BOS6000 & UIR Adaptive Weld Control PSI6000 Inverter BOS6000 & UIR-Regulation Hardware and Software Training Package 2010 Klaus Klick DCC/SVC15 Version 1.36.0 Aug 2010 Electric Drives and Controls
Contents Page 1 System overview Pg 7 Welding Sequence Pg 10 Hardware configuration Pg 13 Timer standard configuration Pg 15 Timer Name & I/O configuration Pg 17 Software communication Pg 22 Ethernet configuration Pg 23 BOS 6000 Software Pg 25 Programming page Pg 29 Icons Pg 30 Welding Sequence Pg 31 Programming exercise Pg 35 Copy Parameter Pg 36 Copy Programs / Timer Pg 37 Current Monitoring Pg 46 Extended Welding Sequence / Pressure Profile Pg 52 Electric Drives and Controls
Contents Page 2 Heat Stepper Pg 53 Heat Stepper & Tip dressing Pg 55 General set-up Pg 56 Electrode set-up Pg 58 Power Unit set-up Pg 62 I/O Diagnosis Pg 63 Simulate Start Pg 66 Timer Information Pg 67 Last Weld Pg 68 Plant Layout Pg 69 Log In / Compare Pg 72 Protocols Pg 76 Overview Pg 80 Error Table Pg 81 Pre-Warning F2 Pg 83 Correction Pg 87 Electric Drives and Controls
Contents Page 3 Force Calibration Pg 89 Current Calibration Pg 96 Set Up Heat Stepper Curves Pg 106 Set Up Tip Dresser Curves Pg 107 Backup Pg 108 Restore Pg 111 Help Page F1 Pg 116 How to extract spatter data Pg 118 Sheet thickness calculation and output Pg 125 UIR Regulation system Pg 129 UIR Installation Pg 133 UIR Operation Pg 134 General Parameter Pg 138 Program Parameter Pg 139 Monitoring Parameter Pg 143 Electric Drives and Controls
Contents Page 4 Setting of weld parameter for UIR Pg 146 Viewing UIR-Curves Pg 152 Generating Reference Curves Pg 155 Activating UIR-Regulation Pg 163 Monitoring Parameter Pg 166 Reaction of the UIR Regulator Pg 171 Diagnosis UIR Pg 173 Reference Gun Resistance Pg 175 UIR Fault condition Pg 179 Electric Drives and Controls
Electric Drives and Controls
BOS6000 & UIR Adaptive Weld Control System Overview Electric Drives and Controls
Welding Equipment Machine Interface, I/O Bussystem Inverter 1 kHz DC-Link Current-Feedback Rectification Voltage-Feedback Mains Input Welding Gun Machine Interface, I/O Bussystem Pressure / Force (0 -10VDC) 24 VDC Supply / Stop Circuit Welding Gun Voltage-Feedback Current-Feedback Electric Drives and Controls
Overview PSI6000 Inverter and Transformer Primary sensors for KSR Inverter output 500V 1000Hz to the Gun Secondary coil (KSR) UIR Connections Typical ouput 5-12v DC 4 – 120kA, 1000Hz depending on Transformer Configuration. Electric Drives and Controls
Welding Sequence SQZ WLD HLD F = Force [kN] I = Current [kA] t = time [ms] Gun close open Weld Current SQZ WLD HLD Squeeze time Weld time Hold time Electric Drives and Controls
Electrode-Force F [kN] Resistance Welding Process Basics Electrode 1 Contact-resistance Electrode-Sheet1 Sheet 1 Material-resistance 1 Contact-resistance Sheet-Sheet Material-resistance 2 Sheet 2 Contact-resistance Electrode-Sheet2 Electrode 2 Electrode-Force F [kN] Q = R x I² x t Current I [kA] Electric Drives and Controls
BOS6000 & UIR Adaptive Weld Control Hardware Familiarisation Electric Drives and Controls
Bosch Rexroth Welding Control Panel Device Familiarisation typical setup 4.) Signal lamps 5.) Main Switch 7.) 2x PST6250.333L1 8.) 2x Main Switch 9.) Fuses Electric Drives and Controls
Bosch Rexroth Welding Control Panel Device Familiarisation typical setup Roboter bus system (optical Interbus) 24VDC Supply Input Bosch Rexroth Welding Control (timer) Electric Drives and Controls
Timer Standard Configuration I/O Card slot Adaptive control slot Field bus module slot Side View Electric Drives and Controls
Understanding Weld Timer Type Codes Welding controls PSI6300.100L1 PSI6300.333L1 PSI6300.350L1 PSI6300.773L1 PSI63C0.357L1 PSI63S1.259L1 Transformers PSG6130 Electric Drives and Controls
Timer Configuration PSI 6100.333L1 Interbus I/O Serial Com 24 Volts internal / external supply, see next page. External pressure control to prop valve Secondary current feedback, Transformer temp feedback. Output to the transformer Parallel I/O Electric Drives and Controls
24volts Distribution Internal links Electric Drives and Controls
External Fan Operation The fans are normally located at the rear of the panel, forcing air to be driven across the fins of the heat sink. Electric Drives and Controls
Proportional Valve Control and feedback +24volt feedback, from the prop valve, tells the welding control that the demanded pressure has been reached, this then allows robot control to give the command to close the gun and allow the weld schedule to commence. If no prop valve is used, then +24volts and 0volts must be supplied to pin 4 & 2 !! Electric Drives and Controls
Transformer Feedback Industry Standard is 150mV / kA. This is adjusted automatically during a calibration procedure to suit the individual application A normally closed contact in the transformer, feeds back temperature OK. If no feedback is available, then these pins must be shorted. Electric Drives and Controls
Software Communication Wiring schedule for the Serial port Software Communication is normally via a specific communications card, via Interbus / Ethernet…etc. You can also connect directly to individual timers via the serial port, X1 Electric Drives and Controls
Ethernet Communication configuration When connecting via an Ethernet link, please ensure you have set the I.P address correctly on the computer, otherwise no communication will be possible. This indicates that your computer has detected a local area connection. To access the IP setting, double click the icon, with your mouse. If you do not have this icon present, select the option below Electric Drives and Controls
Ethernet Communication Configuration The General tab will now become visible A further configuration screen will appear Ensure that the IP address you select does not exactly match the IP address of the Timer, the last digit should be different Select Properties Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) then OK Setting the IP Address Enter an IP Address and subnet mask then OK Select, Use the following IP Address then OK Electric Drives and Controls
BOS6000 Software Familiarisation Electric Drives and Controls
BOS6000 Username & Password Access:- Administrator Username is:- System (case sensitive) Default User Password for this level is:- Systembos6000 (case sensitive) This gives the maximum access level of 9 There are other usernames and passwords, Username User-Password Level WeldMaster WeldMaster 7 User bos6000 5 Everyone Everyone 2 Electric Drives and Controls
