Project meeting in Hungary 18th Feb-24th Feb 2012 Tasks Students make Easter postcards.
Ghosts of the Castles – Power point presentations Students were asked to prepare powerpoint presentations about castles and their ghosts.
A legend about gingerbread cookies - voting Students were voting to choose a legend that was later going to be presented in the form of a drama. The legend that was chosen was about gingerbread cookies from Toruń.
Parents presented the chosen legend in the form of a drama
Parents, teachers and children who were involved in the drama of the legend…
Food in the castle… Students could try the food that was eaten in castles
A fancy dress party for students Students had a fancy dress party. They were dressed as people who lived in castles Then there was a competition for the best costume of the ball
Easter traditions Students prepared powerpoint presentations about Easter traditions.
Everything here is Poland…every stone and every crumb… Students prepared powerpoint presentations about Poland and its most beautiful places
Quizzes and surveys Students were asked to prepare quizzes about partner countries. They prepared the quizzes in the form of powerpoint presentations.
We collected boxes We were collecting boxes in order to build a castle All the classes were competing to collect the greatest number of boxes. Th results were as following:
Our castle Thanks to the help of one of our parents,Agnieszka Milaszewska, we built a castle. Here we were waiting for the castle to arrive. It was so big that we had to find the biggest door
Our castle…
Castles made by class Ia
Class Ia
Comenius club – we were making powerpoint presentations about ‘Castles in 4 seasons’
Poetry competition Bogunia Nowak organized a poetry competition. Students from from classes I-III wrote poems concerning Polish legends. The winners were: