Classroom Based Assessments Social Studies Tacoma School District Spring 2009
Learning Target I will be able to explain what a CBA is. I can access resources from OSPI and Tacoma. I can design a plan to implement a CBA.
The Big Idea - Democratic Ideals We the Kids- David Catrow Why do we have rules or laws? How do laws promote freedom (liberty), or other democratic ideals? * Justice/Fairness *Equality *Life, Liberty, The pursuit of Happiness *Common Good *Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship
Hook One way to get students to start thinking about how dress influences people (fear, sad, intimidated, scared, or I want that) Show them. - What do the clothes these people are wearing make you think of ? – What inferences can you make while looking at these pictures? Out of the Bag activity- collect pictures to show different dress styles, have students pull them out of the bag and discuss questions.
Concluding Question Could styles of dress provoke inappropriate behavior?
Whose Rules? 4 th /5 th grade Citizens in a democracy have the right and responsibility to make informed decisions. You will make an informed decision on a public issue after researching and discussing different perspectives on this issue.
Essential Question Why does Tacoma School District have a student uniform and dress code policy?
Directions to Students In a cohesive paper or presentation: Students will identify a problem and a rule/law/policy that attempts to solve this. Students will explain one way the policy or law attempts to solve the problem OR explain one way the policy or law is enforced Students will explain two or more ways in which individuals and / or groups participated in the law/policy-making process Students will provide reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with the law or policy by explaining how the law or policy promotes a right or democratic ideal with one or more supporting detail. Student will list two or more sources including the title, author, type of source, and date of each source.
What is the problem we are attempting to solve? Styles of dress could provoke inappropriate behavior and or cause unsafe environments.
Identify a Policy Tacoma Public School Policy 3224 The problem schools must preserve safety, equality; well being beneficial learning environment free of intimidation.
Research the position on different schools dress codes Examples of school dress code policies Newspaper articles Magazine articles
Research Activity Read information on posters Ask yourself: “How do I feel about whether styles of dress could provoke inappropriate behavior and / or cause unsafe environments?” Do you agree or disagree with this question? – WHY? – What democratic ideals does this address? This is your position statement
Stakeholders on this issue * Stakeholder-people who have a vested interest School Board Members Superintendents Principals Staff Students Parents State Legislature
Explain 2 or more ways stakeholders participated in the process 1.Students: -help develop the survey for students, parents, and teachers -participated in choosing the colors of the uniforms 2.Teachers: - helped develop the survey for students, parents, and teachers - participated in public forum
Conclusion: The effectiveness of the law / reason for position THIS IS THE PORTION THE STUDENTS MUST DO ON THEIR OWN! In a persuasive paper or presentation the students will address the following – Do you agree or disagree with the positon? – Reasons for your position – What are the democratic ideals that are supported by the policy? – What details support this?
Citing Sources Resources Used/Bibliography - Newspaper articles -Magazine articles -Books -Websites
TitleAuthorType of SourceDate PublishedPublisher Sources Used/Bibliography
Whose Rules Rubric Students will identify a problem and a rule/law/policy that attempts to solve this. Students will explain one way the policy or law attempts to solve the problem OR explain one way the policy or law is enforced Students will explain two or more ways in which individuals and / or groups participated in the law/policy-making process Students will provide reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with the law or policy by explaining how the law or policy promotes a right or democratic ideal with one or more supporting detail. Student will list two or more sources including the title, author, type of source, and date of each source.