Structure and Properties of Matter in K-5 Classrooms Structure and Properties of Matter in K-5 Classrooms KSTA Fall Conference November 1, 2013
Session Goals Examine the Structure and Properties of Matter Storyline in grades K-5 Examine and analyze sample activities from the K-5 SPM progression Share lessons learned
Vision of the Framework for K-12 Science Education “The framework is designed to help realize a vision for education in the sciences and engineering in which students, over multiple years of school, actively engage in scientific and engineering practices and apply crosscutting concepts to deepen their understanding of the core ideas in these fields. pg. 8-9
Teaching at the Nexus Core Ideas Practices Crosscutting Concepts
What is a Performance Expectation?
…the NGSS has only two specific purposes beyond its broad vision for science education, namely (1) to describe essential learning goals, and (2) to describe how those goals will be assessed at each grade level or band. The rest – instruction, instructional materials, assessments, curriculum, professional development, and the university preparation of teachers – is up to the science education community. – Pg. 15 The NSTA Reader’s Guide to the NGSS
Session Goal Examine the Structure and Properties of Matter Storyline in grades K-5
Early Structure and Properties of Matter Unit Sequence Development
Properties Composition (Materials) MeasurementConservationChange K Identify - color, texture, shape, length, hardness, shininess, size Sort objects by property Not propertyLength Non-standard Serial order Measurements are estimates Additive length 1 Identify – K + flexibility, magnetism, float/sink, use Sort by Objects vs materialsMass Using balance with non-std units Comparing Idea of units Proper use of device Measurements are estimates Additive massWhen change an object (break, cut, reshape) but not material, some properties change and some do not Material conserved 2 Property of liquids and solids Use magnifying glasses Water Mixtures Temperature Temperature range for solid, liquid Temperature changes when state changes Mass of mixture is additiveWater freezes and melts Mixtures can be separated using their properties 3 Properties of solids, liquids, gases Use of microscope for water Water Same or not the same throughout – solids and liquids Volume Replicating an object Mass of mixture is additive Additive volume if materials identical No change in mass as temperature changes (accnt for mass when boiling) Water freezes, melts, boils When change material (water), some properties change, some don’t Some things dissolve when mixed 4 Conductivity Melting pt & boiling pt Gas has mass Floating/sinking SolutionsVolume Measuring volume Mass Scales Grams Mass is conserved upon formation of solution Dissolving is faster if temperature is higher 5 Characteristic propertiesDensity Measurements are estimates Mass is conserved upon mixing; volume is not always conserved In some changes the material is changed to a new material, and in some changes the material remains the same
Structure and Properties of Matter Storyline in NGSS SPM topic in 2 nd grade and 5 th grade What about K, 1, 3, and 4? Are there concepts in K, 1, 3, and 4 that SPM is foundational to student understanding? – With a partner, examine the K, 1, 3, or 4 standards – Don’t limit yourself to physical science – Be prepared to share
Current SPM Unit Sequence Development Important Considerations – NGSS – Framework for K-12 Science Education – Key misconceptions Object vs. Material Gases Conservation of Mass Examine key components K-5 in PPES Unit Overview
From the Framework “While standards typically outline the goals of learning, curricula set forth the more specific means – materials, tasks, discussions, representations – to be used to achieve those goals.” Pg. 247
Session Goal Examine and analyze sample activities from the K-5 SPM progression
Activity Analysis Examine Samples from the K-5 SPM Units Follow the directions at each grade level station. Use the organizer for note-taking Science and Engineering Practices Disciplinary Core Ideas Crosscutting Concepts Connections to Math Connections to ELA
Activity Debrief Discuss the following with your activity group: What practices will the student use to explore the phenomenon in order to construct an explanation? – How do these help the students make sense of their observations? What disciplinary core ideas were addressed ? What cross-cutting concept(s) seems especially pertinent for understanding ? What was the role of discourse and modeling?
Activity Debrief Discuss the following with your activity group: What are some instructional implications from this experience? How might this inform your selection of experiences for students?
Session Goal Share lessons learned
Lessons Learned Writing in Science approach to science notebooking was well accepted K-5 Need to examine K-5 for the progression of the SEP Need to analyze within each unit for the practices that are in the foreground/background Be more intentional about crosscutting concepts Important to develop content experiences with teachers Buy-in from teachers and administrators varies
“Building progressively more sophisticated explanations of natural phenomena is central throughout grades K-5, as opposed to focusing only on description in the early grades and leaving explanation to the later grades.” Pg. 26
Contact Information Diane Johnson – – Susan Mayo – –