Recent Results from WMAP Dave Wilkinson L. Page, DESY, September, 2006
The Standard Cosmological Model Surface of last scattering at “decoupling.” “Reionization”
Mark Subbarao & SDSS Collaboration
The New Science Inflation-like models, based on field theories of the t< s Universe, predict the gravitational landscape to which the contents respond, differ by 5% from the historic (PHZ) phenomenological description. Basic model agrees with virtually all cosmological measurements. The DM/DE composition is parametrized phenomenologically. WMAP observes this difference.
What’s New in the Measurement? Three times as much data, smaller errors in maps: more than 50x reduction in model parameter space. Direct measurement of CMB polarization at >10 0 angular scales. The error bars are near 300 nK. Much better understanding of instrument, noise, gain, beams, and mapmaking.
NASA/GSFC Bob Hill Gary Hinshaw Al Kogut Michele Limon Nils Odegard Janet Weiland Ed Wollack Princeton Norm Jarosik Lyman Page David Spergel. UBC Mark Halpern Chicago Stephan Meyer Hiranya Peiris Brown Greg Tucker UCLA Ned Wright Science Team: WMAP A partnership between NASA/GSFC and Princeton Johns Hopkins Chuck Bennett (PI) Cornell Rachel Bean Microsoft Chris Barnes CITA Olivier Dore Mike Nolta Penn Licia Verde UT Austin Eiichiro Komatsu
One of 20 A-B-A-BB-A-B-A Amplifiers from NRAO, M. Pospieszalski design For temperature: measure difference in power from both sides. CMB: 30 uK rms For polarization: measure the difference between differential temperature measurements with opposite polarity. CMB 0.3 uK rms ** * * = 0 0I/2 ( ( ) ) ) ( + Q/2 -Q/2 U/2 Coherency matrix (>10 0 ) IntensityStokes Q&U
Stability of instrument is critical Physical temperature of B-side primary over three years. Jarosik et al. Three parameter fit to gain over three years leads to a clean separation of gain and offset drifts. 3yr Model Data based on dipole Model based on yr1 alone
K Band, 22 GHz
Ka Band, 33 GHz
Q Band, 41 GHz
V Band, 61 GHz
W Band, 94 GHz
Power spectrum ~1 0 ~0.4 0 Physical size = plasma speed X age of universe at decoupling The overall tilt of this spectrum--- encoded in the “scalar spectral index” n s --- is the new handle on inflation. Angular Power Spectrum. early in inflation later in inflation
“Geometric Degeneracy” CMB alone tells us we are on the “geometric degeneracy” line Reduced closed open Assume flatness WMAP3 only best fit LCDM {
Large Angular Scale Polarization The formation of the first stars produces free electrons that: (1) rescatter CMB photons thereby reducing the anisotropy and (2) polarize the CMB at large angular scales. These effects mimic a change in n s : “the n s - tau” degeneracy WMAP measures (2) to break the degeneracy
K Band, 22 GHz 50
Ka Band, 33 GHz
Q Band, 41 GHz
V Band, 61 GHz CMB 6 uK
W Band, 94 GHz
From Wayne Hu Polarization of the CMB is produced by Thompson scattering of a quadrupolar radiation pattern. Seljak & Zaldarriaga 2 deg CMB Polarization Whenever there are free electrons, the CMB is polarized. The polarization field is decomposed into “E” and “B” modes. E B
Gravitational wave Density wave Terminology: E/B Modes E-modes B-modes k k
Types of Cosmological Perturbations Tensors: h (GW strain) Temperature E polarization B polarization Temperature Scalars:, Or less! 0.3 n and r are predicted by models of inflation.
Low-l EE/BB EE (solid) BB (dash) EE/BB model at 60 GHz r=0.3 Since reionization is late we see it at large angular scales. This is our handle on the optical depth.
Raw vs. Cleaned Maps Galaxy masked in analysis
Low-l EE/BB EE Polarization: from reionization by the first stars BB Polarization: null check and limit on gravitational waves. r<2.2 (95% CL) from just EE/BB EE BB Just Q and V bands.
Degeneracy Knowledge of optical depth breaks the degeneracy 1yr WMAP 3yr WMAP L WMAP1+ ACBAR+ CBI No SZ marg
BB r=0.3 EE TE TT Approx EE/BB foreground BB Lensing (not primordial) BB inflation
What Does the Model Need to Describe the Data? Model needs, 8 Model needs not unity, 8 Model needs dark matter, 248 Model does not need: “running,” r, or massive neutrinos, < 3. changing one of the 6 parameters at a time…. The data are, of course, less restrictive when there are more parameters. (“2.8 sigma”) (“15 sigma”) ….but Eriksen & Huffenberger / WMAP / (all) {
Equation of State & Curvature WMAP+CMB+2dFGRS+SDSS+SN Interpret as amazing consistency between data sets.
Thank You!
Maps of Multipoles Too aligned? Too symmetric?
What’s Next? The CMB is still a scientific gold mine. Small scale anisotropy Polarization at all angular scales Better known parameters Non-gaussanity? Non-adiabatic modes ? Neutrino mass? W not -1? Formation and growth of cosmic structure. Tests of field theories at s. Something new?
