movies with sound. Was so popular, he was nominated to be governor of Oklahoma, which he declined. Photo courtesy of: /
Great Expectations Famous novel written by Charles Dickens Deals with a character named Pip, who starts as a poor boy, is given a fortune and spends his days trying to become a gentleman and earn the love of Estella. Photo courtesy of: Expectations/Charles- Dickens/e/ /?itm=2&USRI=great+ expectations
Saddle bronco riding involves a contestant trying to stay on a horse for eight seconds. Contestant gets to use a specially designed saddle to ride the horse. Photo courtesy of:
Elvis Presley Famous musician, nicknamed “The King”, one of the most famous musicians of the 20 th century. Famously served in the military at the height of his popularity in the late 1950s. When he left the military, he made numerous movies during the 1960s. Died August 16, 1977, but some believe him to still be alive. Photo courtesy of:
The Beatles Band featured John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. Most popular music group of the 1960s, came from Britain and toured extensively from , when they strictly recorded music in studio. Females found the quartet cute and were some of the biggest fans. Band ultimately broke up in Image courtesy of: the%20beatles&um=1&ie=UTF- 8&sa=N&tab=wi
Hank Williams Country music singer some believe to be one of the best in history. Recorded numerous number one hits during his short time as a musician. Lived a short life, dying at age 29 in Photo courtesy of: s
Gone With the Wind Book written by Margaret Mitchell, is the best selling novel of all time. Only novel Mitchell wrote. Based during the Civil War, is a love story. Takes place in the South. Eventually turned in to a movie. Originally published in 1936, movie debuted in Photo courtesy of : with-the-Wind/Margaret- Mitchell/e/ /?itm=5&USRI=go ne+with+the+wind
Robert Frost American poet, very popular and quoted. Received four Pulitzer Prizes for Poetry during his lifetime. Born in 1874, died in 1963 at the age of 89. Two of his most famous poems are “The Road Not Taken” and “Nothing Gold Can Stay”. Photo courtesy of:
Sting Ray The Corvette C2, made by Chevrolet from Some believe it is one of the best Corvettes ever made Corvette Sting Ray 427 Convertable Photo from: rg/wiki/Corvette_Sti ng_Ray
Reader’s Digest Monthly general-interest magazine founded in Was the best selling magazine in the United States for years, until Better Homes and Gardens surpassed it in One thing that makes it unique is that the magazine is half the size of typical magazines, making it easy to carry around. Photo courtesy of: Readers_digest
YMCA or ‘Y’ Founded in 1844 in London, England, it stands for “Young Men’s Christian Association”. Was created as a way to help build a healthy spirit, mind and body. Today, is open to all people, no matter their religion or gender. Runs numerous classes to teach different skills, both physical and mental. Photo courtesy of:
Jack London American author who lived in the late 1800s and early 1900s, died at age 40 in Most famous for writing the books The Call of the Wild (1903), White Fang (1906), and The Sea Wolf (1904). The Call of the Wild and White Fang both follow a dog as a main character. Photo courtesy of :
The Carpetbaggers Published in 1961, focused on a main character who is the heir to a family fortune and goes to Hollywood to become a star. Deals with many adult themes and activities. Some reviewers thought it was too obscene for the general public when it was released. Photo courtesy of: Carpetbaggers/Harold- Robbins/e/ /?itm=1&USRI=the +carpetbaggers