Seven Hills Preparatory Academy Band Program Parent Information Night Welcome!
Band Schedules Beginner Band: Tuesdays/Thursdays from 3:45-4:30 Intermediate Band: Wednesdays from 3:45-4:30 We may have some combined band rehearsals and/or extra rehearsals Rehearsals will take place in the Kids’ Auditorium Parents must pick students up ON-TIME or arrange for other transportation home
Why play a musical instrument? Instrumental music study: May help improve academic achievement in other disciplines Teaches self-control, social skills, and self-discipline Enhances creativity, promotes both individuality and collaboration Increases students’ self-esteem and confidence Teaches children to strive for and appreciate aesthetic beauty
Selecting an Instrument Physical characteristics to consider when selecting an instrument:
Student Responsibilities Attend ALL scheduled large group rehearsals and concerts Practice your instrument a minimum of 120 minutes of practice per week: 20 minutes per day, 6 days a week Keep and maintain an organized music folder with method book, sheet music, pencils, and small notebook REMEMBER when rehearsals are, and REMEMBER to bring instrument, music folder, and all other required supplies to each rehearsal Clean instrument regularly and take good care of it Ask questions when needed Come to all events with a positive attitude and a desire to work hard and have FUN!
Parent Responsibilities Help students remember their instruments and materials on rehearsal days Assist students in establishing and maintaining a regular practice routine Purchase required supplies as needed and help keep instruments in good condition Take instrument into repair shop when needed Pick up students from rehearsals ON-TIME (4:30) or arrange for other transportation/carpool Contact Mrs. Lucic with any questions or concerns you have about your child and/or the band program during the school year Be patient with your child, as new skills take time! Be prepared to hear some “interesting” sounds…
Tips for Successful Practice Help your child establish a practice area in the home that is quiet and free from distraction Help your child establish a regular practice time for weekdays and weekends Encourage your child to practice with the method book CD
Practice Tips (continued) Help your child keep his or her music organized by keeping it flat inside the music folder. Encourage your child to practice slowly, starting with harder spots and ending with easier ones Have family concerts and practice sessions
Suggested Practice Method STEP ONE: Figure out difficult rhythms using 1 & 2 & counting system. STEP TWO: Write in counts in pencil and have Mrs. Lucic or parent check it. STEP THREE: Clap rhythm while counting it OUT LOUD. STEP FOUR: Woodwinds & Brass: “Finger & Say”; Percussion: “Slow Motion” STEP FIVE: Woodwinds & Brass: Add airstream & articulation; Percussion: gradually work up to marked tempo
Band Concerts There will be 2-3 concerts per year Attendance is mandatory Concert dress—Girls: -Long black skirt/black dress pants -Black tights, nylons or dress socks -Black dress shoes -White dressy blouse with sleeves
Concerts (continued) Concert dress—Boys: Black dress pants White dress shirt Black socks, black dress shoes No jeans, T-Shirts, sweatshirts, tennis shoes, flip-flops, skirts with slits or sweatpant
Skills for Success For increased success, your child should: 1. Display a positive attitude 2. Have good organizational skills 3. Be willing and able to take on additional responsibility 4. Possess self-discipline 5. Be willing to be challenged
Achieving Our Goals Your support and encouragement is essential to your child’s success Instrument playing requires self-discipline and motivation—you can help by exposing your child to quality musical experiences (recordings, concerts, community events, etc.)
Worth the Effort! Children that perform in musical ensembles earn many rewards: Greater self-confidence Feeling of accomplishment Increased sense of social responsibility Increased emotional and aesthetic sensitivity Increased brain function Most of all, it’s FUN!!!
Thank you for coming! Schmitt Music is here to assist you with selecting & purchasing an instrument. Questions/Concerns/Comments?