Selected Bolometer - Array and SZ Roadmap Polarbear-I (300 bolometers) California SZA (Interferometer) Owens Valley APEX (~400 bolometers) Chile SPT (1000 bolometers) South Pole ACT (3000 bolometers) Chile Planck (50 bolometers) L2 (12000 bolometers) SCUBA2 QUAD BiCEP BRAIN QUIET CLOVER
“large scale” (unique to satellite) 2 bumps R=0.01
Cluster (SZ, KSZ X-rays, & optical) Diffuse SZ OV/KSZ CMB: l>1000 Lensing Observations: Science: Growth of structure Eqn. of state Neutrino mass Ionization history ACT Atacama Cosmology Telescope Optical X-ray Theory Inflation Power spectrum Columbia Haverford U. KwaZulu-Natal Rutgers U. Catolica Cardiff UMass CUNY UBC NIST INAOE NASA/GSFC UPenn U. Pittsburgh U. Toronto Princeton Collaboration:
More simulations of mm-wave sky. Survey area High quality area 150 GHz SZ SimulationMBAC on ACT PLANCK WMAP PLANCK Target Sensitivity (i.e. ideal stat noise only) de Oliveira-Costa Burwell/Seljak 1.5’ beam ACT SPT & APEX as well. / Diffuse KSZ
Need picture SCUBA Completed “close-packed” 12x32 bolometer array Linear array after folding Torsional yoke attachment SHARC II 12x32 Popup Array One element of array 1 mm 3.2 mm PI D. Dowell Arrays of bolometers Moseley et al, NASA/GSFC Irwin et al. Warm electronics based on SCUBA2 Halpern et al. UBC S. Staggs is lead
Pulse Tube 3He Fridge 40K Shield 3 feet Camera (MBAC) Layout D. Swetz Filters: Cardiff AR Coated Si lenses. 0.6K
New Type of Telescope M. Devlin is lead Telescope at AMEC in Vancouver. Ship to Chile in 2006.
First Light Dec 05 Moon Measured from Jadwin Hall at 150 GHz with x11 attenuation. CCAM CCAM: A 1x32 muxed TES array prototype on the WMAP spare.
Angular Power Spectrum
Q&U Maps
Foreground Model Template fits (not model just shown). Use all available information on polarization directions. Sync: Based on K band directions Dust: Based on directions from starlight polarization. Increase errors in map for subtraction. Examine power spectrum l by l and frequency. Examine results with different bands. Examine the results with different models. Ka Q V W BandPre-CleanedCleaned 4534 DOF Table of
High l TE Crittenden et al.
Frequency space “Spikes” from correlated polarized sync and dust.
The Standard Cosmological Model At a very early time a “quantum field” impressed on the universe a gravitational landscape. Abbreviated This is literally a picture of a quantum field from the birth of the universe. Matter fell into the valleys to form eventually “structure.” But only 1/6 of this matter is familiar to us. The dynamics of the universe is now driven not so much by the matter but by a new form of energy: “The Dark Energy.”
Compare Spectra Cosmic variance limited to l=400. First peak Window function dominates difference
Foreground Model Template fits (not model just shown). Use all available information on polarization directions. Sync: Based on K band directions Dust: Based on directions from starlight polarization. Increase errors in map for subtraction. Examine power spectrum l by l and frequency. Examine results with different bands. Examine the results with different models. Ka Q V W BandPre-CleanedCleaned 4534 DOF Table of
Low-l TE New noise, new mapmaking, pixel space foreground subtaction, different sky cut, different band combination. New results consistent with original results. New results also consistent with zero! 4 to model
Low-l EE/BB EE (solid) BB (dash) BB model at 60 GHz r=0.3
Frequency space “Spikes” from correlated polarized sync and dust.
Spectrum of Foreground Subtraction Pre-cleaned error bars do not include 2NF term. Recall, foreground subtraction is done on maps, not spectra. We use QV for analysis, check with other channels.
Low-l EE/BB EE Polarization: from reionization of first stars BB Polarization: null check and limit on gravitational waves. r<2.2 (95% CL) from just EE/BB EE BB Just Q and V bands.
OpticaL Depth
Optical Depth Knowledge of the optical depth affects the determination of the cosmological parameters, especially ns / / / / / / / / KaQV QV QVW KaQVW Bands EE only EE +TE only Best overall with 6 parameters = /
New Cosmological Parameters New analysis based primarily on WMAP alone. Knowledge of optical depth breaks the n-tau degeneracy. Take WMAP and project to other experiments to test for consistency.
Degeneracy Knowledge of optical depth breaks the degeneracy 1yr WMAP 3yr WMAP
Add 2dFGRS, SDSS, CMB,SN,WL The general trend is: drops to /-0/017 drops when CMB added & rises when galaxies added A “working number” is 0.26 The scalar spectral index is 0.97+/ Seljak et al. and 0.98+/-0.03 (Tegmark et al.) for WMAP-1 +SDSS.
Gravitational Waves WMAP alone, r<0.55 (95% CL) WMAP+2dF, r<0.30 (95% CL) WMAP+SDSS, r<0.28 (95% CL) In all cases, n_s rises to compensate. WMAP-1+SDSS Tegmark et al WMAP-1+SDSS+Lya Seljak et al Similar behavior:
Final Bits No evidence for non-Gaussanity in any of our tests: Minkowski functionals, bispectrum, trispectrum….. Sum of mass of light neutrinos is <0.68 eV (95% CL). Has not changed significantly.
New ILC Now can be used for l=2,3! However, some non-Gaussanity persists!
BB r=0.3 EE TE TT Approx EE/BB foreground BB Lensing BB inflation