More FAX dress rehearsal ideas & proposed plan R. Gardner 12/3/12
Recall roadmap …more dCache dev …new monitoring stream & integration issues As always, the docs could Be better IT Sites ?? First users ?? First users
Towards ‘production readiness’ & usability While there has been at-large use of the FAX infrastructure, and interest for tutorials, to get to a production quality infrastructure which guarantees a good user experience we have some more work to do. Early adopter feedback – See twareTutorialAnalyzingD3PDsInROOT twareTutorialAnalyzingD3PDsInROOT – Main issues: Dataset availability via FAX Uneven performance from redirectors and sites
From last time: – Define an FDR sufficient to cover most anticipated user workloads, including user docs – Define a rehearsal period: ~ week and metrics (and needed monitoring) – Poll for site volunteers and an ad-hoc FAX OPS team – Execute the FDR; gather monitoring statistics and accounting data Propose spend December preparing – Identifying five exemplar use cases that can be run by FAX OPS team – Preparing a clean set of tutorial-like documents – Preplace example datasets – Load test redirectors and sites against with examples – Solve the main problem of federated access to datasets Week of January 21 going live with real users