TOEIC TIPS Part 1: Sentences About Photographs
Format This part has 10 photographs This part has 10 photographs You will hear 4 simple sentences that refer to each photograph. You will hear 4 simple sentences that refer to each photograph. You have to choose the best sentence that describes it. You have to choose the best sentence that describes it. The sentences usually deals with the most important part of the picture. The sentences usually deals with the most important part of the picture.
Example a) The snow is falling. b) The students are making a snowman. c) The courtyard is covered in snow. d) The students are playing soccer.
Example c) The courtyard is covered in snow.
Tactics Always complete each item as quickly as possible. Always complete each item as quickly as possible. As soon as you finish look at the next photograph to preview it. As soon as you finish look at the next photograph to preview it. Do not wait for the tape to announce the next item! Do not wait for the tape to announce the next item! Don’t take a little break!! Don’t take a little break!!
Tactics Don’t mark your answer until you heard all four choices. Don’t mark your answer until you heard all four choices. Try to eliminate choices. Try to eliminate choices. Never leave blanks. If you don’t know, guess. Never leave blanks. If you don’t know, guess. When you finish one stop looking at it. Look at the next one. When you finish one stop looking at it. Look at the next one.
Types Of Photographs
Questions to think about while you preview the photograph
Photographs with a person or people
What to ask yourself What are the people doing? What are the people doing? Where are they? Where are they? Who are they? Who are they?
What to ask yourself What they are wearing or where they are? What they are wearing or where they are? What is different about What is different about them?(Glasses,moustache, paper…) them?(Glasses,moustache, paper…) How do they look? (Happy, sad, tired…) How do they look? (Happy, sad, tired…)
Practice What are the people doing? Possible answers: Standing. Working. Watching the train. Waiting for passengers.
Practice Who are they? Possible answers: A train station employee. A subway station employee.
Practice What they are wearing? Possible answer: A uniform.
Practice What is different about them? Possible answers: They are standing at attention. Their uniforms.
Practice How do they look ? Possible answers: Serious. Sad. Tired.
Photographs with an object
What to ask yourself What is it? What is it? What is it made of? What is it made of? What – if anything – is it doing? What – if anything – is it doing? Where is it? Where is it?
Practice What is it ? Possible answers: A magazine rack. A newspaper holder.
Practice What is it made of ? Possible answer: Wood.
Practice What – if anything – is it doing? Possible answer: Holding newspapers. Just sitting there.
Practice Where is it ? Possible answers: On the floor. Next to a wall. Next to a chair
Photographs with a scene
What to ask yourself Where is it? Where is it? What is in the foreground? (In front of the picture) What is in the foreground? (In front of the picture) What is in the background? (In the back of the picture What is in the background? (In the back of the picture
Practice Where is it ? Possible answers: In a town. On a street. Behind a house.
Practice What is in the foreground? ? Possible answers: Wires. Trees. Snow. A buried car.
Practice What is in the background? Possible answers: A house. Trees. Snow.