Bell Ringer Take out your Historical Skills and Methods Quiz “homework” from the weekend. We will take the quiz 3 minutes after the bell rings.
When You’re Finished… Please take out a blank piece of loose leaf paper from your binder… Put your name at the top and wait for us to grade the quiz.
Select One of the Following: 1. The Dress Code 2. Electronic Device Policy 3. Class Schedule 4. Discipline/Attend- ance Policy Write your topic as the “Title” of your blank sheet. You will either be supporting or refuting the policy. Develop a Thesis Statement regarding this topic…
Bell Ringer!!!! Take out your homework from yesterday. What kinds of primary and secondary sources did we come up with???
Round One: Text Analysis Analyze the Pro’s and Con’s Article about Dress Codes. This is not about our school but we can apply it to our code and your argument. Complete the Venn as you go.
Round Two: Partner Sources Analyze the source sheet and include it in your Venn sections. It can look messy. That’s o.k. Choose a stance that you will take: For or Against. You have to choose.
Round Three: Categories Develop your argument in to three separate categories. How would you present it if you were in an argument with someone on the opposite side????
Bell Ringer!!! Take out your Venn Diagram and source papers from yesterday. You should have a refined Thesis and 3 categories for your argument for or against the Dress Code. Make sure that you have your sources labeled… 1. Pro’s of Dress Code 2. Con’s of Dress Code 3. Fresno Article 4. Popular Magazine 5. Student Account 6. Staff Member (Field) 7. Staff Member (Greenville) 8. What source should you use that contains the entire dress code????????
Categories… What categories did we find for those of us that are against the Dress Code? How about those of us that are for the Dress Code?
Web Design Take a look at your Essay Web… Does it make sense? Be sure to put your thesis in the middle. I am going to call you up one by one to check those… Complete the category sections of the web with the information you would use to argue your points. If it is a portion/quote of a source, be sure to put what number source it is on the outside of the web box.
Bell Ringer!! Take out all of the sheets we have been using for our Dress Code Essay…