Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 1 Meeting in Leuven, January 14, 2011
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 2 Short Remarks Who has to leave when today? CUDOS: Steve Madden says hello! Everything is confidential! (see CA)
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 3 Attendees Juerg Leuthold (KIT) Dietmar Korn (KIT) Mojca Jazbinsek (Rainbow) Giulio Cangini (GigOptix) Arvind Mishra (AIT) Alberto Secchi (Selex-Si) Massimiliano Dispenza (Selex-Si) Wim Bogaerts (IMEC-UGent) Shankar Kumar Selvaraja (IMEC-UGent) Hui Yu (IMEC – UGent) Philippe Absil (IMEC)
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 4 AGENDA 9:00: Start meeting (Coffee provided) 12:30: Lunch + brief visit to 300mm fab 13:30: Continue meeting 16:00: End of meeting (depends on return flights) 1.Open items from last conference call 2.Administrative remarks 1.Review preparation steps 2.Deliverable submission procedure 3.General discussion, presentations partner-wise 4.Financial review 5.Open Issues
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits Meeting in Leuven01/14/2011 Open Items last Conference Call
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 6 Last Conference Call Meeting Item No. ContentsTypeResp.ConcerningDue date 224WP3: deliverables D3.1, D3.2 lateIBogaertsWP3 225 announce delivery date shift to EC project officer (3 month) --> at review we'll only present test chips used so far, as well as bring some samples of the 1st SOFI run as proof that there's progress MKornWP312/17/ nd SOFI run needs input in Feb 2011MAlloattiWP32/15/ Milestone M4.1: Report on how close RB/GO are to fulfillment will be issued (i) input needed from GO on current yields, poling efficiency not known at the moment (says UKA) (ii) RB material: not 5mm long crystalline domains shown yet (current efforts concentrate on complete slot filling and guaranteeing transmission) MJazbinsekWP412/31/10
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits Meeting in Leuven01/14/2011 Administrative Remarks
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 8 Review Timeline Today: Review of 1 st year’s work (planned, achieved, delayed…), expenses Preparation of First Year Annual Report (D1.5a, D1.5b) Fill in templates until Revive work plan until with review! Documents submission until Review meeting
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 9 EC Project Officer on D6.1, D6.2 “differentiation between what has been disseminated and what is the plan for future dissemination is not very explicit always” “What I would like to find out in the review meeting (in your presentation on dissemination plans) is which major events you are targeting as a consortium or individual partner (and which specific reasons you have for this), apart from the 'usual' or 'daily' dissemination. The workshop is one example and a good one. Are there any others that would or may require major upfront preparation, focus and/or collaboration from multiple partners?” “The reason of my request is not to push you for more such events, but to collectively raise ideas which may further increase the impact.”
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 10 Periodic Report 1.Publishable summary 2.Core of the report 1.Project objectives for the period 2.Work progress and achievements during the period 3.Project Management 3.Deliverables and milestones tables 4.Explanation of the use of the resources 5.Financial statements - Forms C and Summary financial report 6.Certificates
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 11 Explanation of the use of the resources
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 12 NEF – Costs Claims
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 13 Review Objectives 1. degree of fulfillment of the project work plan and of the related deliverables 2. continued relevance of objectives and breakthrough potential with respect to the scientific and industrial state of the art 3. resources planned and utilized in relation to the achieved progress, (principles of economy, efficiency and effectiveness) 4. management procedures and methods of the project 5. beneficiaries’ contributions and integration within the project 6. the expected potential impact in scientific, technological-, economic, competitive and social terms (where relevant), and the plans for the use and dissemination of results. Final decision on recommendations and reorientation is taken only by the Commission.
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 14 Review 1.OVERALL ASSESSMENT –Executive summary (Excellent / Good / Unsatisfactory progress) –Overall recommendations 2.OBJECTIVES and WORKPLAN –objectives for the period been achieved? –Has each work package (WP) been making satisfactory progress? –Planned milestones and deliverables achieved? –objectives for the coming period(s) i) still relevant and ii) still achievable? 3.RESOURCES –have resources used, i.e. personnel resources and other major cost items, been utilised for achieving the progress, in a manner consistent with the principle of economy, efficiency and effectiveness. 4.IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROJECT –project management performed as required? –collaboration between the beneficiaries been effective? –Do you identify evidence of underperforming beneficiaries, lack of commitment or change of interest of any beneficiaries?
