2 What is an interview? An opportunity for an employer to determine if the candidate is right for the job Does he/she have the necessary skills and experience? Will this candidate fit in with the other employees and the values of the firm? An opportunity for the potential employee to convince the employer that he/she is the right candidate for the job
3 Preparing for the Interview When you are called, confirm the interview time and place—write it down Ask if there will be any test or written assignment Find out how many people will be there Plan and rehearse your answers Choose your clothes a day ahead Be on time. Find out ahead where you’re going and how long it will take you to get there
4 Surviving the Interview What to Wear—Make a Good First Impression Make sure your clothes are neat, clean, ironed, and appropriate—no jeans, hats, sneakers, t-shirts, skimpy clothes Try to find out how people dress at the place you want to work and dress the same Skip the perfume, cologne, or scented products
5 Surviving the Interview What to Take to the Interview A copy of your résumé for each interviewer Copies of your reference list Paper and pen, so you can jot down the interviewer’s name, the time of any future interview, or other information you might need later Copies of letters of recommendation (if you have any)
6 Surviving the Interview What to do at the Interview Greet the interviewer, introduce yourself Shake hands firmly Smile Stand until you’re invited to sit down Make eye contact Speak clearly Ask for more explanation if you don’t understand a question Keep a positive attitude Ask prepared questions or ask for more detailed information about the positionprepared questions Relax and sit naturally— don’t slouch or lean on the desk Ask about what happens after the interview—when you will be notified and how you will be notified
7 QUICK TIPS Be on time (5-10 minutes early) Dress appropriately Don’t chew gum or smoke Be neat, clean and well groomed Never bring a friend to an interview Don’t discuss personal or financial problems After the interview, don’t linger. Smile, shake hands, thank the interviewer(s) for their time, and make a graceful exit Only discuss salary when the interviewer brings it up Interview Do’s and Don’ts
8 Common Questions—Practice Your Answers! 1.What skills can you bring to this job? 2.What are your strengths? 3.What are your weaknesses? 4.What is your greatest achievement? 5.Tell me about yourself. 6.What would you do in this situation? 7.What do you know about this company?
9 Common Questions—Practice Your Answers! 8.What extra-curricular activities do you participate in? 9.Why should we hire you? 10.Why did you leave your last job? 11.What are your short-term goals? 12.What are your long-term goals? 13.In school, what subjects do you find difficult? 14.In school, what subjects do you do well in?
10 After the Interview Write a thank you letter to the interviewers thanking them for their time, restating your interest in the job and reminding them of your qualificationsthank you letter Go over the interview in your mind: consider what worked and what didn’t—learn from this experience If the employer is supposed to call you on a certain day, be home to take the call If you agreed to call the employer back, be sure to do it on the agreed-upon day
11 So You Got an Offer! Thank the caller and let him know you are looking forward to being part of their team Discuss the terms and conditions of the job Confirm things like: When you start How much the salary will be What you’ll be doing Your hours Benefits/vacation Special equipment or clothing you might need When, where, and to whom you report on your first day If orientation or training will be provided
12 You’ve Got the Job—Now What? Be on time (5-10 minutes early) Find out who your supervisor is Be polite and courteous Be attentive—watch for clues how to act and speak appropriately Find out exactly when and where you will take your breaks Take only the allotted time for breaks— don’t be late coming back!
13 Didn’t Get the Job? Ask the employer why—what would have made you a better candidate? Ask if the employer knows of any other job openings in your line of work Be professional and polite: you never know when the employer may be hiring again!
14 Didn’t Get the Job? Now What? Keep looking—finding a job takes time Don’t take it personally—not getting a job isn’t necessarily a reflection on you Ask the employer to discuss the interview and how you might do better the next time Review your cover letter and résumé Continue to network Explore other options: volunteer, job shadow