Timer Reference 2. Add the timer name 3. Add any reference comment 4. Select your communication method. V24, Ethernet….etc 5. If you are connecting via Ethernet, then insert the IP address here 6. Select Online or Offline mode 7. Select protocol to enable the UIR monitoring 8. Select the direction of data flow, on initial communication 1.To add a new or additional timer, select the Add button first, the Add/change Timer box will then appear above 9. When the information has been installed, press OK 10. Select continue button to access the program data Electric Drives and Controls
Timer Status Monitor the Status and Description window, if a red bar appears and stays then there is a problem with your communication path, cable, or the timer may be switched off. Monitor the Status and Description window, a yellow bar should proceed a green bar. This indicates that communication path is operational, and the database is being populated with the timer information. Please be patient, on the initial start-up it can take several minutes to gather all the data for the database. All subsequent connections will only take seconds to get on-line Electric Drives and Controls
Program Page Programming The spot number, program and communication status is found at the top of program page, as well as the drop down menu’s The raised tab indicates the page that is currently being viewed Nearly all functions/pages can be quickly accessed via the “icons” that are situated at the top of the pages. A single click will select the required page, and another single click will return you to your previous screen. Electric Drives and Controls
BOS6000 Icons Plant layout Error Table Protocols Compare Pre-warning Table Parameter Overview, for incorrect parameters Login Spot reference Comments Rights Administration Timer reference Overview Spot reference Table Program Page (Parameter data) Correction Diagnosis (i/o interface) Set-up Electric Drives and Controls
Sequence The BOS6000 software only shows tabs, which are available. e.g: PSQ-Tab is only shown, if XQR PCB is mounted in the timer. The BOS6000 software only shows parameter, which are accessible. e.g: COOL 2 time is only shown, if the number of impulses is bigger than 1. Monitoring parameters are only shown, if kA-monitoring is “ON” Electric Drives and Controls
Program tabs Programming By selecting individual tabs within the pages you can navigate around the software at the click of a button Dependent on the timer status, you can see if the timer is online, or offline. Blue is working offline Green is working online You can also see at a glance if the weld has a pre-heat, a post heat, or even if upslope or down slope. Electric Drives and Controls
Sequence Programming The sequence screen allows the user to see the programmed weld parameters at a glance Program Timer Pressure Weld time Weld current Squeeze Hold For PSI6000 inverters the times are all programmed in milliseconds. PST6000 timers are programmed in cycles 1 cycle = 20ms Electric Drives and Controls
Sequence To select a weld program:- to access the required program, simply select the program from the up/down buttons, or type in the actual program number. The electrode number will update when a program is selected. To select a spot number:- utilising the down arrow select the required spot number, and the program that is associated with it will automatically appear Inhibit Seq (P) (Inhibit this program sequence) This needs to be set to “Off”, if not then the weld sequence will be inhibited for this program only Sequence:- There are 3 sequence options, Single: 1 weld sequence per start signal Repeat: 1 weld sequence repeated until the start signal is dropped Seam: 1 weld permanently on till the start signal is dropped Weld On/Off Int (P) (Internal weld on/off) This needs to be set to “On”, if not then the weld will be turned Off for this program only Electric Drives and Controls
Programming exercise Please enter the following Weld programs Step1: Prog1 – 2 Step2: Prog3 – 5 Electric Drives and Controls
Programming exercise Copy1 If you select one Parameter, 2) You may copy this parameter Using the right mouse button 1) You see the input range of this parameter Electric Drives and Controls
Programming exercise Copy2 Using the Copy feature from the main menue, you have all Options to copy any data from the weld timers. Electric Drives and Controls
Sequence Regulation:- Mix or Standard If Mix is selected, weld 1 & weld 3 can be programmed in PHA (phase angle) or KSR (constant current) mode If Standard is selected then weld 1 and weld 3 can only be programmed in the same mode as weld 2 Electric Drives and Controls
Sequence Monitoring: Mix or Standard *see illustration on the next sheet Monitoring: Mix or Standard Standard mode: the actual current is determined by the complete weld cycle including any cool times Mix mode: the actual current is determined by the individual weld times Electric Drives and Controls
Sequence Electric Drives and Controls
Sequence PHA: Phase Angle Regulation Programmed in scale units %,the greater the %Ht, then the greater %age of current flowing PHA: Phase Angle Regulation Phase angle, fixed value determined by program Half-cycle of mains voltage 31° 130 ° - Electrical degrees 0° 180 ° 120 99 0 -15 - Scale units (%) High current Programmable range Low current Electric Drives and Controls
Principle of Unregulated Phase angle welding Electric Drives and Controls
Principle of Constant current regulation Electric Drives and Controls
Sequence Electrode: Reweld: 0 – 31 different electrodes can be selected, dependent on your firmware version Reweld: If this function is activated and a low weld current occurs with the start signal still high, the control will automatically attempt to reweld the program, if the weld is low again a weld fault is output. Note:- if there is no current, then a reweld will not be activated Electric Drives and Controls
Sequence Impulse: This function indicates how many times the weld 2, cool 2 function is repeated during one weld sequence. If the impulse function has a figure greater than 1, then the portion of the program that is inside the green shape is repeated however many times is programmed Electric Drives and Controls
Sequence Current monitoring When the monitoring is activated (ON), the reference current and all the tolerance band parameters become visible Electric Drives and Controls
Sequence 1 Repeat factor, is the number of consecutive welds allowed in the conditional permissible tolerance band; if this occurs, the actual figure is displayed here 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 Electric Drives and Controls
Sequence Ref, kA is the programmed reference current Act. Ref. kA is the actual current achieved Average PHA is the actual Phase angle required to achieve the required current Electric Drives and Controls
Spot table In the spot reference table a particular spot name is linked to a program number and a timer. This allows selection of spots by their individual name. Important: The Spot reference table must be transferred into the timer to get active!! 3.) 1.) 2.) Electric Drives and Controls
