Friday, September 19, 2014
The cheerleaders are selling pink Breast Cancer Awareness shirts. They are $20 and all profits benefit breast cancer research. See any Varsity or Junior Varsity Cheerleader to purchase yours. They are also available in Ms. Lurwig’s room 208 or Mrs. Willis’ room 922. Hurry and get yours as TODAY is the deadline to purchase yours.
Front of ShirtBack of Shirt Breast Cancer Awareness T-Shirt Design
The Baldwin County Band Jamboree will be held on October 7 at 6 pm at the Spanish Fort High School Toro Field. The Mighty Band from Lion Land will be performing at 8 pm. Come out and support our band as they show our pride of Foley High!
Homecoming 2014 is next week! Have you gotten your tickets? Tickets are $13 and on sale in Mrs. Houston’s room 404, the AP Academy office, and during all lunch waves in the cafeteria. NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR FOR THE DANCE. YOU MUST HAVE A TICKET TO ENTER THE DANCE.
If you are planning to bring a date to the FHS Homecoming Dance, you must fill out a Guest Approval form. These are lengthy and take some time to complete. Please pick up and fill out the application and take it to your alpha principal BEFORE attempting to purchase tickets. Guest Approval forms may be picked up outside room 404 Mrs. Houston or in the AP Wing office.
Homecoming Dress Down Days 2014 Monday – “Toon Out the Bears” - Character Day - dress up as a cartoon character, Disney character, or superhero. Tuesday - “Make the Bears See Stars” - Pop Culture Day - Celebrities/ Sports Stars – dress up as your favorite actor/actress/musician/or sports hero Wednesday - “King of the Carnivores” - Animal/Safari Day – dress up as if you are going on a safari or as any animal
Thursday - “Blast the Bears to the Past” - Decade Day – dress up as someone would from your favorite decade. Friday - “Carnival of Carnivores” - Spirit Shirt Day – spirit shirt/jeans/FHS bling/ Blue/Gold
FCA will sponsor Global Week of Student Prayer by sponsoring “See You At The Pole” on Wednesday at 7:10 am. You are invited to meet at the flags in front of the school to pray for our school and community. #Never Stop Praying
NHS Members will have a mandatory induction ceremony practice on Wednesday from 3:10-4:00 in the gym.
Attention Foley Theatre Company members: 1.It is time to sign up to participate in this year’s Drama Contest. To ask questions or sign up, see Ms. Andersen THIS WEEK! 2.Have you signed up with Remind 101? This is a quick and easy way to get important info to you. Do this NOW! If you need help, see Ms. Andersen.
Anyone interested in trying out for the girls soccer team needs to meet on Monday at 3:15 in room 315. The meeting should only last about 15 minutes.
Boys and Girls soccer will be holding their tryouts September 29-October 2. Anyone planning to participate in tryouts needs to have a current physical on file with the school and proof of health insurance. Please see Coach B or Coach Pfizenmayer for more details.