Canady v. Bossier Parish School District School Dress Code Canady v. Bossier Parish School District
Dress Code School Board implemented a dress code for 17 of the 34 schools in the district. Reason was to reduce violence and improve testing scores and data would be collected. Both objectives were achieved and the board decided to implement the dress code policy to all 34 schools. Plaintiffs, group of parents, argued that the policy limited freedom of expression, does not improve learning, are expensive and violate religious rights.
Dress Code District court upheld the boards’ policy. Plaintiffs appealed and the State Supreme Court of LA upheld the lower court’s decision. Reasons for upholding the policy: Sometimes school boards’ regulation of student behavior outweighs individual students’ rights to free speech.
Relevant Cases on Freedom of Speech Tinker v. Des Moines – free speech, not directly related to school dress Bethel School District v. Fraser – lewd metaphors during a political speech in a school assembly Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier - students censored in the school paper for writing objectionable stories
How to Prevent Problems Collect data on student achievement before and after the policy was instituted. Have full support of the Board. Look at relevant cases and make sure you have a leg to stand on. Always assume there will be a plaintiff in a free speech policy.