An introduction to the Source Insight
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Background What is the Source Insight? Source Insight is a project-oriented program editor and code browser, with built-in analysis for C/C++, C#, and Java programs. What can it do? Source Insight parses your source code and maintains its own database of symbolic information dynamically while you work, and presents useful contextual information to you automatically.
Background (cont.) In essence, Source Insight is a special database.
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Source File Window When you open a source file, it appears in its own source file window. This window is where you do all of your regular editing. A source file window is an MDI window.
Symbol Window The Symbol Window lists all the symbols defined in the file. Source Insight scans your file in the background and dynamically updates the Symbol Window.
Project Window The Project Window lists all the files and symbols in the project. It allows you to open files quickly; regardless of what directory they are in.
Context Window The Context Window is a Source Insight innovation that automatically provides relevant information while you are viewing and editing your source code. It displays contextual information while you type or click on things.
Relation Window The Relation Window is a Source Insight innovation that shows the relationship between the currently selected symbol and other things. It works like the Context Window by tracking what you are doing and showing relationship information automatically.
Clip Window The Clip Window is a floating and dockable window that displays clips. Clips are clipboard-like documents.