Microsoft Office Grade 10 A / B Cahaya Bangsa Classical School (C) 2010 Digital Media Production Facility 03 Microsoft Windows
Objective Mouse Desktop Windows Explorer Files and Folders OUTLINE OUTLINE | 2 03 – Microsoft Windows Cahaya Bangsa Classical School Microsoft Office (C) 2010 Digital Media Production Facility
Objective | 3 Cahaya Bangsa Classical School Microsoft Office (C) 2010 Digital Media Production Facility Possess the ability to fluently navigate around Microsoft Windows family Operating System to manage files and folders 03 – Microsoft Windows
Mouse | 4 Cahaya Bangsa Classical School Microsoft Office (C) 2010 Digital Media Production Facility 03 – Microsoft Windows 2 CLICKS to EXECUTE 1 CLICK to SELECT SCROLLING UP / DOWN to scroll the screen 1 CLICK open CONTEXT MENU
Desktop | 5 Cahaya Bangsa Classical School Microsoft Office (C) 2010 Digital Media Production Facility 03 – Microsoft Windows Start MenuIconsTask BarSystem Tray System programs running on background Daemon is one of them Function to monitor activity and response as programmed Displaying running applications Clicking on the application displayed on taskbar will activate the application. The OS will bring the application to the foreground to be displayed and ready to be used Shortcut to application Icons are files that pointing to the real location of the applications Applications arranged in orderly fashion
Windows Explorer | 6 Cahaya Bangsa Classical School Microsoft Office (C) 2010 Digital Media Production Facility 03 – Microsoft Windows FOLDERS AREA FILES AREA MENU BAR TITLE BAR
Files and Folders | 7 Cahaya Bangsa Classical School Microsoft Office (C) 2010 Digital Media Production Facility (Click) means LEFT CLICK ON MOUSE click the left button of mouse Right(Click) means RIGHT CLICK ON MOUSE click the right button of mouse 03 – Microsoft Windows
Files and Folders | 8 Cahaya Bangsa Classical School Microsoft Office (C) 2010 Digital Media Production Facility (Click) to select one file/folder (Click) -> hold [Ctrl] -> (Click) to select multiple file/folder ad-hoc (Click) -> hold [Shift] -> (Click) to select multiple file/folder consecutively 03 – Microsoft Windows
Files and Folders | 9 Cahaya Bangsa Classical School Microsoft Office (C) 2010 Digital Media Production Facility [Ctrl] + [C] = COPY object(s) being copied to memory [Ctrl] + [V] = PASTE object(s) in memory being put in destination location 03 – Microsoft Windows
Files and Folders | 10 Cahaya Bangsa Classical School Microsoft Office (C) 2010 Digital Media Production Facility [Ctrl] + [X] = CUT object(s) being copied to memory [Ctrl] + [V] = PASTE object(s) in memory being put in destination location AND object(s) in source location erased 03 – Microsoft Windows
Files and Folders | 11 Cahaya Bangsa Classical School Microsoft Office (C) 2010 Digital Media Production Facility [F1] = HELP [F2] = RENAME [F5] = REFRESH tell the system to read the screen again and make updates of the most current content 03 – Microsoft Windows
THANK YOU | 12 THANK YOU Cahaya Bangsa Classical School Microsoft Office (C) 2010 Digital Media Production Facility 03 – Microsoft Windows