Elements of Artwork Space is the area surrounding individual parts within the piece. It is 2 dimensional/flat but an artist may create a 3D illusion. Pattern is a repetition of a design sometimes used to create a 3D effect.
Gray and Gold John Rogers Cox (1915 – 1990) It is a picture showing natural scenery. The Avenue at Middleharnis Meindert Hobbema ( )
Gray and Gold John Rogers Cox (1915 – 1990) It is a method used to create a 3D illusion. The Avenue at Middleharnis Meindert Hobbema ( )
The Avenue at Middleharnis Meindert Hobbema ( ) 1.Vanishing point on the horizon; 2.Objects close to you (foreground) are larger than those farther from you (background); 3.Colors in the background are paler than those in the foreground; 4.Objects in the foreground block out part of things that are behind them.
Materials : Paper Pencil Markers Black marker
Step 1: Sketching With a pencil draw a horizontal line across the middle of your paper. Mark the vanishing point.
Draw two lines, diagonally, crossing through the vanishing point.
Add four more lines on the bottom half of your paper, two on each side, starting at the vanishing point.
Sketch in the railroad tracks. Remember, things seem to get smaller and closer to each other toward the background (the closer they get to the vanishing point)!
Sketch in the trunks and tops of the trees. Again, remember that things seem to get smaller and closer together toward the background!
Sketch in the tree crowns. Remember, things in the foreground (closer to you) block out parts of things behind them!
Add some clouds and patches of grass, too.
Step 2: The Outline Use a black marker and a thick line to outline: clouds, tree crowns, tree trunks, grass, and railroad tracks.
Add some detail to your picture such as pattern for the tree trunks, or for the leaves.
Step 3: Working with colors Color in your picture. Don’t be afraid to use unusual colors in unexpected places. Be creative!
Finish your “perspective” landscape.