Secure Layer Based Compound Image Compression using XML Compression Author : D. Maheswari 1, V.Radha Source : Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC), 2010 Advisor : Wen-Jan Chen Speaker : Hui-chun Su
Outline Introduction Methodology Experimental result Conclusion
Introduction Digital image compression ▫Reduction to save storage space ▫Reduce transmission rate requirements Compound images ▫Computer generated images (CGI) ▫Text images (TI) ▫Scanned images (SI) ▫Document images (DI) CGI TI SI DI
Introduction Compressing compound images ▫Single algorithm Elusive data types ▫Segmentation data Similar data types Lowers the bit rates Lowers the level of distortion
Introduction Segmentation algorithms ▫Object-based ▫Block-based ▫Layer-based XML Compression for Compound Images(XMLCC) ▫Compression ▫Secure transmission
Introduction The work’s three phase ▫MRC based segmentation Foreground (FG) Background (BG) Mask ▫Compressed FG using XML compression BG using JPEG ▫Secure transmission
Outline Introduction Methodology Experimental result Conclusion
Methodology MRC segmentation Pre processing Block transformation Compression Encryption
Methodology MRC Segmentation ▫Foreground (FG) Textual elements ▫Background (BG) White space and picture elements ▫Mask Binary mask Pixel's state
Methodology Pre processing ▫Halo effect Layer based technique ▫Data filling algorithm Enhance compression.
Methodology Block transformation ▫Rearranges the image data Step 1. matrix transpose Step 2. clockwise rotation Angle θ Step 3. flips the matrix Horizontally(rows) and vertically(columns) Step 4. converting pixel values Adding a value in odd and even columns (8 and 4) Step 5. stores two separate images (odd and even)
Methodology Block transformation ▫Step 1. matrix transpose
Methodology Block transformation ▫Step 2. clockwise rotation
Methodology Block transformation ▫Step 3. flips the matrix (horizontally)
Methodology Block transformation ▫Step 3. flips the matrix (vertically)
Methodology Block transformation ▫Step 4. converting pixel values
Methodology Block transformation ▫Step 5. stores two separate images (odd and even) Odd columnsEven columns Original image
Methodology Compression ▫FG layer : using an XML compressor XML-specific compression tool as called Xmill Separate structure from data Group related data items Apply semantic compressors ▫BG layer: using JPEG 2000
Methodology Encryption ▫Insure security ▫Shuffle Encryption Algorithm
Outline Introduction Methodology Experimental result Conclusion
Experimental result The system was compared with compression ratio, time and PSNR values. All the experiments were conducted using a Pentium IV dual processor with 512 MB RAM. All the images were of the size 256x 256 pixels.
Experimental result
CT : compression time DT : decompression time
Outline Introduction Methodology Experimental result Conclusion
Higher compression Lower distortion Security for image data transferred