The Power and Emotion of Brush Strokes By Ken Schwager
What are Brush Strokes? Brush Strokes are the marks made by a paint brush as you are painting. Sometimes, visible Brush Strokes are desired by the artist, other times, not. Different media affect Brush Strokes differently. Also, the type of brush used can affect the appearance of Brush Strokes.
Controlling Brush Strokes Artists control Brush Strokes in several ways: –The type of paint used –The amount of paint used –The type of brush used –The type of Surface being painted on –The type of thinner used with the paint –The amount of pressure used by the artist
Creating Brush Strokes
Since there are many different types of brushes, there are many different types of brush strokes. Wide brushes make wide strokes, narrow brushes make narrow strokes. It is important to choose your brushes carefully to create the type of Brush Stroke you desire. Brush Strokes can be used to enhance the design and appearance of the art, if used properly.
Brush Strokes
Using a Brush It is important to use a brush properly so you don’t damage the tip. Brushes are made of three parts;
Be careful not to mash the tip of the brush. Clean brush thoroughly, taking care not to pull out the bristles. Make sure to get the paint out of the base of the bristles near the Ferrule. After cleaning, reshape the tip so it will dry in the correct position. Let brushes dry with the tips up and handles down. Using a Brush
Parts of a Landscape Painting Landscapes are a way for artists to show large areas of open land, sea and sky in a beautiful and artistic way. Landscapes can be of many different subjects such as beaches, mountains, rivers, oceans, etc. Some Landscape paintings are very realistic, others are more abstract.
Most landscapes can be easily divided into three (3) main parts. Background Middle Ground Foreground The Background is the area that appears to be the farthest away from the viewer. The Middle Ground of a Landscape is the area that appears to be at, or nearest to, the middle of the scene. The Foreground of a Landscape is the area that appears to be at the front of the scene, closest to the viewer.
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