Multi-grade and Multi class teaching practice in nepal


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Presentation transcript:

Multi-grade and Multi class teaching practice in nepal Mr. Tara Chouhan 3-5, February 2015 the inn at Virginia teach & skeleton conference center Blacksburg's, Virginia United state of America

Multi grade and Multi Class Practices Multi grade teaching is usually considered as an issue or a problem in developing countries where as developed countries accept it as effective strategy. Multi Grade: considered to be an instructional arrangement where children of more then one grade are taught together by a single teacher in the same class room. Multi Class: Separate classrooms for different grades are used by the single teacher to teach these grades at the same time.

Need to Multi grade & Multi Class teaching. Commitment to Provide Education for All :Ensuring access to compile, free and compulsory education of good quality by 2015. Temporary adjustment of the international commitment of education for all. Address to shortage of teacher, infrastructure and teacher absenteeism.

Multi grade and Multi class situation in Nepal Existing Situation Practice 1. Teaching Two grades are seated in one classroom and teacher give assignment to one grade while teaching to the other grade. One teacher take the responsibility of reaching more then one grade at the same time. Each grades is seated in a separate classroom and the teacher teach each grade in the separate class room in turn.

Cont. 2. Teacher tranning MGT district trainers were found to have been skills related to class room management, planning of self learning activities and prepared timetable for MGT class. The training was found ineffective in the areas like demonstration of the lesson by the trainer, implementation of micro-teaching and practice of self –learning activities. The main focus of the recurrent training packages seems to be lying on covering the teacher absent class instead of using it as a pedagogical choice for improving student’s achievement.

Teaching Multi-grade through Group Work Group work: The teacher organizes learner to work in a small groups according to their abilities, interests and age. Groups are formed in a variety of ways, depending on the type of lesson the teacher wants to teach. Mixed Ability Groups: Slow and fast learners in one group. Grouping together students of different abilities and age. To increase interaction across students with different abilities and age. 2. Same Ability Group: All learner progress at more or less the same pace. This is commonly used to avoid bore dome for the fast learners or for the slow learners to go with students of their same pace. To achieve homogeneity and homogenizes based on different grades and ages and not on ability

3. Social Groups: Learners with same or mixed backgrounds in one group 3. Social Groups: Learners with same or mixed backgrounds in one group. To avoid racial discrimination or discomfort for other students or promote unity and surpass racial discrimination. 4. Gender Groups: Boys and girls are separated. Sometimes used to avoid quarrels of gender differences 5. Interest Group: All learners show interest in the same activity or topic. Group members can work more effectively if they like what they are doing. 6. Peer Groups: Friends who like to works together and place in the same group. Learner becomes more fun and enjoyable so the students are more efficient. 7. Random Groups: Learner are chosen in no particular order. 8. Pear Grouping: Two learners work together. Think-pair-share is a good example, where the students can deal one on one learning.

Information and Communication Technologies in Multi class teaching. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) can be a powerful tool for both students attending multi-grade schools and educators teaching in such schools. ICT can be used to provide training to teachers in multi-grade methodologies and allow students to engage in innovative, participatory multi-grade learning activities. Through Projector a teacher teach more then one class with innovative ideas download from internet. Students will have interpersonal skills, know cultural environmental, situational analysis, participate in every activity and enthusiastic for study.

Designation of multi grade school More number of classes than number of teachers Teachers’ absenteeism Inadequate number of classrooms Lack of financial resources Unwillingness of teacher of work in rural area.

Positive outcome and Drawbacks of Multi-grade teaching. Positive Outcomes: Enhance independent learning Increase pupil interaction. Promote group learning. Drawbacks: Possibility of low student achievement. Demand teachers’ more time and organizational capabilities. Need intensive training. Student may receive less individual attention.

National policy SSRP, 2009-15 envisioned possibility of three types of school at the basic level - Foundation, Primary or Upper Primary. i. Foundation School (1-3) – at least one foundation school in each settlement with 30-40 or more households and/or 150-200 or more population or 100-150 population in the age range of 5-7 years. Since foundation schools are supposed to be located in sparsely populated localities, feasibility of multi grade teaching will be also tested in some schools. ii. Primary School (1-5) – at least one primary school in villages with 80-100 or more households and/or 400-500 or more population or 200-250 population in the age range of 5-9 years. iii. Upper Primary School (1-8) – at least one upper primary school in villages with 150-200 or more households and/or 800-1000 or more population or 300-350 population in the age range of 5-13 years.

National policy SSRP Multi-grade teaching (MGT) Multi-grade teaching can be introduced as pedagogical choice in identified schools that meet nationally defined criteria. A single teacher teaches more then one grade or age group. The local government will select schools qualifying to operate MGT in consultation with the technical body/DEO. MGT and Grade Teaching can be practiced at the basic education and especially in foundation grades.

Curriculum and multi-grade context Not specifically addressed in the national curriculum Flexibility of school curriculum: Provision of 20% local curriculum of certain subjects to all schools. Textbook provision : MGML schools use textbooks only as reference materials. But the schools get the support fund for textbooks Availability of lesson plans, teaching materials for multi grade classes: Checklist with milestones, learning ladder, learning cards with activity logo, grouping cards according to learning to learning cards, student daily work format, Assessment formats, workbooks and teachers guides are provided from the center

National policy In communities that do not meet the minimum population requirements even to run a Foundation school, multi-grade teaching schools will be prescribed to run. The local government, based on the minimum norms and in consultation with DEO and local educators, will determine schools within their jurisdictions that may cost effectively perform better as a multi-grade school. DOE will develop the guidelines for Multi-grade classes and DEO will identify schools/locations appropriate for Multi-grade classes. Multi-grade teaching implemented in 750 schools.

Discussions Key issues: Physical and instructional environment of the school Availability of educational resources and support materials in the form of teacher input. Teacher prepare and knowledge base. MGT/MCT as a pedagogic choice or compulsory practice.

Thank you