The Reasons We Ablaze For God ’ s LoveFor God ’ s Love –We love him, because he first loved us. (JOHN 1 4:19 ) Serving GodServing God –Truly I say to you, Because you did it to the least of these my brothers, you did it to me. (Matthew 25:20)
The Reasons We Ablaze Urgent Needs AroundUrgent Needs Around –For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. (MAT 25:35 -36) Gospel UnlimitedGospel Unlimited – For to everyone who has will be given, and he will have more: but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away. (Matthew 25:29)
ABLAZE Ablaze – Hong Kong Direction The Core Network -- all contribute to the movementThe Core Network -- all contribute to the movement HK Synod Social Service Education
Ablaze – Hong Kong Direction People AffectedPeople Affected HK Synod Families Friends Members Watchers
Ablaze – Hong Kong Direction People AffectedPeople Affected Education Educators Students ParentsFamilies Friends Watchers
Ablaze – Hong Kong Direction People AffectedPeople Affected Social Service Social Workers Clients DonorsFamilies Friends Watchers
Ablaze – Hong Kong Direction 1+1+1>3 or = , When All are Involved1+1+1>3 or = , When All are Involved Ablaze HKS SE People We are changing the Society with the Gospel
Ablaze – Project 1 in HK THE EXTENDED CARE PROGRAMTHE EXTENDED CARE PROGRAM –Aim : To Help the poor elderly, unemployed middle-aged and unemployed youth –Achieved (From 11/05 to 7/06) Poor Families being helped : 790Poor Families being helped : 790 Job for unemployed middle-aged : 29Job for unemployed middle-aged : 29 Church and youth participation : 396Church and youth participation : 396
Ablaze – Project 2 in HK Lutheran Parents’ HotlineLutheran Parents’ Hotline –Aim : To share the Gospel, to provide Emotional support, to share Parenting skills and give Social service information –Target 80,000 parents from Lutheran schools and social service units80,000 parents from Lutheran schools and social service units 20,000 parents from the public20,000 parents from the public
Ablaze – Project 3 in HK Serve the DestituteServe the Destitute –Aim : To help the poor children to overcome the cross generational poverty problem by providing appropriate services, Establish and enlarge their social networks, learn the Gospel for better preparation for a meaningful life –Target 3,500 attendees within one and a half years3,500 attendees within one and a half years
Ablaze – Project 4 in HK International InterfaceInternational Interface –Aim : To learn, to share, to serve, to sacrifice and absorb the spirit of Christ from the missionary teams and volunteers by providing opportunities for them to live with the Lutheran School Students. –Target 6 Lutheran high schools, 10 elementary schools and 17 kindergartens about 20,000 children6 Lutheran high schools, 10 elementary schools and 17 kindergartens about 20,000 children
Ablaze – Progress in HK We build a better NetworkWe build a better Network –We connect 130 parties (churches, schools and service units) –We connect 1000 workers (preachers, priests, teachers, social workers) We contribute our bestWe contribute our best We Broaden our Contacts and ExpandWe Broaden our Contacts and Expand We GrowWe Grow
Ablaze – The Way Ahead Connections beyondConnections beyond Sharing and Support among partnersSharing and Support among partners Mission and growthMission and growth