Part 3 40 Questions Questions about Ibadat
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #32 What is a Qadhaa' Salat? a.A Salat made only on Friday. b.A Salat to compensate for a missed Prayer. c.A Salat special for someone who dies. d.The name of an angel in charge of Salats.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #33 How old do you have to be when you are to do the praying regularly? a.When your mother says so. b.Upon reaching physical maturity. c.The age of twenty one. d.When you feel like it.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #34 Is it ok to pray before you are old enough for praying regularly? a.Yes. b.Never. c.Sometimes. d.Haram.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #35 How will a girl dress when she wants to pray? a.Put on her cleanest, best looking dress. b.Covers everything, except face. c.b above + hands and feet. d.In shorts.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #36 Will a girl pray the same way as a boy does? a.Yes, exactly. b.On some occasions only. c.Yes, except for the dress. d.c above + some other requirements.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #37 Can you say a Salat in English? a.Yes, why not. b.No. c.When you feel like it. d.All the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #38 Can you pray with your parents? a.No, until I am grown up. b.Yes, it is a good idea. c.Better wait. d.Any of the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #39 What is Saum? a.The name of an angel. b.The name of a Prophet. c.The name of a Holy Book. d.Fasting.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #310 As Muslims we all fast, what is the name of the month during which we fast? a.Dhul-Hijjah. b.Safar. c.Ramadhan. d.Muharram.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #311 Can we fast at other times of the year? a.Yes, it is mandatory. b.Yes, it is optional. c.Yes, in Jamad-ul-Awwal. d.Yes, only on Fridays.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #312 What do we do when we fast? a.Don't eat. b.Don't drink. c.a and b above + do our best to behave well. d.All the above + avoid other desires.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #313 Why do we fast? a.Moses ordered the duty of fasting. b.Muhammad (pbuh) ordered it. c.Angel Jibreel ordered it. d.Almighty Allah (swt) ordered it.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #314 Is the month of Ramadhan holy? a.Yes to Muslims and Christians. b.Sometimes to Muslims but not to Christians. c.Yes to all Muslims. d.Yes to some Muslims.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #315 How often does Ramadhan come a year? a.Once a year. b.Twice a year. c.Three times a year. d.Every third month.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #316 Who is to fast during the month of Ramadhan? a.Men and women of the proper age. b.Black and white people. c.The rich as well as the poor. d.All the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #317 Is it males or females who are to fast during the month of Ramadhan? a.Only males. b.Only females. c.All males and some females. d.All males and females.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #318 Is it the rich or the poor who are to fast during the month of Ramadhan? a.All the rich and all the poor. b.All the poor but some of the rich. c.All the rich and some of the poor. d.None of the rich but some of the poor.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #319 Is it the black or the white people who are to fast during the month of Ramadhan? a.Blacks only. b.All colors. c.Whites only. d.All the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #320 Does a child have to fast? a.Yes, being a Muslim, he or she should. b.No. c.Yes if he or she wants to. d.It is nice to do so.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #321 Can a child try to fast? a.No, he or she should not. b.Yes if capable. c.Yes if capable, on trial basis. d.Only boys should, since fasting is manly.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #322 Does Ramadhan come during winter or summer time? a.Neither. b.Summer. c.All seasons depending. d.Winter.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #323 Does the holy month of Ramadhan keep advancing about eleven days every year? a.Yes, because it is a lunar month. b.No, because it is a lunar month. c.Yes, because it is a solar month. d.No, because it is a solar month.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #324 What is a lunar month? a.Month depending on the cycle of the moon + d. b.Month related to the lunar geography. c.A longer month than the solar month. d.A month shorter than the solar month.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #325 When people in North America fast during the winter months, will people in South America fast at the same time? a.Yes, though it is summer over there. b.No, they don't have too. c.Sometimes. d.Every once in a while.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #326 As Ramadhan moves eleven days each year, we will have our share of fasting during winter and summer? What is the value? a.Distributes fairness to all people. b.People experience the occasion all seasons. c.It treats the hemispheres equally. d.All the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #327 People will fast alike during all seasons because Ramadhan moves each year, why is that good? a.This way Allah (swt) gives perfect justice. b.Equally experiencing fasting means true justice. c.Allah (swt) loves people, so He made it that way. d.All the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #328 Is Ramadhan a duty on each adult Muslim? a.Yes, always. b.Yes, on Muslims who qualify. c.Yes, on every Muslim. d.Yes, on some people.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #329 Is Ramadhan one of the pillars of Ibadat? a.Yes and no. b.Yes, of course. c.Mostly. d.Usually.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #330 When we fast we don't eat, drink or smoke. From what time to what time of the day do we have to do that? a.Dawn to slightly after sunset. b.Sunrise to sunset. c.Dawn to late evening. d.Dawn to mid-afternoon.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #331 What do we call it when we break the fast? a.Suhoor. b.Iftaar. c.Ibadat. d.Iman.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #332 Iftaar is a nice term, what do we do during Iftaar? a.Break the fast, pray Maghrib, then eat. b.Break the fast then eat. c.Pray Maghrib then eat. d.Break fast then sleep.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #333 What is Suhoor? a.Surah in the Holy Quran. b.Hadith. c.The last meal before the fast of the day. d.The name of mid-Ramadhan prayer.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #334 How many hours do we fast during the day? a.Fourteen hours during day time. b.Seventeen hours during summer time. c.Both a and b above. d.The length changes from day to day.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #335 The long days of Ramadhan are during summer time, why is that? a.The days are longer. b.Lunar system. c.Solar system. d.above because it is summer.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #336 What do we usually learn when we fast? a.How to lose weight. b.How to be better Muslims. c.How to control ourselves. d.How to sleep during daytime and be awake at night, + all the above.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #337 Should we think of the poor when we fast? a.Yes, since their hunger is like mine. b.No, since I can only think of myself. c.No, because I am too busy playing. d.Yes, but I don't know why.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #338 Will fasting teach us to be patient? a.Yes, sometimes. b.No. c.Yes, often. d.Yes, always.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #339 Will fasting teach us to be good people, obedient to Allah's orders? a.No. b.Often it does. c.Sometimes it does. d.It always should if we are sincere.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #340 Is fasting good to our health? a.Yes. b.Not at all. c.Often it is good. d.Occasionally.
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #341 What is Taraweeh Prayer? a.A night Salat in Muharram. b.A Salat done every night in Ramadhan. c.A night in Dhul-Hijjah. d.A prayer done by Ali (a.s.).
Click for the answer Questions, Ibadat, batch #342 End of quiz a.You may go for the next set of questions about Ibadat or b.You may choose another topic c.Thank you and May Allah bless you.