Spot table 4.) Electric Drives and Controls
Sequence If this Icon is coloured, then when pressed, the comments sheet for the actual spot number that is assigned to this program will be displayed The number of comment fields can be altered in the Config tool Electric Drives and Controls
Extended Sequence from this page the pressure profile function can be activated. When the profile is activated the force can be programmed to a specific value at any time during the weld sequence. The force can be altered up to 10 times during the weld process Electric Drives and Controls
Heat Stepper Heat increase % in the lifetime of electrode caps Heat stepper:- activation on/off Wear/comp:- The number of welds taken to complete one cycle Wear factor:- individual welds can be given a greater or lesser “weighting”, dependent on the actual wear to the tips Warn Wear:- Number of welds before the end of the max-life, that pre-warning becomes active (50) Max Wear:- The number of welds over which the heat is stepped (incremented) Electric Drives and Controls
Heat Stepper Heat increase % between tip dresses Max Wear:- The number of welds over which the heat is stepped (incremented) Electric Drives and Controls
Heat Stepper and tip dressing Please note:- The Max life is calculated by the multiplying (Max Wear x tip dress steps) + Max Wear i.e. (500 x 10) + 500 = 5500 welds Tip Dress Steps:- The number of dress steps (10) Dress-Request:- The number of welds before the max wear that the tip dress request output is activated Heat increase % between tip dresses Max Wear:- The number of welds over which the heat is stepped (incremented) (500) i.e. 5450 welds Dress new Electrode:- The weld is inhibited, until the gun is dressed, immediately after the electrode has been replaced Electric Drives and Controls
General set-up If activated the weld will be inhibited when max life is reached The (S) indicates that the function will be activated for ALL programs Max Weld Time, this is the control of the max weld time, for all programs Mode Pressure Output: There are several options for pressure output, 4-20mA, 0-20mA, 0-10V output to the prop valve This parameter Inhibits the current Monitoring on All programs Current measurement selects the type of monitoring, either secondary or primary Max Rewelds:- this the number of consecutive rewelds at one position A measuring loop check is a verification of the current sensor in the secondary circuit. On : Measuring loop test active, sensor faults are detected. . Off : Measuring loop test not active, sensor faults are not detected. Electric Drives and Controls
General set-up The Fade out time parameter is used to suppress the natural current rise at the beginning of the weld time for current measurement The Trail current parameter is used to activate or deactivate measurement of the trail current after the last weld time. On : The trail current is included in the measured result. Off : The trail current is not included in the measured result. Both settings in BOS6000 must match the settings of the external current meter for comparative measurements. Electric Drives and Controls
Electrode Set-Up The %I Prewarning parameter indicates the heat value (in scale divisions SKT) for which an imminent %I limitation is to be detected for the electrode displayed. Upper currrent limit is the maximum programmable set limit of the current in the individual electrode Bosch sensors have been adjusted to 150 mV / kA. When using third-party sensors, the appropriate transmission ratio can be programmed using the Toroid sensitivity parameter For details on the measuring range, see the next sheet Electric Drives and Controls
Electrode Set-Up Electric Drives and Controls
Electrode Set-Up Transformer type. When a pre-defined transformer is selected, this automatically selects the transformer ratio, and the diode type, If the transformer type is unknown, then you must program the diode type and nominal current. The Diode supervision/monitoring parameter may be used to deactivate diode monitoring (secondary diodes of the welding transformer). The computational emulation of the welding diode temperature determines whether the junction temperature is rising to more than 150°C, the switch off temp can be programmed from this parameter Actual welding diode temp Actual Mains supply Voltage Electric Drives and Controls
Electrode Set-Up For the calibration procedures see next few slides. Electric Drives and Controls
Power Unit Set-up Power unit type, Medium frequency Inverter 6000 series Timer type:- Software / Firmware Version:- Electric Drives and Controls
Diagnosis User-Diagnostics I/O Start signal; this is a signal sent from the robot, to initiate the start of a weld sequence depending on the program- /spotselection. Electric Drives and Controls
Diagnosis User-Diagnostics I/O Acknowledge tip dress; after a Tip Dress request is output from the timer, it is acknowledged by a response from the PLC only when the robot is in the tip dresser. Typically there are specific weld programs associated with tip dressing. Electric Drives and Controls
Diagnosis User-Diagnostics I/O Ready Weld timer: the status of the weld timer is healthy and the timer is ready to weld, this signal stays Hi unless a fault has occurred Weld process error: this signal only goes hi when a weld fault has occurred, it can be reset via input 04, 05 or 06 Weld ON: this shows the status of the external and internal weld on, if both are hi then current can be passed Electric Drives and Controls
Diagnosis Simulate start Starting the weld from the timer. Press the Diagnostic Button Select Simulate Start Select the Program you wish to fire. At the position Start with Ignition click once in the “On” tab The timer will now execute a weld Electric Drives and Controls
Diagnosis Timer information Electric Drives and Controls
Diagnosis Last Weld This page gives you all information about the last weld sequence. Electric Drives and Controls
Plant Layout Electric Drives and Controls
Plant Layout Electric Drives and Controls
Plant Layout According to the status chart on the previous page, what is the condition of the timers on the right …? Error state pending, i.e. control fault End of stepper Offline Click on the Timer icon will redirect you to the timer information page Electric Drives and Controls
Login If you want to log in, or change user, select the change user icon, or press F12. Select your username from the drop down menu and enter your password Electric Drives and Controls
Compare It is possible to compare data from one timer to another, or even to a backup stored on the hard drive. The data compared will be displayed under the titles here. Then click Compare Electric Drives and Controls
