Grant Wood Landscapes and Perspective
Grant Wood ·February 13, 1891 – February 12, 1942 · An American Artist! · Born in Iowa. · Best known for his paintings of the rural American Midwest. · American Gothic is his most famous painting.
What trees are closest? What ones are far away? How do you know? What shape did the artist use? Did Grant Wood overlap?
Are they giants???????????? Horizon Line Foreground Middleground Background
What are the lines in the fields supposed to be? Can you find the horizon line?
What is in the Foreground? Background? Middleground? Where is the horizon line? You are so smart!
We will make our own! 1.Start with a horizon line! Anything on the horizon line is the background. 2. Next add one or two hills or fields as the middleground. 3. Whatever is left is your foreground. 4. Add lines for crops in your middleground and foreground. Add a few extra details to your foreground. Plants, grass pumpkins…We will be adding a scarecrow to the foreground soon!
We are going to add a scarecrow to the foreground of our picture. What does that mean? Is a scarecrow art? What is a scarecrows job?
What parts do we need? Head Face Shirt Bottom Hat Details
What else can we add to our Fall Farmscapes? Foreground Ideas: Background Ideas: Middleground Ideas: