Tian Ye / Felix Rauner Tian Ye, Felix Rauner, Lars Heinemann, Andrea Maurer KOMET (Beijing): Findings and Conclusions INAP Conference, May 2011
Tian Ye / Felix Rauner Interrater reliability Test Task Day 1 Day 2 a.m. Day 2 p.m. Day 3 a.m. Day 3 p.m. Signal system Drying room Rooflight control Pebble conditioning syst.
Tian Ye / Felix Rauner 1. The students and teachers show a remarkable interest in open, complex test tasks. This may be interpreted as a strong motivation to acquire professional competence.
Tian Ye / Felix Rauner „How interesting was working on the test tasks?“ Not interesting at all very interesting
Tian Ye / Felix Rauner „How concentrated did you work on the test tasks?“ not concentrated at all very concentrated
Tian Ye / Felix Rauner 2. The test tasks’ format: open, complex, realistic test tasks does not correspond to the methods of learning and teaching at the different kinds of Chinese schools. As the test results of the German groups show, test groups having a strong experience with project-based and work-task based learning are able to get clearly better results.
Tian Ye / Felix Rauner Weighting of the eight competence criteria by German and Chinese raters clearness/ functionality sustainability/ efficiency/ orientation on social resp. ironmental resp creativity presentation use value effectiveness work and business processes Germany
Tian Ye / Felix Rauner 3. The curriculum at school, the (implicit) curriculum at the company, the practice of learning, and the cooperation between learning venues do not form an adequate basis for the effective acquisition of professional competence. The potentials of alternating duality are not used.
Tian Ye / Felix Rauner Distribution of competence levels: Collegestudents - Comparison between 2nd and 3rd year of training. III: Holistic Shaping Competence II: Processual Competence I: Funcional Competence Nominal Competence 2 nd year (n=119) 3 nd year (n=105)
Tian Ye / Felix Rauner „The tasks that I carry out fit with my knowledge and my abilities in the respective working field." 2 nd year (n=324) 3 nd year (n=193) very rarely rarely sometimes often very often
Tian Ye / Felix Rauner „The tasks that I carry out fit with my knowledge and my abilities in the respective working field.“ Comparison China (2010) / Germany (2009), 2 nd year very rarely rarely sometimes often very often Bejing (n=324) Germany (n=266)
Tian Ye / Felix Rauner „I care about my company’s future.“ 2 nd year 2009 – 3 rd year 2010 Not agree rather not agree undecided rather agree agree 2 nd year (2009) 3 rd year (2010 )
Tian Ye / Felix Rauner „If I wanted to, I could stay in the company after finishing the vocational training“. Not agree rather not agree undecided rather agree agree 2 nd year (2009) 3 rd year (2010 )
Tian Ye / Felix Rauner 4. The quite strong differences in performance between the different school forms express the practice of selecting students according to general cognitive abilities. A successful inclusion into a community of practice at the company is able to compensate these differences.
Tian Ye / Felix Rauner Percentile Bands According to Type of School Vocational College (n=341) Total (n=599) Skilled Workers‘ School (n=158) Vocational School (n=100) Total
Tian Ye / Felix Rauner Histograms according to type of school; total scores Number of Students Vocational College Vocational School Skilled Workers’ School Total score 2009
Tian Ye / Felix Rauner Average Competence Profiles China – Germany a) best class vocational college n=15b) vocational colleges China, n=342 c) Industrial electricians Hessia, n= 288 d) Craft electriciana Hessia, n=106
Tian Ye / Felix Rauner 5. (1) The students’ high motivation and willingness as well as their interest in a training related to practice, (2) committed teachers, and (3) a VET research open for innovation are good preconditions to introduce modern forms of learning and teaching, a curriculum that covers both learning venues (integrated VET curricula), and a better cooperation of learning venues..
Tian Ye / Felix Rauner „I am interested in the ways my work tasks fit to my profession“. a) 2nd year 2009 (n=45) Not agree rather not agree undecided rather agree agree Percent
Tian Ye / Felix Rauner „I sometimes think about ways how to improve my work or its quality. “ a)2nd year 2009 (n=47) rather not agree undecided rather agree agree Percent
Tian Ye / Felix Rauner Zusammenhang zwischen durchschnittl. Gesamtpunktwert bei der 1. Testaufgabe und Item „Wenn Fachleute Aufgaben bearbeiten, die für die jeweilige Abteilung/Einrichtung von Bedeutung sind, kann ich mich aktiv daran beteiligen“ nach Schultyp Average total score 2009 Type of school vocational college skilled workers’ school very rarely rarely sometimes often very often