Response to Literature essay on recurring theme “I’m Not Mad Anymore” and “A Bad Road for Cats” Response to Literature essay on recurring theme
Table Of Contents Date Assignment Page # 3/1/12 Recurring Theme Essay Intro L1 Recurring Theme Essay Intro (con’t) L2 3/2/12 Introduction Triangle R1 3/8/12 The Body of an Essay L3 Body Paragraph Organizer R3 Conclusion L4 Conclusion Organizer R4 Sample SCR and Body Paragraph L5 Graphic Organizer Plan the Body R5 3/19/12 Writing Prompt: Recurring Theme L6
Table Of Contents Date Assignment Page # 3/20/12 Sarah Cynthia and Fable Recurring Theme Paragraphs Drafts R6 3/22/12 Independent Writing Requirements L7 R7 4/10/12 Academic Word Wall Practice L8 Word Wall Guess that Word R8 4/24/12 Review for Recurring Theme L9 Double Bubble for SPA # 3 Stories R9 4/26/12 Theme Chart for SPA # 3 Stories L10 4/27/12 Introduction Paragraph R10
Essay The Essay has 3 major components 1.Introduction 2. Body Paragraphs 3. Conclusion In your essay, the introduction is the very first paragraph in your essay. It tells your reader what you will be covering in your essay.
the Introduction In a Recurring Theme Essay, the Introduction does 4 things It uses an General Statement (Attention Getter) It leads into the two stories being compared by giving your reader the Title(s),a brief description the main characters, and a brief summary of the plot . It tells what the main characters learn. thesis statement that includes the TAG + theme statement
A Thesis Statement is your GPS. It will guide your essay/ ideas. What a topic sentence does for a paragraph a thesis statement does for a an essay. A Thesis Statement is your GPS. It will guide your essay/ ideas. A thesis statement is that sentence or two in your introduction that contains the focus of your essay and tells your reader what the essay is going to be about. It usually comes at the end of your introduction.
Thesis statement Formula TAG + Theme statement= Recurring Theme Essay Thesis statement Make a point. Don’t mention characters. Don’t mention specific details from the story in your thesis statement.
Introduction Triangle General Statement / Attention Getter (Discuss what you know about the major topic; Relate it to the common human experience) Lead in (connects the general statement to the stories being analyzed Summarize: Briefly describe the main character and plot of each story. Lesson Learned: Tell what both main characters learn. Thesis Statement
THE BODY The body of an essay is the center of the essay. It is divided into paragraphs and these paragraphs provide explanations and examples to help bring the point (thesis statement) across to the reader.
The Body The format for a body paragraph in a recurring theme essay Topic Sentence Lead In Evidence Explanation Connection/Conclusion
R___: Body Paragraph Organizer Topic Sentence: (Transition + title of first story + recurring theme) Lead in: A phrase or few words that explains where in the story you are pulling out the quote from Evidence Quotation/Citation from the text The words from the story Do not make it your own. Explanation Explain how your quotation proves that the recurring theme really is the message of this story Connection Explain how the recurring theme fits this story from begging to end.
L:_____ The Conclusion The last paragraph, also know as the conclusion, should make your essay sound finished. The concluding paragraph typically has three parts: summary statement -restate the thesis statement in a fresh way Main points- briefly and creatively restate the main points of each body paragraph in 2-3 sentences clincher -a final thought to wow! the reader.
R____: Conclusion Organizer Summary Statement Use a transition to let your reader know you are closing your essay Repeat thesis statement in different words, but keep the same theme statement Main Points for story 1: The main character, ____________, in “____________________________” Main Points for story 2: Clincher: This message of ______________________ is meaningful because
Reading of Stories Build Background / Access Prior knowledge Quick write: Why do you think people say “time heals all wounds” or what do you think “time heals all wounds” means? Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why? Vocab Development Content/Academic Content – Handout Academic- Theme/ Recurring Theme – handout
Reading First Read- Second Read Reading Comprehension Questions - handout Double-Bubble Map- handout Third Read Short Constructed Response Graphic Organizer Build Introduction Build Body- Model using sample Students Plan 2 Body Paragraphs and conclusion using graphic organizers Students piece together 1st draft
Louie has been gone for nearly two weeks. Double – Bubble MaP Louie has been gone for nearly two weeks. Both Magda and Shirl.. “I’m Not Mad Anymore” “A Bad Road For Cats”
Double – Bubble MaP “I’m Not Mad Anymore” “A Bad Road For Cats” Shirl has been gone for almost a year.. Louie has been gone for nearly two weeks. Both Shirl and Magda have been separated from someone or something they love. “I’m Not Mad Anymore” “A Bad Road For Cats” Both Shirl and Magda experience rage because someone hurts them. After some time, both Magda and Shirl get over their rage. Magda forgives because time helps her to feel sympathy. Shirl forgives because she is lonely and misses her sister and her family
Recurring Theme “I’m Not Mad Anymore” Evidence: “A Bad Road For Cats” Evidence Explanation Thesis Statement:
“ Time heals all wounds.” Recurring Theme “ Time heals all wounds.” “I’m Not Mad Anymore” Evidence: Evidence: “A Bad Road For Cats” Explanation This explains Thesis Statement: In the short stories, “I’m Not Mad Anymore” by Caroline B. Cooney and “A Bad Road for Cats” by Cynthia Rylant, the recurring theme is “Time heals all wounds.” Author(s) Genre Title Title Theme Statement
Introduction Triangle Plan Your Introduction General Statement/Hook Lead in: Thesis statement:
Introduction Triangle Attention Getter/ General Statement: Often when we are hurt by others we become full of rage. We hold on to that rage because we feel betrayed by the person who hurt us. It is also true that we are able to heal as time goes by. This same experience is present in two stories, “I’m Not Mad Anymore” and “A Bad Road for Cats.” Thesis statement: In the short stories, “I’m Not Mad Anymore” by Caroline B. Cooney and “A Bad Road For Cats” by Cynthia Rylant, the recurring theme is “Time heals all wounds.”
Introduction Triangle PLAN YOUR INTRODUCTION Hook/ General Statement: Often when we are hurt by others we become full of rage. We hold on to that rage because we feel betrayed by the person who hurt us. It is also true that we are able to heal as time goes by. Lead in: This same experience is present in two stories, “I’m Not Mad Anymore” and “A Bad Road for Cats.” Briefly Summarize both stories: (Copy from Intro frame) Explain Lesson Learned: (copy from Intro frame) Thesis statement: In the short stories, “I’m Not Mad Anymore” by Caroline B. Cooney and “A Bad Road For Cats” by Cynthia Rylant, the recurring theme is “Time heals all wounds.”
Graphic Organizer: Plan the Body Insert title of first work being discussed Topic Sentence: _____________, __________________________ shows the recurring theme of transition ____________________________________. Lead in: Evidence: Explanation: This shows… Connection: This story is representative of the recurring theme because … Restate the theme statement.
Graphic Organizer: Plan the Body Insert title of second work being discussed Topic Sentence: _____________, __________________________ shows the recurring theme of transition ____________________________________. Lead in: Evidence: Explanation: This shows… Connection: This story is representative of the recurring theme because … Restate the theme statement.
The main character, ____________, in “____________________________” Conclusion Organizer Summary Statement (Transition), the recurring theme of ________________ echoes in both Is found in Is present in Is true for Is represented in Main Points for story 1: The main character, ____________, in “____________________________” Main Points for story 2: Clincher: This message of ______________________ is meaningful because it teaches the reader…