Compare The number and type of differences are then listed. To view them select Detail view Please wait while the data is compiled Electric Drives and Controls
Compare Details Electric Drives and Controls
Protocols You can view the protocols from the following sub titles. Error Protocols Weld fault Protocols Data Change Protocols Weld current Protocols Each one will give you information about an event, that has occurred. Electric Drives and Controls
Protocols You can also select specific dates to view. Dependent on the size of the database, you can have between 50,000 and 250,000 entries in the protocol database Electric Drives and Controls
Data Change Protocols Each entry will give you information Date / Time Timer name Name of parameter Program Number Old data New data Name of user who has changed the data Any comments entered by the user at the time of the change Electric Drives and Controls
Data Change Protocols Weld current protocols are activated from the Timer reference page on start up. If this option is NOT selected this page and the UIR Monitoring page will not show any data. Electric Drives and Controls
Overview The overview page is very useful for quickly finding out the status of all the programs at a glance Select the button on the right and side and the active programs for your selection will appear in pink Electric Drives and Controls
Error table Access to the fault table can also be via the F3 function key. If more information is required for the actual fault, double click the error description, and more detailed information will appear. If still more information is required, click the help page Electric Drives and Controls
Error table The help page will appear with a complete description on the fault, and a possible remedy. The Error page is also used to display status messages. Electric Drives and Controls
Pre-Warning F2 To Access the Pre-Warning page, click on the pre-warning Icon or press the short cut key F2 F2 The information held on this page, can be critical for identifying Wear on the caps Number of remaining parts Electrode status, Green : - healthy Electric Drives and Controls
Pre-Warning F2 To Access the Pre-Warning page, click on the pre-warning Icon or press the short cut key F2 F2 The information held on this page, can be critical for identifying Wear on the caps Number of remaining parts Electrode status, Green : - healthy Orange: - Tip dress required Electric Drives and Controls
Pre-Warning F2 To Access the Pre-Warning page, click on the pre-warning Icon or press the short cut key F2 F2 The information held on this page, can be critical for identifying Wear on the caps Number of remaining parts Electrode status, Green : - healthy Orange: - Tip dress required Yellow: - Prewarning active Electric Drives and Controls
Pre-Warning F2 To Access the Pre-Warning page, click on the pre-warning Icon or press the short cut key F2 F2 The information held on this page, can be critical for identifying Wear on the caps Number of remaining parts Electrode status, Green : - healthy Orange: - Tip dress required Yellow: - Prewarning active Red: - End of stepper life Electric Drives and Controls
Correction These are the default correction figures that are displayed on the actual correction page. If these parameters are not programmed , then the correction parameters can not be utilised. So limits need to be set. Electric Drives and Controls
Correction The limits set on the previous page can be seen here, (P) is for this specific program. (E) Is for the complete electrode Electric Drives and Controls
Force Calibration For Welding Guns BOS6000 & UIR Adaptive Weld Control Force Calibration For Welding Guns Electric Drives and Controls
Force Calibration Please select the correct timer, from the drop down menu Select the calibration routines. These can found on the Electrode Page Ensure that the Transformer Type, and Upper current limit are set correctly To access Force Calibration Press the Force Calibration Key Electric Drives and Controls
Force Calibration 1) Type here the upper and lower pressure limits for the calibration routine ( ensure that you are not in the force limitation) The lower limit should be set to around 20% to allow for accurate pressure for tip Dress Routines. 3) Select here the Program you wish to use for the calibration routine. You should select a program that is associated with the relevant electrode you wish to calibrate The KN display is only used with Servo Guns. 2) If you want to change the values, place a tick in the box before you type in the new values. The changes will then be stored for the next time the routine is entered. 4) Press the OK button to enter the next screen Electric Drives and Controls
Force Calibration 5) As this screen appears you should hear the proportional valve either pressurise or exhaust to the upper limit value set in the previous screen. 6) You should now manually close the Gun onto the force meter. 7) Enter the read value into the upper box. 8) To proceed press Enter on your PC this enters the upper limit actual value into the timer. 9) open the gun Electric Drives and Controls
Force Calibration As Enter is pressed you should hear the Parker Proportional valve exhaust to the lower limit set on the previous screen. 10) Again close the Gun onto the force meter. 11) Enter the read value into the lower box and press the Enter key on your PC This enters the lower limit actual value into the timer. 12) As the OK button is pressed an information point appears showing the value of the now calibrated Max. Pressure. If this is ok. for your gun => Press OK to Accept this. 13) As the OK button is pressed an information point is displayed. Press OK to accept this. As a rule: the upper and lower value must be in the operating range of the gun ! Electric Drives and Controls
Force Calibration 14) You should now return to the Sequence page and close the Gun on the force meter to test the Programmed Pressure set in the Base Pressure Value. Please note:- check the I/O page to see which program is being activated. The pressure in this program Will be output to the prop valve. Electric Drives and Controls
Force Calibration 15) The calibration routine has set the figures shown . If after adjustment the measured values are found to be out of range another Force Calibration routine should be carried out. Electric Drives and Controls
Current Calibration For Welding Guns BOS6000 & UIR Adaptive Weld Control Current Calibration For Welding Guns Electric Drives and Controls
Current Calibration Preparation Ensure that the following settings are made In the General Tab the Current Measurement Mode should be set correctly. 1) If you have a secondary toriod attached to the gun arm or in the transformer, then secondary should be selected. If not, then primary should be selected. Electric Drives and Controls
