Dress for Success
The Facts Your dress will speak for you 90% Accessories and hair style make up 30-50% of the total dress. Research shows that women who wear make-up earn 23% more than their counterparts who don’t because make-up enhances your key communication portals, your mouth and eyes.
Women - Consider These Tips/Advice Suits Women should wear dress suits, preferably black, dark grey or blue. Skirts should be no more than one inch above the knee. Suits should fit properly and be comfortable. No trimming or zippers on suit attire. Shoes No flat or open toe shoes, pumps are preferred; black or blue. Pantyhose should be skin tone color or black. No other colors! Jewelry Should be moderately worn (no dangling bracelets or earrings). One ring on each hand. No body piercing or tattoos. Hair/Makeup/Nails Hair style should be conservative (Braids – pull back and tied). Make-up should be conservative, no apparent colors on eyes (blue, pink, red). Nails should be conservative length, no bold colors. Dress for Success
Sample skirted suit dress attire
Sample pantsuit dress attire
Dress for Success The standard attire for men is a conservative black, dark navy or gray two-piece business suit Suits Dark suit, light shirt Preferably white long-sleeved button-down dress shirt Avoid cotton shirts (preferably 50% cotton/polyester to avoid wrinkles) Suits should fit properly. Conservative silk tie (that matches the colors in your suit) Shoes Black leather shoes (wingtips or loafers) that are polished. No boots. Accessories Should be moderately worn, no earrings or tattoos. Minimal jewelry - watch, wedding ring and school rings are acceptable. You should always wear a belt and your belt should always match your shoes. Grooming If you have a beard or mustache, your facial hair should be neatly trimmed. Conservative haircut - collar length, above the ears, neatly combed.
Business Casual
DON’T choose attire that will cause undue attention such as fluorescents or animal prints. DO mix and match. Coordinate colors. When you begin with 2 or 3 pairs of pants in black, navy or grey, you can add any color shirt or sweater and still look business-like. Wearing the same shirt with the same tie or blouse is lazy and will be noticed. DON’T wear those three-inch heels you wear to the club. DO dress for the job you want and not the one you’ve got – appearance is a key indicator of how seriously you take your career and your company. DON’T forget to smile – it makes the perfect accessory to your new look and demonstrates your confidence and approachability. DO take pride in your appearance – after all, you are an ambassador for your company and what you wear says a lot about you as a person. DON’T forget to iron – there’s no point spending lots of money on a look or having ‘the right shirt’ if it looks as if you just rolled out of bed.
Remember!!! First impressions do matter. You never get a second chance to make a first impression. Conservative is best!
Whether you are a student, alumni, or employer, we are committed to assisting you in meeting your goals. When we can be of assistance, please give our office a call at or or If you are on campus, come by our office located in Suite 150 of the Thornton M. Fairchild Building. We look forward to working with you and wish you much success.