1 Woman and Islam Muslim Women in Multi-faith Australia
2 Changes in women’s status introduced by Islam Spiritual equality with men The right to a separate legal identity The right to own and manage their own property The right to inherit The right to divorce Female infanticide prohibited Restrictions on polygamy
3 Women in the early days of Islam We see examples of Muslim women who: Owned their own business Worked for a living Fought in battle Taught men religious knowledge Led an army Argued with the Caliph Held public office
4 Patriarchy returns! In time, Muslims: adopted customs such as the veiling & seclusion of women from other cultures Came to rely on interpretations of the texts by male jurists exclusively Allowed women’s rights to be eroded & forgotten
5 The position of Muslim women today Varies considerably from one country to another – The lives of Saudi women are still very restricted by the law Women in South East Asia have traditionally enjoyed much more freedom Women’s lives are affected by poverty, illiteracy & traditional custom
6 Current trends Religious revivalism: More women choosing to wear hijab More women seeking religious knowledge Reinterpretation of the primary texts in relation to women’s issues Slow but positive change in women’s status in some Muslim countries
7 Muslim women in Australia: The stereotype: They come from Arab countries Are uneducated Speak English badly or not at all Dress in long black robes with face veils Do not work outside the home Do not participate in society Are dominated by their husbands
8 The reality: Muslim women are a multicultural community. They come from many different countries: Egypt Turkey Pakistan India Sudan Sri Lanka Iran Iraq Lebanon Fiji Bangladesh Afghanistan Palestine Somalia Bosnia Australia
9 Muslim women & education Approximately 36% are Australian born & educated in Australian schools Recent research indicates that Muslim women are more likely to be engaged in higher education than other women On the other hand, recently arrived migrants & refugees may have poor English skills & little formal education
10 Muslim women & dress: is it so important? Some Muslim women wear hijab (a scarf covering their hair) Some wear traditional long robes with or without a face veil Some wear ordinary western dress Modesty is important to Muslim women Dress is not necessarily an indicator of religious commitment
11 Muslim women work in many different occupations: EngineersNursesCourt officers AccountantsDoctorsLawyers PharmacistsFarmersArtists JournalistsAcademicsPodiatrists Social workersI.T. profsTeachers HairdressersOffice workersShopkeepers StudentsDentistsHomemakers
12 But not yet… Magistrates Judges Governor-General Members of Parliament Cabinet Ministers Premier or Prime Minister
13 Muslim women are active in society in: Education English classes for migrant women Vocational education Computer classes Learn to drive Children’s activities Educating women about their Islamic rights Welfare work Migrant resettlement Domestic violence Care of the elderly Prison visiting Helping refugees Inter-faith and Inter- cultural dialogue
14 Recent events have impacted adversely upon Muslims in Australia: Border protection & the Tampa crisis September 11 in the US & the ‘war on terror’ In NSW, the ‘Lebanese gang rape’ trials Media opinion that Muslims are incompatible with Australian society
15 The effect on Muslim women Muslim women are visible targets of vilification because of their dress & standards of personal modesty. Unfavourable public action has led to: Cancellation of swimming classes for girls at a Muslim school Attempts to close a ‘women only’ gym Forcible removal of Muslim women’s headcover Insults and verbal abuse of Muslim women