Search for Narrow Resonance Decaying to Muon Pairs in 2.3 fb -1 Chris Hays 1, Ashutosh Kotwal 2, Ye Li 3, Oliver Stelzer-Chilton 1 1 Oxford University 2 Duke University 3 University of Wisconsin-Madison
APS April Meeting, St. Louis - 14 April Ye Li Motivation Theory Driven Standard Model successful but incomplete Strong discovery potential in dimuon channel New models predict narrow neutral resonance, e.g. additional U(1) symmetry: Z’ extra space-time dimension: Randall-Sundrum graviton The present analysis focuses on Z’ → channel
APS April Meeting, St. Louis - 14 April Ye Li Motivation Experiment Driven Last CDF and DØ dimuon resonance searches performed with integrated luminosity 200 pb -1 → Our search: L ≈ 2.3 fb -1 of CDF Run II data Significant increase of sensitivity to dielectron and diphoton channels Excellent tracking resolution (Central Outer Tracker, Drift Chamber)
APS April Meeting, St. Louis - 14 April Ye Li Methodology Model Drell-Yan background and signal resonance with PYTHIA + fast simulation for W mass measurement Use Z region for normalization Remove uncertainty on luminosity Easy accounting Compare CDF fast simulation (FastSim) to full Geant simulation (CDFSim) and data for acceptance and efficiency study
APS April Meeting, St. Louis - 14 April Ye Li Methodology Inverse Mass (1/m ) Scan Excellent angular resolution → negligible Track curvature (~1/P T ) resolution constant for high P T → constant 1/m resonance width 1/m ≈ 0.16/TeV
APS April Meeting, St. Louis - 14 April Ye Li Methodology Fit for N Z’ (number of Z’ candidate) Calculate Binned Poisson likelihood L(N Z ’;M Z’ ) for region 1/m < 10/TeV Construct the narrowest possible interval in N Z’ at 95% C.L. Scan 1/m spectrum for Z’ resonance Use Monte-Carlo Pseudo-experiments to determine the significance
APS April Meeting, St. Louis - 14 April Ye Li Dataset & Selection Dataset from high P T muon trigger The dimuon event selection The muon identification requirement EM energy cut tuned for high efficiency of Z High identification efficiency ~ 95%
APS April Meeting, St. Louis - 14 April Ye Li Efficiency Mass dependence Assume track and muon-hit cuts independent of mass Momentum dependence Only consider P dependence, due to the normalization of background expectation Assume no P dependence of trigger efficiency for P T > 30 GeV Separate the sample into signal and normalization (Z-pole) regions
APS April Meeting, St. Louis - 14 April Ye Li Efficiency EM and Hadronic Cut Efficiency Signal region: constant ratio between FastSim and CDFSim (no inefficiency of Had cut for FastSim → 2% const. offset) Z-pole region: ratio between FastSim and Data drops at low P (due to incomplete modeling) insufficient data for signal region compute uncertainty from data-simulation difference
APS April Meeting, St. Louis - 14 April Ye Li Acceptance Implement detector Geometric information on FastSim Map angular distribution of CDFSim to FastSim; W → data and FastSim agree reasonably Muon for 0.6 < | | < 1.0 (CMX) Muon for | | < 0.6 (CMUP)
APS April Meeting, St. Louis - 14 April Ye Li Acceptance Mass-dependent Acceptance Larger mass → Lower boost → More central events → Larger acceptance Constant Ratio between FastSim and CDFSim → Validate acceptance calculation from FastSim Uncertainty from the small slope of the ratio
APS April Meeting, St. Louis - 14 April Ye Li Background Drell-Yan */Z → PYTHIA + FastSim WW and tt-bar CDF Simulation (PYTHIA + CDFSim) Cosmic Rays Identified Cosmic-ray samples QCD Jets and Decays-in-Flight Data
APS April Meeting, St. Louis - 14 April Ye Li Drell-Yan Dominant source for background Mass spectrum affected by higher- order corrections Calculate up to next-to-next-to leading order (NNLO) correction → k-factor Different Calculations give different k-factors Average k-factor; Difference as uncertainty
APS April Meeting, St. Louis - 14 April Ye Li Drell-Yan The Stirling and Hamburg, van Neervan and Matsuura (HNM) calculations of the k-factor About 6% difference ( ~3% systematic uncertainty)
APS April Meeting, St. Louis - 14 April Ye Li WW tt & Cosmic Ray WW, tt → + missing E T : Simulate PYTHIA samples using CDFSim to compute background Cosmic Ray : Use timing information of Drift Chamber to estimate Background fraction ~ 1.2 X 10 -6
APS April Meeting, St. Louis - 14 April Ye Li QCD & DIF Assumtions QCD jets faking muons: same-sign dimuon (SS) and Opposite-sign dimuon background (OS) distribution have similar shape, i.e. constant OS/SS ratio Decay-in-flight muons: flat distribution of DIF muons at small curvature (high P T → small 1/m ) Track 2 cut reduces DIF events Same-sign samples contains both jet fakes and decays-in-flight
APS April Meeting, St. Louis - 14 April Ye Li QCD & DIF SS dimuon obtained from jet triggered data SS dimuon obtained from signal dataset, with 2 cut removed SS dimuon obtained from signal dataset, with 2 cut on
APS April Meeting, St. Louis - 14 April Ye Li Other Issues Momentum Scale & Resolution Momentum scale measurement done by fitting Z peak using templates made with FastSim Resolution tuned on the width of the Z peak Systematic Uncertainties Dominant uncertainties: Parton distribution functions Mass-dependent of the NNLO k-factor Other uncertainties: Arise from P T -dependent acceptance and efficiency Affect the signal and background prediction at high mass
APS April Meeting, St. Louis - 14 April Ye Li Signal Scan Pseudo-experiment: Standard Model process
APS April Meeting, St. Louis - 14 April Ye Li Signal Scan Pseudo-experiment: M Z’ = 250 GeV
APS April Meeting, St. Louis - 14 April Ye Li Signal Scan Expected limits on N Z’ from 1000 pseudo-experiments on 50 Z’ masses Data: to be implemented …
APS April Meeting, St. Louis - 14 April Ye Li Summary Use 1/m distribution for constant resolution Fitter and Simulation in place to study signal acceptance and identification efficiency Analysis on different background fractions Systematic uncertainties to be determined Signal scan performed on pseudo- experiments
APS April Meeting, St. Louis - 14 April Ye Li Backup: Triggers and dataset Integrated luminosity 2.3 fb -1 good muon data up to period 13 All CMUP18 and CMX18 triggers on Reprocess all events with 6.1.4int11 and COT alignment developed for gen 7 of CDF software Derive momentum corrections using E/p difference between electrons and positrons