Current Calibration 2) Select the calibration routines which are located on the Electrode Page 3) Ensure that the Transformer Type, and Upper current limit are set correctly 4) Ensure that the Diodes settings are as follows 5) To access Current Scaling Press the Current Scaling Key Electric Drives and Controls
Current Calibration 6) Type here the upper and lower heat limits for the calibration routine ( As a rule the upper limit should be 20 more than the value of the lower limit) 8) Select here the Program you wish to use for the calibration routine. You should select a program that is associated with the relevant electrode you wish to calibrate. 7) If you want to change the values, place a tick in the box before you type in the new values. The changes will then be stored for the next time the routine is entered. 9) Press the OK button to enter the next screen Electric Drives and Controls
Current Calibration 10) You should now place a calibrated DC Current meter over the secondary of the Gun. 11) Ensure the gun head is closed before you start the weld. 12) Press the Start Wld button to perform a short circuit weld Electric Drives and Controls
Current Calibration 13) Read the recorded value from the Current Meter and enter it into the Upper Heat Measured Current box as shown 14) Press the Enter Key and a “1” appears at the side of the box indicating that the first reading attempt has been carried out and the data has been sent to the timer. 15) Again press the Start Wld button to perform another Short Circuit Weld and repeat the steps above. This time when the Enter Key is pressed a “2” appears indicating the second attempt. Electric Drives and Controls
Current Calibration 16/ Now press the continue key to proceed to the lower heat limit calibration routine 17/ Again press the Start Wld button to perform another Short Circuit Weld. Electric Drives and Controls
Current Calibration 18) Read the recorded value from the Current Meter and enter it into the Lower Heat Measured Current box as shown. 19) Press the Enter Key and a “1” appears at the side of the box indicating that the first reading attempt has been carried out and the data has been sent to the timer. 20) Again press the Start Wld button to perform another Short Circuit Weld and repeat the steps above. This time when the Enter Key is pressed a “2” appears indicating the second attempt. Electric Drives and Controls
Current Calibration 21) Now press the continue key to exit the Current Calibration Routine 22) When the Continue Key is Pressed an Information point appears that shows the new calibrated Toroid Sens. 23) At this point the Secondary of the Gun can be opened and you can proceed with OK Electric Drives and Controls
Current Calibration 24) You should now return to the Sequence page and manually close the Gun. The Current meter should Still be in place to test the Programmed Current set in the Weld 2 Heat Value. You can either fire the Short circuit Weld from the control panel or fire the sequence with the bos6000 Software by using the procedure on the next page. Electric Drives and Controls
Bos6000 Set-Up, Heat Stepper Curves Heat stepper curves can be accessed via the setup icon. Several curves are standard, they can be selected by the curve number. You can also create your own curve, by dragging the line into the required position or by typing the required figure directly into the specific box Electric Drives and Controls
Bos6000 Set-Up Continued Tip dress curves, as with heat stepper curves are selectable, or can be created. Communications page shows confirmation of the Ethernet address, with the subnet mask. With error reference page, you have the ability to program the severity of the fault into a warning if required. A fault will inhibit the weld from starting, A warning will not inhibit the weld Electric Drives and Controls
Backing up ..! From any page the drop down menu should be visible, Select Edit, and then backup Or Ctrl + B Once selected , the next option is to pick which Timer or Timers are to backed up. By clicking on the top box, all timers will be selected, or individual timers can be selected by clicking on the box adjacent to the timer name The backup path and folder is located here. An alternative can be selected by selecting the … button, and choosing a new location When ready press OK Electric Drives and Controls
Backing up ..! The status of each timer can be seen as the backup is proceeding Electric Drives and Controls
Backing up ..! Electric Drives and Controls
Restoring Data…. 1. From the next page, you have to select which backup needs to be restored, select the browse key 1. From the Timer reference page, select the Restore Button Electric Drives and Controls
Restoring Data…. 2. Find the backup file that will be restored. Note: this will be a zip file. Then select open Electric Drives and Controls
Restoring Data…. 3. Select OK to start the restore process. Electric Drives and Controls
Restoring Data…. 4. With the next screen you have a chance to review the file data you are restoring, you can also see what is already in the timer, Select OK to start restoring the data back into the database Electric Drives and Controls
Restoring Data…. 5. The data is now being sent to the database, after a short while, you will get notification of completion 7. Click Continue to complete the restore function Electric Drives and Controls
Help page F1 The Help page can be accessed by pressing the F1 function key on your keyboard, or by clicking on the Help menu. If you have a specific query, 1st highlight the specific parameter, then press the F1 key. F1 Electric Drives and Controls
Help page F1 The Help page can be accessed by pressing the F1 function key on your keyboard, or by clicking on the Help menu. If you have a specific query, 1st highlight the specific parameter, then press the F1 key. F1 The help page that now appears will be relevant to the parameter that you have high lighted Electric Drives and Controls
How to extract spatter data from the BOS6000 software Within the BOS6000 software is a Spot / Expulsion overview page. This can show the user an over view of the spatter that exists on a complete line PC, or on an individual timer, thereby assisting in spatter detection and subsequent removal. This page can be exported as a text file and then imported into excel. Please note, this is only available on software release V1.23.0 and later. Data can be shown in program specific or spot number specific If you wish to view the data with the spot table an additional requirement is to ensure the spot table has been extracted from the timer first. See the next few slides for details on how to extract the spot table.
