Supportive Services Provided by: Arizona Veterans Supportive Services The mission of Arizona Veterans Supportive Services is to address and serve the needs of homeless and displaced individuals and families, with an emphasis on the Veteran population. AVSS is a non profit organization that provides housing and supportive service opportunities for Veterans and their families. AVSS will coordinate services for employment readiness, life skills, computer training, nutrition and budgeting classes in an effort to lead to independent living. The AVSS staff has displayed success in providing services to the homeless Veteran population. U.S. VETS: Arizona Veterans Supportive Services (AVSS): U.S VETS – Veteran’s Services: U.S.VETS is the nation’s largest nonprofit provider of comprehensive services to homeless and at-risk veterans. U.S. VETS is dedicated to the successful transition of military veterans and their families. With 11 facilities in six states and the District of Columbia, U.S. VETS provides vital services such as case management, employment assistance, job placement, counseling, as well as drug-and alcohol- free housing to over 2,000 veterans each day.
Garfield Veteran Supportive Housing Center Project circa N. 16 th Street Phoenix, AZ Developed by: DESCO Arizona Affordable Housing, LLC
Project Characteristics Historic Catholic Nursing Home; circa units of affordable transitional housing for Veterans with supportive services.
Sacred Heart Home for the Aged (Chapel) Former chapel will now become an integral part of the supportive services offered to the Veteran’s population at Garfield.
Challenges and Opportunities: Challenges: – Historic – Financial Standards Opportunities: – Veterans Community
Every single original clay tile was removed and radiant barrier added to meet ADOH Sustainable Development standards for energy efficiency.
Original clay tile replaced and new windows (approved by both SHPO and NPS) being installed.
Garfield Common Apartment Homes (today)
Garfield Common Apartment Homes (today)
The Veterans Community:
2 nd DAAH Arizona Project Highland Metro Apartment Homes 912 W and 727 W Highland Ave. 62-Units Family LIHTC Housing
David E. Slattery Companies “DESCO”
DESCO David E. Slattery Companies founded in 1981 Developed, managed and syndicated over $250,000,000 worth of real estate; comprised of 35 separate projects. 12 historic renovation projects. 2,500 apartment units. 1,000 hotel rooms. Have employed 400+ people.
DESCO Projects: Westin Aquila Hotel; Omaha, NE
DESCO Projects: The Inn at Okoboji Resort and Conference Center Okoboji, IA Iconic 1896 Family Lakeside Resort
DESCO Projects:
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