GHz Measurements of anomalous dust emission Richard Davis, Clive Dickinson, Rod Davies, Anthony Banday Paris
H maps corrected for dust Towards a free-free template Dickinson, Davies & Davis used WHAM and SHASSA H surveys for the northern and southern skies These were corrected for dust absorption using 100- m maps of Schlegel Finbeiner & Davis Cannot recover 5% of sky along galactic plane
Dust corrected H alpha
Conversion of dust corrected H into predicted radio surface brightness The free-free emission formula has been revised to give a 1% accurate formula for 100MHz-100GHz and electron temperature for K A full-sky free-free template map is presented at 30GHz. The Haslam 408MHz all sky map can be corrected to give a pure synchrotron map
Free-free brightness temperature 5 K – 1mK in powers of 2 at 30 GHz
Dust map shows regions where absorption is too high
Quest for foreground X Oliveira-Costa et al. take the WMAP ‘synchrotron’ template and correlate this with the Tenerife 10 and 15 GHz data and the individual WMAP frequencies for |b|>20° On the plot they show a synchrotron -2.8 and spinning dust spectrum from Draine & Lazarian added to a 20K thermal dust component normalized to 90GHz
Foreground contribution
Microwave emission in Green Bank Galactic Plane Survey Finkbeiner et al measure a rising spectrum from 8.3 to 14.3 GHz in a survey of the Galactic Plane They produce a free-free corrected 14.3 corrected (superposition) which correlates well with 100 m total dust emission The amplitude is 500 times that expected from thermal dust emission
Combination of Rhodes 2.3GHz, Green Bank 8.3 and 14.3 GHz and WMAP Galactic Plane data Each frequency channel antenna temperature is plotted against the WMAP 94GHz channel with the CMB removed and good correlations are found These eight frequency channels correlation slopes are then plotted against frequency
Correlation slope spectra for l=0,15,30,45
Model emissivity
Large-scale anomalous microwave from WMAP G.Lagache Residual emission is found from WMAP over free-free and synchrotron with a constant spectrum from 3.2 to 9.1mm and decreases in amplitude when N HI increases They propose that the excess is associated with small transiently heated dust particles.
Detection of anomalous microwave emission in the Perseus Moleular cloud Cosmosomas finds direct evidence for anomalous microwave emission with a rising spectrum from 11 to 17 GHz
Spectrum of G
Reappraising foreground contamination in COBE-DMR Banday et al 03 take the best foregrounds we have and correlate with DMR They find a strong anomalous dust component peaking ~20 GHz
Templates for COBE data Dust is traced by the140- m DIRBE sky map,all templates are convolved to 7 ° resolution The free-free template is traced by the H map from Dickinson, Davies & Davis as described above The Synchrotron template is based on the Haslam 408 MHz
Derivation of coupling coefficients of foregrounds with COBE DMR In this analysis we treat multiple foreground templates and all three DMR channels simultaneously. This forces the CMB distribution to be invariant between the three frequencies. Correlation of each foreground with each COBE frequency gives the coupling coefficients Thermal dust has been removed from the DMR data by using the template from Finkbeiner, Davis & Schlegel
Coupling coefficient foregrounds thermal dust subtracted and dust emissivity
Template coefficients
Foreground contamination in K The coupling coefficients are multiplied by the foregrounds to obtain the contamination of the CMB This is for b>|20 ° | Synchrotron is dotted line Free-free is dot-dashed line Thermal dust is dashed line Anomalous dust is heavy dashed line
Anomalous Dust
Quantitative comparison of anomalous dust A careful of the calibration of work on anomalous dust Getting the numbers all into microK/megaJy/sr Finkbeiner on plane Watson Cosmosomas on G in Perseus Molecular cloud Banday diffuse off the plane
microK/Mega Jy/sr
Finkbeiner W40 The same calibration was done on W40 which shows a similar spectrum The lowest frequency was assumed to be mostly free-free and a index was subtracted to get the true anomalous emission, if the above assumption is true
W40 microK/MegaJy/sr