How to extract the spot table from the BOS6000 software Ensure that before you extract the spatter data, the spot table has been extracted. Click on add
How to extract the spot table from the BOS6000 software Select Spot Table <- Timer.
How to extract the spot table from the BOS6000 software The spot table then be displayed.
How to extract spatter data from the BOS6000 software Within the BOS6000. Drop down menu, Function. Spot / Expulsion Overview (Ctrl+F3)
How to extract spatter data from the BOS6000 software This screen will be shown. Select the configuration of the data, Spot name or program No Select a date and time from the drop down menu, this will be the start of the data to be extrapolated. Select a date and time from the drop down menu, this will be the end of the data to be extrapolated If you wish all programs or spots to shown regardless of the expulsion status tick the box Select update to display the data Electric Drives and Controls
How to extract spatter data from the BOS6000 software Data is displayed and can be sorted according to your requirements via the headings at the top of the page. This information can be exported, and displayed in excel for further diagnosis. The %expulsion data is calculated and displayed graphically as well as numerically Electric Drives and Controls
Sheet Thickness Calculation Requirements for sheet Thickness Calculation: Settings in BOSKonfigurationtool : Select start comment column - Select number of columns for sheet thickness calculation. Shielded cable: 2 x 0.75mm2, twisted pair ( BR PN: 1070 913 494 2x2x0.75mm2, LiYCY, 2 twisted pairs) The output of sheet thickness Is done in units of 0,1mm Electric Drives and Controls
Sheet Thickness Calculation For 4 of these programs / Spots, the sheet thickness is given in the 1. and 2.comment . Valid inputs are integer numbers or numbers with ‘,’ and following text Shielded cable: 2 x 0.75mm2, twisted pair ( BR PN: 1070 913 494 2x2x0.75mm2, LiYCY, 2 twisted pairs) Electric Drives and Controls
Sheet Thickness Calculation Start the sheet Thickness calculation, Best with activated log. Please check the file sheetThickness.txt In the correct subdirectory for details Shielded cable: 2 x 0.75mm2, twisted pair ( BR PN: 1070 913 494 2x2x0.75mm2, LiYCY, 2 twisted pairs) Electric Drives and Controls
Sheet Thickness Calculation Please check the operation for different Program selections. Shielded cable: 2 x 0.75mm2, twisted pair ( BR PN: 1070 913 494 2x2x0.75mm2, LiYCY, 2 twisted pairs) The output of sheet thickness Is done in units of 0,1mm Electric Drives and Controls
Bosch Rexroth PSQ 6000 UIR Adaptive System Training BOS6000 UIR Training Bosch Rexroth PSQ 6000 UIR Adaptive System Training Electric Drives and Controls
Function of the UI Regulator Process Parameters used: 1.) Primary OR Secondary current AND 2.) Voltage drop on electrodes = Secondary voltage at gun arms Secondary Voltage Current Current / Resistance Curves i(t) r(t) => Dynamic resistance during weld is calculated from the process parameters, current and voltage. => Energy balance of weld spot is calculated. Electric Drives and Controls
Function of the UI Regulator Electrode Voltage Tap UI Regulator Current Regulator Reference Curve Command Current and Time Actual Current Value Electric Drives and Controls
UIR Component Parts Regulator Board XQR Software BOS 6000 Sensor Cable Shielded cable: 2 x 0.75mm2, twisted pair ( BR PN: 1070 913 494 2x2x0.75mm2, LiYCY, 2 twisted pairs) Electric Drives and Controls
UIR: Installation Connect the voltage tap as close as possible to the gun tips wherever practicable. Goal: minimise losses of feedback signal, due to contact resistance. Install sensor cables apart from secondary power cables, possibly along water tubes. Sensor cable: Max. length 100m twisted, screened 2 x 0.75² Max. open length w/o screening and twisting: appr. 1m When intermediate connectors are used, the screen must be connected. The screen can be grounded on the UI regulator board or on the PE bar of the cabinet. Electric Drives and Controls
Operation of the UI Regulator Produce a quality weld Store current / voltage / resistance curves Reference Regulation by variation of current and weld time Monitoring Compare the actual curve with the reference Electric Drives and Controls
Function of the UI Regulator Current Voltage Act. Res Ref. Res Electric Drives and Controls
Operation of UI Regulator 1. Weld in KSR mode Optimize the parameters: current, time and force. Eliminate spatter and ensure good weld integrity. 2. Record Reference Resistance Curve The resistance curve is generated from the process parameters. It will be used as reference for the following welds. 3. Switch the UI regulator ON Activate regulation for all relevant programmes. 4. Weld with UI regulation and monitor the process Ensure that the weld process is stable and set monitoring limits for UIP and PSF. Electric Drives and Controls
UIR: Compensation of Disturbances Bad fitting of sheets Shunting Variation of coating Glue Bad tips 3-sheet welding Variation of sheet thickness Variation of force Electric Drives and Controls
BOS6000 UIR : General Parameters Programming Single software package for the programming of weld parameters and UIR Global settings for all electrodes and programs “Robot“ mode to be selected for automatic applications Electric Drives and Controls
BOS6000 UIR: Program Parameters Settings for Individual programmes Electric Drives and Controls
BOS6000 UIR: Program Parameters Measurement Regulation Monitoring Electric Drives and Controls
BOS6000 UIR: Measurement Parameters Parameter for detection of expulsion % decrease of R Weld & expulsion counters Electric Drives and Controls
BOS6000 UIR: Regulation Parameters Time in weld sequence when full regulation will become active Regulation Indication that regulation has been activated for this program Limits for welding current Activation of weld time prolongation Electric Drives and Controls
