In accordance with the Katy ISD dress code as well as the elementary handbook, the following information does apply. It is for your safety and comfort in PE class. Crocs, Flip flops, boots, open toed sandals, dress shoes, cleats, Skecher wedges, heelys, spinners, fashion tennis shoes, Toms, Bobs, shoes with an open top and shoes with felt on the bottom and shoes with a strap across the back are hazardous and therefore NOT permissible. Girls must wear shorts under their dresses for various activities as well. Long dresses and skirts are not recommended for PE days as they could hinder movement. Your safety is a priority and by you making safe shoe choices for PE assures you will be able to participate in all activities safely.
In Physical Education, we want to have fun while staying safe at the same time!
These shoes were made for PE Class!!! Tie ShoesElastic Shoes Velcro Shoes
These shoes AREN’T made for PE Class…
“Heelys”: for obvious reasons are not allowed for PE classes. These shoes have a wedge in the heel which make them unsafe for running. These shoes have felt on the bottom and will make you slip and fall.
These shoes are a NO! Skinny Band Shoes We prefer these type of shoes not be worn for PE as there is a chance of the skinny straps breaking and the shoes becoming loose fitting, possibly falling off. As well, there is no protection for the top of the foot. Mary Janes Even though the shoes meet most requirements, the protection on top of the foot is not substantial and the buckle could cause injury.
PLEASE wear socks with your Shoes!!!
TEKS K.5 and K.5B: Explain how proper shoes and clothing promote safe play and prevent injury. TEKS 1.5 and 1.5B: Describe the importance of protective equipment in preventing injury such as helmets, elbow/knee pads, wrist guards, proper shoes and clothing. TEKS 4.5, 4.5B and 3.5, 3.5B: Select and use proper attire that promotes participation and prevents injury.
5 Key Points to Remember when choosing shoes for Physical Education Class 1.Shoes Have a Closed Toe 2.Shoes have a Closed Heel 3.Shoes have a Rubber SOLE ONLY (no felt) 4.Shoes have Tie Tops (Elastic or Velcro) 5.SHOEs MUST HAVE A Tongue to protect the top of your foot
Remember SAFETY is our top Priority!!!