Visual Rhetoric Presentation Texting While Driving By: Brittany Milton
Texting While Driving “Texting While Driving is a Distraction – Don’t Do It!” American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2011. Web. 9 Nov. 2011
Background Information This picture conveys how dangerous texting while driving can be. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and the Orthopaedic Trauma Association have joined forces to urge drivers to NEVER text while driving.
Take a closer look… When looking at this advertisement, where are your eyes first led to? Why? I first noticed the words OMG. They are bold words that are larger than any other words in this advertisement.
Audience Who do you think is the intended audience of this ad? This advertisement is intended for anyone who is old enough to drive. It is also intended to educate people who aren’t old enough to drive to make smart decisions when they get their license.
Subject Matter What do you think is the universal message the creator of this ad is trying to make? The creator wants to inform drivers to avoid texting while driving; it is a deadly distraction.
Point of View What parts of this ad are clearly in focus? The words OMG and the blood splatter are in clear focus. They both stand out against the cracked windshield.
Point of View What do you think can be classified as the foreground and background? The foreground are the words OMG and the blood splatter. The background is the cracked windshield. The words below OMG could also be considered as part of the foreground.
Contrast Techniques Why do you think the creator of this ad chose the colors presented? Red, the color of blood, is being used to show how you can be injured if you text while driving. Black is being used to resemble death.
Symbolism What is being symbolized in this ad? The cracked windshield is being used to symbolize a car crash, in this case the result of texting while driving.
Logos What is the logical appeal of this advertisement? The crack windshield and blood splatter sets a logical appeal. By viewing this ad, we understand how simply reading a text while driving can have a fatal outcome.
Pathos What is the emotional appeal of this advertisement? Someone who has lost a friend or loved one in a car accident due to texting and driving may be more affected by this ad than others; This can cause them to be very saddened. For others, it can cause us to realize how hazardous texting while driving really is.
Ethos What is the ethical appeal of this advertisement? If you kill someone because you were texting while driving, that is ethically wrong.
Works Cited “Texting While Driving is a Distraction – Don’t Do It!” American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, 2011. Web. 9 Nov. 2011