BOS6000 UIR: Monitoring Parameters Activation of monitoring for this programme Monitoring Indication that monitoring has been activated for this programme Electric Drives and Controls
BOS6000 UIR: Monitoring Parameters The monitoring function can be activated separately for each of the supervision parameters. Depending upon the process it may be appropriate to monitor different variables. Normally Process Stability and UIP are the best to use. Electric Drives and Controls
BOS6000 UIR: Monitoring Parameters Upper Tol. When a monitored parameter has been activated, the actual data points for the parameter are displayed with the desired value and tolerance bands Desired Value Cond. Tol. Lower Tol. Electric Drives and Controls
kA Setting of Weld Parameters with UIR Weld Splash Zone Good Weld Integrity Weld Failure Zone kA Splash Limit Weld Failure Limit When setting up the UIR, a critical factor is producing weld parameters that are stable and free from splash. Electric Drives and Controls
Good weld parameters - UIR Good weld parameters - KSR Setting of Weld Parameters with UIR Good weld parameters - UIR Weld Splash Zone Good weld parameters - KSR Weld Failure Zone kA Splash Limit Weld Failure Limit If you apply the same setup procedure for UIR that you do for KSR, there is a possibility that weld splash will occur when the UIR regulation is turned ON. Electric Drives and Controls
kA Setting of Weld Parameters with UIR Weld Splash Zone Splash Limit KSR parameters with current increase due to heat stepper. NO splash kA When setting KSR parameters, the rule of thumb is to raise the current until the “splash” limit and then reduce by 200-500 Amps. In KSR mode this will not be an issue as the heat stepper which is normally set between 3-8% and therefore the current is not raised above the splash limit. Weld Failure Limit Weld Failure Zone Electric Drives and Controls
kA Setting of Weld Parameters with UIR Weld Splash Zone Splash Limit KSR parameters in UIR Regulation, with weld splash kA For UIR regulation the setting of parameters in this fashion can cause problems with splash. If the resistance of the weld has dropped significantly, the UIR regulator can increase the current above the splash limit Weld Failure Limit Weld Failure Zone Electric Drives and Controls
kA Setting of Weld Parameters with UIR Weld Splash Zone Splash Limit Weld parameters in UIR Regulation with NO splash kA With UIR it is possible to reduce the heat with which the welds can be carried out, however, the current cannot be reduced too much due to the fact that the regulator can also reduce the current. Weld Failure Limit Weld Failure Zone Electric Drives and Controls
Protocol of Field Test (2006) Original parameters, very hot, to allow for weld errors, lot of spatter New parameters not in UIR regulation Manual station with a large variation of gun angle due to human operation, thus creating a reaction from the UIR Controller to maintain a good weld Electric Drives and Controls
UIR: Viewing UIR Curves The “Diagnosis” window and the “PSQ” tab need to be selected to be able to see the UIR curves When a weld has been created with “Measuring” activated, the resultant curves will be displayed By using the function buttons at the top of the screen it is possible to view different curves: Without – every curve from every programme can be viewed Program – Every time the selected prog is welded it will be displayed Single/Prog – The first time that the selected prog is welded it will be displayed. The view is not updated if the prog is welded again. Electric Drives and Controls
UIR: Viewing UIR Curves By activating the “Stop” function, it is possible to select previous welds by use of the scroll buttons. When “Stop” is selected, the scroll buttons can be used to see the last 64 welded curves Electric Drives and Controls
UIR: Viewing UIR Curves The generated curves can also be viewed from the “Programming” and “UIR Reference” screen. The curves do not appear automatically and will have to be retrieved from the timer via the “Actual curve<-Timer” button. Electric Drives and Controls
UIR: Generating Reference Curves Once the welds have been fully optimised in KSR mode, it is then possible to generate reference curves for the necessary programmes. Select the “Setup” and “UI Setup” tabs followed by the “Recording Mode” button. Electric Drives and Controls
UIR: Generating Reference Curves Select the timer that the resistance curves are to be recorded for. Activate the recording mode by pressing the “Start recording” button. Electric Drives and Controls
UIR: Generating Reference Curves Record the welds for at least one complete tip dress cycle. At least 10 curves are recommended. Once the necessary number of curves has been recorded, the recording can be stopped. Electric Drives and Controls
UIR: Generating Reference Curves If the welding is stable and the resistance curve shape is uniform an average curve can be generated for the selected programme. Electric Drives and Controls
The relevant curve can be selected until it is highlighted in red. UIR: Generating Reference Curves The relevant curve can be selected until it is highlighted in red. Any curves that are not acceptable can be deleted. The actual curve can then be deleted. Electric Drives and Controls
Curves with detected spatter can be deleted UIR: Generating Reference Curves Curves with detected spatter can be deleted As well as those that were created with a heat stepping value above a certain limit. It is also possible to delete a selection of curves at one time Electric Drives and Controls
UIR: Generating Reference Curves The average curve is highlighted in red, with the minimum and maximum curves also being displayed. If the displayed average curve is acceptable it can be sent to the timer as a reference for the selected programme. Generated reference curves can also be saved to the PC. Electric Drives and Controls
UIR: Viewing Reference Curves Once a reference curve has been generated and sent to the timer, it can be viewed using the “UIR Reference” screen. Generated reference curves can also be saved to the PC. Electric Drives and Controls