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 15 Review 5.USE AND DISSEMINATION OF FOREGROUND –evidence that the project has/will produce significant scientific, technical, commercial, social, or environmental impacts (where applicable)? –plan for the use of foreground, including any update, appropriate? –beneficiaries disseminated project results and information adequately (publications, conferences…)? –potential users and other stakeholders (outside the consortium) suitably involved (if applicable)? –consortium interacting in a satisfactory manner with other related Framework Programme projects or other R&D national/international programmes, standardisation bodies (if relevant)? 6.OTHER ISSUES –(no problems)
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 16 Deliverable – Procedure 1.For each deliverable: One responsible assigned by PMC Default: Recommendation from responsible partner 2.Responsible person defines contributors (refer to DoW) 3.This Group agrees upon distribution of work, schedule and informs PMC 4.Definition of 2 reviewers from the Consortium by PMC and resp. p. How? Who? 5.PMC has to be updated on progress 6.Combination of all contributions is to be lead by the responsible person 7.Draft version / report send to all members of the Group, PMC, reviewers (-8 d) 8.Final agreement of Group and reviewers (-3 d) 9.Coordinator submits deliverable to EC (+0 d)
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 17
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 18 Deadlines – Next Year 1 GO/AITM6.3Identification of possible contributions to the industrial partners for commercialization and standardization. Mar 31 '11 RB,GOD4.1Silicon-organic chips with electro-optic waveguides (first device run).Mar 31 '11 UKAD1.11Quarterly Management Report (QMR)Mar 31 '11 UKAM3.3Decision on QAM modulator designs (for second device run, with modulators modelled to perform better than in M3.1 Apr 30 '11 AITD6.11Intermediate report on recent achievements.Jun 30 '11 UKAM5.1Identification of optimal phase modulator structure promising 100 Gbit/s operation at 1 VJun 30 '11 UKAD5.1Report on electro-optical characterizations of SOH waveguide structures with RF probes (UKA). Jun 30 '11 CUDOSM4.2Processes for chalcogenides.Jun 30 '11 AITM2.4Derivation of the system-level specification of the developed hybrid components.Jun 30 '11 AITM2.3Development of a system and device simulation platform.Jun 30 '11 UKAD1.12Quarterly Management Report (QMR) Jun 30 '11 SELEXM5.2Optimized RF package design with optical and electrical performances suitable for 100 Gbit/s operation Aug 31 '11 RBM4.3Identification of optimal electro-optic materials with respect to optical and electro-optical properties and to thermal stab Aug 31 '11
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 19 Deadlines – Next Year 2 IMECD3.4Silicon wafers with QAM modulators (second device run).Sep 30 '11 UKAD3.3Report on design and fabrication of QAM modulators (second device run).Sep 30 '11 UKAD1.13Quarterly Management Report (QMR)Sep 30 '11 GOD6.6Mirror Deliverable of D6.4 which will be available to the public on the website.Dec 31 '11 AITD6.5Second report on SOFI exploitation activities.Dec 31 '11 GOD6.4Second report on SOFI dissemination and promotion activities.Dec 31 '11 RBM4.4Identification of optimal electro-optic materials with respect to integration into silicon...Dec 31 '11 RB,GOD4.3Silion-organic QAM modulator chips (second device run).Dec 31 '11 RBD4.2Report on full potential and limitations of the electro-optic materials for hybrid integration.Dec 31 '11 AITD2.2Investigation of system-level specifications.Dec 31 '11 UKAD1.6bPublic executive summary of the second year annual reportDec 31 '11 UKAD1.6aSecond year annual reportDec 31 '11 SELEXD5.2Report on device measurements of RF packaged phase modulators and benchmarking against reference LiNbO3 modulators. Jan 31 '12
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits Meeting in Leuven01/14/2011 General Discussion
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 21 Order of Presentations 1.IMEC 2.UKA 3.GO 4.RB 5.SELEX 6.AIT
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 22 IMEC For 2010 personnel: 45 k€ other: 2 k€ indirect: 63 k€ total: 110 k€ requested distribution: 83 k€ Planned for 2010 total: 244 k€ requested: 184 k€ transferred: 157 k€ Announce further delays to EC Officer? Buy high resistivity SOITEC wafers! Si-Carbide layer! MMI reflectivities Implants need to be discussed (p, n and what (P, As, P))
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 23 UKA For 2010 personnel (ca. 17 PM): 82k€ other: 25 k€ indirect: 64 k€ total: 171k€requested: 135 k€ Planned for 2010 total: 189k€requested: 151 k€ transferred: 129 k€
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 24 CUDOS For 2010 personnel: k€ other: k€ indirect: k€ total: k€requested: k€ Planned for 2010 total: 3.6 k€requested: 2.7 k€ transferred: 2.3 k€ Will become active before March! Modulator waveguides to send for first filling tests Poling, aiming for 5-9 pm/V, use Tellurite Glasses
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 25 GO For 2010 personnel: k€ other: k€ indirect: k€ total: ( )*4/3 = 128 k€ Planned for 2010 total: 220 k€requested: 167 k€ transferred: 142 k€ White Paper, UKA contribution?
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 26 RB For 2010 personnel (17 PM): 119k€ other: 16 k€ indirect: 81 k€ total: 216 k€requested: 163 k€ (?) Planned for 2010 total: 286 k€requested: 216 k€ transferred: 183 k€
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 27 SELEX For 2010 personnel: k€ other: k€ indirect: k€ total: (+ 1 PM) k€requested: k€ Planned for 2010 total: 260 k€requested: 135 k€ transferred: 115 k€ Concept for optical packaging / RF-design have been discussed. Implementation: 1) RF-packaging, i.e. how to get the signal from cable onto some electrical lines on the chip, 2) RF-design of the modulator electrodes (GSG for socket WG) IMEC & SELEX: CMOS microwave integrated circuit design with respect to metalization
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 28 AIT For 2010 personnel (7.5 PM): 34 k€ other: 1.4 k€ indirect: 27 k€ total: 62 k€requested: 48 k€ (?) Planned for 2010 total: 116 k€requested: 88 k€ transferred: 74 k€ Planned for 2011 total: 118 k€requested: 88 k€
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits Meeting in Leuven01/14/2011 Financial Review
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 30 Funding Distribution Pre-financing sum transferred to coordinator k€ Distributed for k€ Left to distribute for 1 st half of k€ Planned for 2011 (85%), 1 st half 722 / 2 = 361 k€ Distribution Proposal for 1 st half 2011
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits Meeting in Leuven01/14/2011 Open Issues?
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits Meeting in Leuven01/14/2011 Summary & Action Items
Silicon-Organic hybrid Fabrication platform for Integrated circuits 33 Next Meetings Brussels review meeting (after submission of annual report) –March 14 at 14h00, preparation –March 15, review meeting OFC 2011 (March 6-10, 2011), Los Angles ECOC 2011 (September 18-22, 2011), Geneva