GRADUATION DRESS CODE Is strictly enforced Mandatory check in Out of dress code=not allowed to walk Can not leave once checked in No purses or personal items
APPROPRIATE DRESS Males Dark dress pants Collared dress shirt and tie Black dress shoes Females Dark dress, skirt, or pants Black dress shoes
APPROPRIATE DRESS, CONTINUED Clothing must meet OHS dress code requirements NO TOMS, FLIP FLOPS, OR TENNIS SHOES No hat decorations will be allowed
BEHAVIOR Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated!!!!
DIPLOMA PICK UP Immediately after ceremony Same location as dress code check (aux. gym) Must be cleared
CAP AND GOWN DONATION Donation box Give back Help others
SENIOR FAILURES May 14, 2015 by 3:30 All requirements met Not allowed to participate
OHS FEES AND FINES Must be cleared at OHS No money collected at rehearsal No diplomas will be issued or transcripts submitted until all fees are paid Cash only
HONORS CORDS ***Available in the bank***
FINAL TRANSCRIPT REQUESTS $2.00 per request This must be completed before you exit the building
GRADUATION REHEARSAL Friday, May 1:00pm Murphy Center MTSU BE ON TIME!!!
GRADUATION Saturday, May 10:00am Murphy Center MTSU Be there by 9:00am BE ON TIME! Parking on Greenland Dr., enter through Loading dock of Greenland Dr. lot
SENIOR EXIT SURVEY Distributed through English Classes Feedback
SENIOR ATTENDANCE Friday is NOT your last day of school!!!