UIR: Switching to Regulation When the reference curve has been sent to the timer, the Regulation and Monitoring can be activated for the selected programme. The displayed parameters should be set as defaults for all programmes Electric Drives and Controls
Summary: Generation of Reference Curves Dress tips or change tips Condition tips by welding approx. 20 spots Activate Measurement (global and program-related) In UI Setup, Recording Mode, weld part spot by spot without spatters and store the actual curves Evaluate the spot quality; if correct, load the average curve as a reference Set max. prolongation of weld time (e.g. 100%) Set limits of current variation (e.g. +15% / -5%) Define reaction on spatter Activate Regulation (global and program-related) Electric Drives and Controls
resistance curve with good dynamic UIR: Reference Curves Adaptive Regulation is active from the first msec. The shape of the resistance curves differs quite a lot due to: different materials used different thicknesses different coatings etc. Important: A good reference curve is determined by good weld quality and not by the shape. resistance curve with good dynamic Electric Drives and Controls
Set the Repetition Factor to 1 UIR: Monitoring Parameters Set the Repetition Factor to 1 On the UIR Monitoring screen, set the monitoring to ON for the Current, UIP and Process Stability (PSF) and set the parameters as initial starting values. Electric Drives and Controls
UIR: Monitoring Parameters With the current monitoring selected, select a stable weld that was carried out without regulation and send this value to the timer as the reference value for all parameters. Electric Drives and Controls
UIR: Monitoring Parameters If more than 1 consecutive value lies between the conditional and lower limit then a repeat fault will be produced. The displayed fault indicates that there has been a repeat error for process supervision. Electric Drives and Controls
UIR: Monitoring Parameters Resistance - the value displayed is the maximum resistance achieved during the weld. Heat, = Power = Voltage (V)* Current (I) The figure displayed is the average power for the duration of the weld Energy = Heat * Time, (V*I)*T The figure displayed is the Energy for the duration of the weld Voltage - the displayed value is the average over the duration of the weld. Current - the displayed value is the average over the duration of the weld. Phase Angle - the displayed value is the actual value required to achieve the demanded current Electric Drives and Controls
UIR: Monitoring Parameters Process Stability The resultant figure is a calculation based on Voltage, Current & the extended weld time. The displayed value relates to differences between the reference curve and the actual curve. The greater the difference, the further from 100% the resulting value. The value for Process Stability will always be <=100 UIP This is a quality index based on Resistance, Voltage, Current and Time. A comparison is done after the weld between the reference curve and the actual curve. The result is nominally in the region of 100, although a figure up to 200 is not uncommon, and is also acceptable. If the result is significantly less than 100, then it could be possible that the weld may be undersize or loose. Electric Drives and Controls
UIR: Reaction of the UIR Regulator The UI regulator compares the values for the actual and reference resistance every msec. If there are differences then the regulator adjusts the weld current accordingly. The current will be adjusted up to the limits set in the UIR programming page. Increase in current to compensate for the reduced resistance Electric Drives and Controls
UIR: Reaction of the UIR Regulator When the actual resistance is greater than the reference value, the weld current will be reduced. At the end of the programmed weld time the regulator compares the weld energy with the energy for the reference weld and prolongates the weld time accordingly Reduction in Current ( Programmed value is 7.4kA) Weld time extension Electric Drives and Controls
Diagnosis UIR Electric Drives and Controls
Diagnosis UIR Electric Drives and Controls
UIR: Reference Gun Resistance Restart BOS6000 with Access-level „System“ Open the page Programming \ UIR Reference Read the actual curve from Timer Press the button „Gun resistance“. Then use a special program for a short circuit test of the gun. Electric Drives and Controls
UIR: Reference Gun Resistance Notice the characteristic of this weld ! There is no change in resistance !! Electric Drives and Controls
UIR: Reference Gun Resistance When pressing the button „Resistance to Gun resistance“ the resistance (here the 97uOhm) is copied into the parameter shown. Starting from now, in every reference curve the „reference Gun resistance“ is taken as parameter for this reference curve. Lateron, change the test gun resistance manually to 90 uOhm and send Data to timer Electric Drives and Controls
UIR: Reference Gun Resistance Electric Drives and Controls
UIR: Fault Conditions Measuring Circuit Error - If the voltage tap is not correctly installed then this error will occur. Electric Drives and Controls
UIR: Fault Conditions NOTE: If problems are experienced with the UIR measuring circuit, then by switching the Global parameter for UIR Measuring to OFF, the system is deactivated for all programmes. In this case the programmed KSR current gets active and KSR current monitoring limits will become active for all programmes. Important: To use this feature correctly, UIR and KSR parameters must be optimised to give good weld quality. OFF to be selected Electric Drives and Controls
UIR: Fault Conditions PSQ Maximum Weld Time Exceeded – This error occurs if the regulator attempts to extend the weld time past the prolongation limit that has been set. Electric Drives and Controls
BOS6000 & UIR Adaptive Weld Control Thank You Questions and Answers Electric Drives and Controls